Building Construction
Head: G. Reichard
Professors: Y.J. Beliveau, A. P. McCoy, G. Reichard, W.Y. Thabet
Associate Professors: T. Bulbul, T. H. Mills, A.R. Pearce
Assistant Professors: P Agee, N. Roofigari-Esfahan
Professor of Practice: S. Haas
Assistant Professor of Practice: A. Graff

The Building Construction curriculum focuses on the business and process of making buildings and is designed to better equip construction industry professionals with the necessary tools for excellence in all phases of the built environment. The building construction degree incorporates business, management, science and efficiency at all levels; from planning, finance, design, estimating, procurement, and scheduling. The curriculum additionally includes integrative elements of leadership, non-technical social and presentation skills, entrepreneurship, and best principles.
The Building Construction program develops within the student a solid foundation in construction knowledge.
The Building Construction major is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education. Upon successful completion of the four-year program of 134 credit hours of study, a Bachelor of Science in Building Construction is awarded.
Degree Requirements
The graduation requirements in effect at the time of graduation apply. When choosing the degree requirements information, always choose the year of your expected date of graduation. Requirements for graduation are referred to via university publications as "Checksheets". The number of credit hours required for degree completion varies among curricula. Students must satisfactorily complete all requirements and university obligations for degree completion.
The university reserves the right to modify requirements in a degree program. However, the university will not alter degree requirements less than two years from the expected graduation year unless there is a transition plan for students already in the degree program.
Please visit the University Registrar website at for degree requirements.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (BC)
1214: INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION I Introduction to construction with an overview of construction drawings and specifications, construction terminology, building codes and building systems, cost estimating and bidding, construction management processes, construction documents, load paths and foundations, construction health and safety, and hands-on experiential learning through lab exercises. Strategic career success factors and introduction to ethical decisions in construction management. (2H,3L,3C)
1224: INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION II Overview of the important areas of contracting and the workings of the construction industry. Application of construction management theory, processes, and terminology including, definable building systems, building code interpretations, the reading and preparing of basic construction drawings and integrating construction details and project specifications to derive safe construction means and methods, equipment section, cost estimates and time schedules. Pre: 1214. (2H,3L,3C)
2014: CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES I Fundamentals of the construction technology and process emphasizing project management/operations, materials and methods. Utilization of industry-specific technology/software applications, techniques and sequences/project loading for the construction of buildings in compliance with Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Divisions 00-05, 31, 32, 33. Planning, scheduling, materials cost analysis, job-appropriate equipment and labor requirements, masonry applications, concrete and formwork. Site preparation and utilization, use of construction industry-specific software, interpretation of project drawing documents. Integration of project safety and health issues. Quantity surveying for the management of construction resources, according to current principles and industry standards. Pre: 1224. (2H,3L,3C)
2024: CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES II Continuation of the fundamentals of construction technology and process emphasizing materials, methods, techniques and sequences for the construction of buildings using Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Divisions 01, 06-14, 21. Interpretation of construction details relevant to a construction project. Cost impact of building codes and inspections. Development of presentation skills using project-based learning. Planning, scheduling, labor needs, and quantity surveying for the management of construction resources. Development of safety and quality assurance plans, including building systems for fire suppression. Pre: (1224, 1214, 2014) or 4264. Co: 2064. (3H,3C)
2044: BUILDINGS & MATERIALS Introduction to the theory and applications of building materials. Properties, composition, and characteristics of building materials with particular focus on ferrous and non ferrous metals, concrete, bricks and blocks, timber, glass and plastics. Emphasis on physical behavior of materials under load, including thermal loads, compatibility deformations and material behavior requirements, interaction among different materials, non- destructive/destructive methods for evaluation and testing of construction materials, basic analysis and design applications of major structural components. Pre: 2214 or CNST 2104 or CEM 2104. (2H,3L,3C)
2064: INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION I Application of construction means, materials and methods related to quantity take-off, cost management, scheduling, resource management, document drawing, building information modeling in support of a selected project. Project cost impact of building code requirements. Emphasis on structural components of selected project. Pre: (2014, 2114) or 4264 or CEM 2104. (3H,3C)
2094: BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SEMINAR Exploration of current and relevant topics of inquiry within the construction domain, through engagement, service, and research. Articulates the complex interactions of stakeholders in construction by means of reflection on case studies, panel discussions, and seminars to establish the context, breadth, and impact that construction education shares within larger academic, professional, and societal communities. Can be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours. Pass/Fail only. (1H,1C)
2104: BUILDING EFFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION TEAMS Introduction to tools and techniques to help build effective construction teams including building trust, managing conflict, communicating clear expectations and priorities, accountability, attention to results and commitment towards construction management team mission, embracing innovative change and ethics. Other topics include networking skills, time management tools and effective construction team-based negotiations. Pre: 1224 or 4264, COMM 1016 or ENGL 1106. (3H,3C)
2114: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Building delivery and project management improvements through the use of computer applications are explored, including scheduling software, building information modeling (BIM) tools, and virtual design and construction (VDC) simulation software and their corresponding theories and concepts the integrate design and construction. Pre: 1224 or CNST 2104 or CEM 2104. Co: 2014. (2H,3L,3C)
2134: CONSTRUCTION DATA ANALYSIS Identification and use of various types and sources of construction market data and the tools for analyzing construction data to support managerial decision making. Different forms of applying mathematics to the construction market for better productivity and processes across the construction industry. Develop insights to inform management and investment decisions. Use of cost-benefit analysis as applied to construction management in determining feasibility of projects. Pre: MATH 1114. (2H,2C)
2214: WHY BUILDINGS STAND UP Addresses why structures remain stable under various loading conditions. Explores different types of structures and applied loads and analyzes both determinate and indeterminately supported structures. Explores different types of soils and their strength properties. Pre: MATH 1225 or MATH 1025. (3H,3C)
2354: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES Identify and evaluate conventional construction materials, methods, building systems, and products to less-familiar, innovative technological alternatives for a specific residential construction project. Compare innovative technological alternatives with material and cost estimates. Overview of conventional materials, equipment, designs, and processes in residential construction. Investigate recent literature on emerging technologies to determine best practices. Strengthen understanding of the primary building systems in residential construction applications. Pre: 2014. (3H,3C)
2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
3014: BUILDING PHYSICS & ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS Theory and analysis methods relative to performance of envelope systems and the design and integration of mechanical and electrical building systems. Topics covered include: envelope systems and performance metrics, conceptual and technical design theory, operational principles, and maintenance issues, all necessary for determining the selection of passive and active environmental control systems within a building including: envelope system, heating, active environmental control systems within a building including: envelope system, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and acoustical systems. Pre: PHYS 2305. (2H,3L,3C)
3064: INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION II Application of construction means, materials and methods as they relate to quantity take-off, cost management, scheduling and resource management, document drawing, building information modeling in support of a selected project. Emphasis on building systems components of selected project. Pre: (2064, 3114, PHYS 2305) or (CEM 2104, BC 3114, PHYS 2305). (3H,3C)
3114: BUILDING SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Emphasis is placed on the integration and physical installation of passive and active environmental control systems including: heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, acoustics, plumbing, and fundamentals of thermal loads. Pre: (2024 or CNST 2104 or CEM 2104), PHYS 2305. (2H,3L,3C)
3134 (CEM 3134) (CNST 3134): TEMPORARY STRUCTURES IN CONSTRUCTION Introduction to temporary structure systems used to support construction operations. Concrete formwork, scaffolding systems, excavation shoring systems, dewatering techniques, and hoisting operations. Assessment of systems, cost, quality, safety, sustainability, and schedule impacts. Pre: (2044, 2024) or CEE 3684. (3H,3C)
3954: STUDY ABROAD Study abroad in Spain. Variable credit course.
3984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4024 (CEE 4014): ESTIMATING, PRODUCTION, AND COST ENGINEERING Interpretation of plans and specifications, preparation of construction estimates, and cost control. Methods analysis, resource requirements, and resource costs in building systems, including system components, and in large-scale civil engineering works such as highways, bridges, and hydraulic structures. Pre: 2024, 2064. (3H,3C)
4064: INTEGRATED CONSTRUCTION III Application of construction means, materials and methods as they relate to quantity take-off, cost management, scheduling and resource management, document drawing, building information modeling in support of a selected project. Emphasis on administrative/general contractor functions (such as project safety, budget development, and permitting) of the selected project. Pre: 3064. (3H,3C)
4114: BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Introduction to means and methods to enrich the geometric information of a building model with semantic data such as, material, structural and performance values. Concept of interoperability in architecture, engineering and construction industry. Overview of approaches to information modeling such as Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP), Industry Foundation Classes (ifc), Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) and Green Building XML (gbXML). Key concepts of object-oriented modeling and programming. Pre: 2114. (3H,3C)
4124: DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION & MANUFACTURING Explore and experiment with construction from the perspective of digital information, computer numerical control (CNC), and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) processes. Tools like 3D scanners, 3D printers, CNC manufacturing techniques and others will be used in a lab setting intended to provide familiarity with these technologies and a sense of their benefits and limitations. Pre: 2114. (2H,3L,3C)
4164: PRODUCTION PLANNING AND PROCESS DESIGN FOR CONSTRUCTION The course deals with the planning and design of construction processes. Course topics include production systems, behavior of construction systems and workers, the relationships between subsystems in the construction process, queuing systems, process modeling and simulation. The major emphasis is on production and productivity. Production problems that typically occur in construction systems are discussed. The course also explores recent innovations in construction system design such as lean construction and agile construction. Pre: 3114, 3064. (3H,3C)
4264: FUNDAMENTALS OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Practical construction management methods within the built environment. Construction materials, document drawings, management activities, fundamentals of construction scheduling and planning. Quality, quantity, and cost of materials necessary to complete a construction project. Construction information technology tools. Partially duplicates BC 2014 and 2114. Pre: Junior Standing. (6H,6C)
4314: BUILDING PERFORMANCE & ENERGY MANAGEMENT Fundamentals of building performance mandates for the built environment, practical means and methods for evaluating building performance metrics. Specific focus on energy resources consumed by thermal, hygrothermal, lighting, and other environmental building systems. Assessment of building energy consumption and analysis of retrofit scenarios through performance evaluation over the entire building life cycle. Pre: 3014. (2H,3L,3C)
4324: INNOVATION IN RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION Mechanisms of historical and current innovations in the residential construction industry. Theory and application within the realms of innovation, diffusion, technology, adoption, new product development, housing innovation literature, supply chain management, sustainability, information technology, commercialization, and housing policy. Innovation theories and applications to residential construction through the analysis and utilization of data-driven hypotheses typical to the industry. Pre: 2024, 3114. (3H,3C)
4334: SUSTAINABLE BUILDING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Introduction to means and methods for managing the sustainability of buildings and their performance over the life cycle. Best practices for sustainable projects in the areas of planning/development, site design, project management, energy and water conservation and green building assessment tools and methods; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system; economic analysis of green building alternatives; and implementation planning. Pre: 3064, 3014. (3H,3C)
4364: LIFECYCLE BIM FOR FACILITY MANAGEMENT BIM (Building Information Modeling) concepts and tools that are critical for facility operation and maintenance. Identifying, capturing, analyzing, exporting and exchanging facility lifecycle data. Spreadsheet-based and BIM based facility management platforms. Case studies and real-life application for understanding mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems from an owner or facility manager perspective. Workflow processes for data exchange. Pre: 2114, 3114. (3H,3C)
4374: RESIDENTIAL HOUSING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT Application of means, methods, and strategies for delivering single and multi-family residential housing in urban and suburban contexts. Project planning, including market analysis to determine highest and best use of an identified property, marketing and sales strategies, site and product design and procurement, infrastructure requirements, zoning and government agency regulations, financial analysis and feasibility study, financing strategies, and delivery control systems. Roles of developer and project team in preparing formal proposals for a housing development to be submitted for financing. Identification and application of interfaces with project stakeholders. Overview of contemporary topics such as green development and affordable housing. Pre: 2064, 3064. Co: 4064. (3H,3C)
4434: CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE I Business and construction practices related to operation of a construction company are studied. Construction operation is examined as it relates construction, financial and personnel management. Project management topics studied in this course include permitting, site evaluations, design development and design phase considerations such as preliminary estimates and project constructability. Writing Intensive (WI) course. Pre: (2044, 3064) or 5264G or (5514, 5154) or CEM 2104. Co: 4064. (3H,3C)
4444: CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE II This course explores and applies the business and construction practices related to operation of a construction company to a capstone experience. Construction operation is examined as it relates to construction, financial and personnel management. Project management topics studied in this course are applied in the corequisite lab. This course is formally designated as a writing intensive course. Formal written and edited and oral presentations are presented and critiqued by the BC faculty team, the writing resource center, students and industry professionals. Pre: 4434. (3H,3L,4C)
4754: INTERNSHIP Variable credit course.
4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.