Civil and Environmental Engineering
Head: M. A. Widdowson
Associate Head: W.R. Knocke
Associate Head and David H. Burrows Professor: R.T. Leon
Charles E. Via, Jr. Professor: J. C. Little
Charles P. Lunsford Professor: L.C. Marr
Nick Prillaman Professor: P.J. Vikesland
Reynolds Metals Professor: S.W. Case
Samuel Reynolds Pritchard Professor: H.A. Rakha
University Distinguisghed Professor: M.A. Edwards
W. Thomas Rice Professor: A. Pruden
Professors: M.M. Abbas, T.L. Brandon, F.A. Charney, A.M. Dietrich, G.W. Flintsch, D.L. Gallagher, M.J. Garvin, S.B. Grant, R.A. Green, K.P. Heaslip, J.L. Irish, W.R. Knocke, C.L. Roberts-Wollmann, A. Rodriguez-Marek, S.K. Sinha, A.A. Trani, and L. Wang
Associate Professors: S. Abdelaziz, M.R. Eatherton, K.L. Hancock, E.T. Hester, I.A. Koutromanos, N. Stark, and K. Strom
Assistant Professors: A.S. Brand, M.M. Flint, H. Foroutan, M.H. Hebdon, S. Hotle, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, E. Jacques, F. Jazizadeh Karimi, F. Paige, M.A. Rippy, R. Sarlo, M. Shakiba, E.W. Shealy, Z.W. Wang, and A. Yerro Colom
Associate Professors of Practice: J.E. Dove and B.J. Katz
Assistant Professors of Practice: R.P. Scardina, C.M. White, and K. D. Young
Research Associate Professor: A.N. Godrej
Research Assistant Professor: S. Saksena
Professors Emeritus: G.D. Boardman, W.E. Cox, D.R. Drew, J. M. Duncan, W.S. Easterling, A. Hobeika, R.C. Hoehn, S.M. Holzer, J.M. Hughes, D.F. Kibler, T. Kuppusamy, J.K. Mitchell, T.M. Murray, J. T. Novak, R. H. Plaut, C.W. Randall, K.B. Rojiani, D. Teodorovic, M.C. Vorster, and R.E. Weyers
Director of Advising: K.E. Lattimer
Coordinator of Alumni and External Relations: C.E. Sakry

The Charles Edward Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers an undergraduate program that facilitates development of critical analytical abilities and the necessary core of knowledge and skills for entry into the civil engineering profession or graduate studies. This body of knowledge includes the scientific procedures for formulating and testing theories and the procedures for applying theory to enhance welfare through engineering analysis, synthesis, and design. The civil engineer plays a key role in the design, construction, maintenance, and management of society's physical infrastructure, including transportation and communication systems, structural facilities for housing human activities, water resource management systems, natural resource development systems, and facilities and programs for environmental protection. The Bachelor of Science program in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Emphasis in civil engineering education is on fundamental principles of science and mathematics and their application to solving human problems. Civil engineering activities interact in many ways with the natural and social environments within which they take place. Accordingly, the civil engineering program strives to create an awareness of the ecological, social, economic, and political context of engineering and attempts to prepare the civil engineer for the necessary interactions with other professions and the public. An effort to instill an understanding of the role of the civil engineer in satisfying total societal needs is an integral part of the civil engineering program.
Consistent with the general program goal of facilitating development of student competence necessary for entry into engineering practice or graduate school, the Department has developed the following program objectives:
The educational objectives of the Civil Engineering undergraduate program are that, within a few years of program completion, graduates should be effectively serving society as practicing civil engineers and in related capacities with a commitment to design, construction, and maintenance practices that will contribute to sustainable development, provide for the continued well-being of spaces and infrastructure, and hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the public. Additionally, the program's graduates should continue to grow both technically and professionally so that they develop into leaders within their chosen fields of endeavor. Growth experiences could include activities such as professional licensure, graduate level education, self-directed study, and participation in professional society activities.
The curriculum provides a common freshman and sophomore year, with selection of upper division courses made during course request for the second semester of the sophomore year. The civil engineering curriculum provides breadth across the civil engineering profession and the opportunity for depth within a student's selected specialty areas of interest. Specialty areas offered within the department include: construction engineering & management, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, land development, civil engineering materials, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources engineering.
Students are progressively exposed to civil engineering design, culminating in a focused design course experience. The projects assigned in design courses are open-ended, incorporate appropriate engineering standards, and require the application of knowledge from earlier courses in the curriculum. Projects apply technical knowledge to design appropriate physical facilities, but also include consideration of non-technical constraints that confront real-world projects. These additional considerations include such interdisciplinary issues as economics, environmental impact, and sustainability. Accordingly, teamwork and good professional communications skills are a significant part of each design project course experience.
Classroom instruction in the civil engineering program is reinforced by instructional laboratories in the major areas of civil engineering practice. The department seeks to employ the latest educational technology and innovative teaching methods.
The department participates in the Cooperative Education Program in which qualified students may take a semester away from their education to gain valuable professional work experience. The department encourages all students to participate in professional work opportunities prior to graduation.
Contact person for undergraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering programs is Kara Lattimer, CEE Director of Advising at (540) 231-7148 or e-mail:
Full programs of graduate study are available, leading to the M.Eng., M.S., and Ph.D. in civil engineering. Graduate degree programs concentrate in one of five major areas: construction engineering and management, environmental and water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering and materials, and transportation and infrastructure systems engineering. For details, see the Graduate Catalog.
Civil Engineering Program
Admission to a degree program is competitive, with departmental restrictions established each year by the college. Entry into a degree-granting department requires that a student complete all first year required courses and maintain a competitive GPA. Applicants who begin their freshman year in the College of Engineering and earn a minimum 3.0 overall are guaranteed first choice of major. More information is available through the Engineering Education Department:
Degree Requirements
The graduation requirements in effect during the academic year of admission to Virginia Tech apply. Requirements for graduation are listed on checksheets. Students must satisfactorily complete all requirements and university obligations for degree completion. The university reserves the right to modify requirements in a degree program.
Please visit the University Registrar's website at for degree requirements.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (CEE)
1984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2804: INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Overview of the specialty areas within the civil engineering profession, professional engineer licensing, and engineering ethics. Includes recognizing contemporary issues in civil engineering, civil engineering work in the surrounding community, and the impact of civil engineering solutions on society. Emphasizes successful personal business practices for civil engineering professionals, to include the fundamentals of effective oral, written, and visual communication skills for the Civil Engineer. Introduction to engineering library resources. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite. For Pathways Advanced Discourse credit, must complete combination of CEE 2804, CEE 3304, CEE 4804 (3H,3C)
2814: CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING MEASUREMENTS Introduction to various data measurement issues in civil and environmental engineering, including collection techniques, analysis, error, and statistical evaluation in all sub-disciplines. Spatial measurement topics include GPS, leveling, distance and angular measurement, mapping and topographic surveys, automated data collection, terrain models, earthwork methods, construction surveying, geodesy, and GIS. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites. Pre: BC students required to take the BC 1224 pre-requisite, BC and CEM students are exempt from corequisite CEE 2824. CEE students are required to take the ENGE 1216 pre-requisite. Pre: (ENGE 1114 or ENGE 1216 or ENGE 1414 or BC 1224), (MATH 1206 or MATH 1206H or MA TH 1226). Co: 2824. (3H,3L,4C)
2824: CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND CAD Introduction to the use of Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) software in civil engineering, construction, and other land development projects. Interpretation of typical civil engineering drawings. Creation of land development plans, cross section and profile drawings, and detail drawings utilizing computer-aided design and drafting tools. Creation of two- and three- dimensional visualizations of civil engineering, construction, and other land development projects. (1H,1L,1C)
2834: CIVIL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND VIRTUAL MODELING Introduction to the use of Computer-Aided Drafting, Building Information Modeling and Geographic Information Systems software. Interpretation of civil engineering drawings. Creation of civil engineering plans and two- and three- dimensional visualizations. Professional collaboration tools. Basemap creation. Basic analysis tools utilizing Geographic Information Systems. (3H,3C)
2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
3014: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Fundamental elements involved in managing construction projects. Management structure, construction contracts, equipment and labor productivity, scheduling, quality assurance, and cost control. Junior standing required. (2H,3L,3C)
3104: INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Overall view of environmental engineering with emphasis on hazardous waste management, water treatment, wastewater treatment, air pollution and its control, solid waste management, groundwater pollution and environmental regulations. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites. Pre: CHEM 1035, CHEM 1045, (MATH 1026 or MATH 1206 or MATH 1206H or MATH 1226 or MATH 2016 or MATH 2024), (PHYS 2305 or PHYS 2205). (3H,3C)
3274: INTRODUCTION TO LAND DEVELOPMENT DESIGN An introduction to the land development design process including site selection and feasibility, environmental considerations, utility layout, grading, stormwater management and integrating planning with the design of infrastructure to support residential and commercial development. A grade of C- or better in prerequisite. Pre: 2814, (2824 or ENGE 2824). (3H,3C)
3304: FLUID MECHANICS FOR CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Introductory course in fluid mechanics. Includes concepts and measurements of fluid properties; computing hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces on hydraulic structures; computing fluid pressures, discharges, and velocities; and determining energy losses in pipe flows. Course includes conducting hydraulic laboratory experiments and demonstrations, analyzing and interpreting collected data, and preparing technical laboratory reports. Emphasizes the fundamentals of effective interpersonal, written, and visual communication skills for technical civil engineering reports. Design Lab/Studio. A grade of C- or better in prerequisites. For Pathways Advanced Discourse credit, must complete combination of CEE 2804, CEE 3304, CEE 4804 Pre: ESM 2104, CEE 2804. (3H,2L,4C)
3314: WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING Open channel flow; hydrology; hydraulic modeling; hydraulic machinery and structures; laboratory experiments and demonstrations. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite 3304. Design Lab/Studio. Pre: 3304. (3H,2L,4C)
3404: INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Introduction to structural engineering as an art and science and its fundamental tenets; description of structural systems, structural loads, and load paths; structural models, case studies of successful and unsuccessful structural designs; calculations of forces and deformation for simple determinate structures (trusses, beams and simple frames) and indeterminate structures using virtual work, use of stiffness methods in computer programs. Pre: ESM 2204. (3H,3C)
3424: REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES I Behavior and design of reinforced concrete members based on ultimate strength. Beams and slabs in flexure, shear and torsion, development of reinforcement. Columns with axial force plus bending, slenderness effects in columns. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisites. Pre: (3404, 3684) or BC 2044. (3H,3C)
3434: DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES I Behavior and design of structural steel members and steel-frame buildings, including simple and fixed connections. AISC specifications; elastic theory. Design members to resist tension, compression, bending, torsion; plate girders, composite beams. ESM 3054 may be taken in place of co-requisite CEE 3684. A grade of C- or better in prerequisite. Design Lab/Studio. Pre: (3404, 3684) or BC 2044. (3H,2L,4C)
3514: INTRODUCTION TO GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Engineering properties of soils including their descriptions and classifications, the effects of water, soil strength and compressibility. Introduction to soil stabilization, earth pressures, slope stability, and foundations. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites GEOS 2104 and ESM 2204. Design Lab/Studio. Pre: ESM 2204, GEOS 2104. (3H,2L,4C)
3604: INTRODUCTION TO TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Planning, design and operation of transportation systems with emphasis in multimodal transportation techniques and unified system engineering theories to analyze large scale transportation problems. Discussion of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) and hands on experience in computer models in transportation operations and planning. Interactions between transportation infrastructure and environmental engineering planning. Junior standing required. (3H,3C)
3684: CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS Characteristics of constituent materials and the design and behavior of portland cement and bituminous concrete mixtures with demonstrated laboratory experiments. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisites. Design Lab/Studio. Pre: CHEM 1035, CHEM 1045, ESM 2204, CEE 2814, GEOS 2104. (3H,2L,4C)
3804: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS Introduction to computer applications in civil and environmental engineering. Integration of quantitative analysis for design, data management, computer programming and problem solving skills with computer tools and techniques. Topics include systems analysis, numerical methods, optimization, data mining, computer programming and data queries. Analysis and interpretation of a global data set. Pre: Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
3814: ANALYTICAL TOOLS IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Computer programming and data analysis for civil and environmental engineering projects. Acquiring, cleaning and pre-processing data sets. Probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression modeling. Time series and frequency analysis. Data visualization. Pre: 3804. (3H,3C)
3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course.
3984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4014 (BC 4024): ESTIMATING, PRODUCTION, AND COST ENGINEERING Interpretation of plans and specifications, preparation of construction estimates, and cost control. Methods analysis, resource requirements, and resource costs in building systems, including system components, and in large-scale civil engineering works such as highways, bridges, and hydraulic structures. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3014. Pre: 3014. (3H,3C)
4024: CONSTRUCTION CONTROL TECHNIQUES Techniques used to plan, schedule, and control the Construction Process. Emphasizes manual and computer-based approaches. Focuses on an analytical approach towards the construction process whereby good technical methodologies and solutions are converted to reality through construction practices. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite. Pre: 3014. (3H,3C)
4074: CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING: MEANS AND METHODS Construction means, methods, and equipment used to transform a particular design concept into a completed usable structure or facility. Selection and optimization of individual units as well as the systems needed to produce the required work to the required quality on time and on budget. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite. Pre: 3014 or CEM 2104. (3H,3C)
4104: WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT DESIGN Design of municipal water and wastewater treatment plants. Emphasis on characterization of water and wastewater and physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods. Sludge processing advanced treatment methods and treatment plant hydraulics are considered. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisites. Pre: 3104, 3304. (3H,3C)
4114: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING Public health engineering principles for protection against biological and chemical health hazards. Emphasis on major communicable diseases that plague mankind, organisms that cause them, routes of transmission, and engineering methods of control. Appropriate control methods for rural areas and developing countries. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite. Pre: 3104. (3H,3C)
4134: ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY - A SYSTEMS APPROACH Quantitative methods to evaluate environmental sustainability using a sytems approach. Sustainability assessment frameworks, oreintors and indicators, indicators of sustainable development, green-house gas emissions, renewable energy systems, whole-system design, economic systems and input-outpur techniques, system dynamics models, emergence and agent-based models. Class project requiring integration of environmental, economic and social systems using system dynamics and agent-based models. Senior Standing. Pre: MATH 2214. (3H,3C)
4144: AIR RESOURCES ENGINEERING Effects, regulation, sources, and control of air pollution. Application of engineering calculations and models to estimate emissions, predict pollutant concentrations, and design pollution control equipment. Senior standing required. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisites. Pre: 3104 or ENGR 3124 or GEOS 3114 or ENSC 3634. (3H,3C)
4174: SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Introduction to the problems, regulations and techniques associated with the management of solid and hazardous waste. Composition, volume and characterization of the wastes. Design of collection and disposal systems, including landfills, solidification/stabilization and incineration. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3104. Pre: 3104. (3H,3C)
4254: MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING An introduction to the field of municipal engineering. Infrastructure, capital projects, financing, sustainability, disaster planning and response, and plan review for development projects. Senior standing required. (3H,3C)
4264: SUSTAINABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT An introduction to the modern techniques for developing land while maintaining a focus on long-term sustainability. Topics include site layout, stormwater impact, air quality and microclimate, living resources, LEED and EarthCraft development standards. Pre-requisite: Senior Standing required (3H,3C)
4274: LAND DEVELOPMENT DESIGN Overview of land development projects including factors, construction practices, legal issues, and government policies. Design project includes feasibility study, engineering evaluation of site, and layout design of lots, buildings, streets, sewers, etc. Interactive graphics and automated drafting. Senior standing in Civil Engineering required. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite. Pre: 3274. (2H,3L,3C)
4284: ADVANCED LAND DEVELOPMENT DESIGN Advanced course in land development design focusing on site grading and parking, stormwater management, and erosion control. Reviews project design criteria and applicable municipal and state guidelines. Uses CAD software for design and deliverables. Senior/Graduate standing required. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites. Pre: 3274. Co: 4274. (3H,3C)
4304: HYDROLOGY Precipitation, evaporation, consumptive use, infiltration; stream flow, flood routing; statistical analysis of hydrologic data, flood and drought forecasting, risk analysis, subsurface flow, well hydraulics, introduction to urban drainage design. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite. Pre: 3304. (3H,3C)
4314: GROUNDWATER RESOURCES Fundamentals of groundwater hydrology; flow through porous media, both saturated and unsaturated; flow to wells in both confined and unconfined aquifers; seepage of groundwater to canals and field drains; analysis of aquifer test data to quantify flow and storage parameters; contaminants in groundwater, basic introduction to groundwater modeling. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3304. Pre: 3304. (3H,3C)
4324: OPEN CHANNEL FLOW Mechanics of open channel flow, including uniform flow, gradually varied flow, channel transitions, and unsteady flow. Pre: 3314. (3H,3C)
4334: HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES Hydraulic analysis and design of engineering structures for water control, including reservoirs, dams, spillways, spilling basins, drainage structures, and hydraulic models. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3314. Pre: 3314. (3H,3C)
4344: WATER RESOURCES PLANNING Analysis of the water resources planning process and the institutional framework for water resources management. Criteria and procedures for evaluating management alternatives are examined, with emphasis on assessment of economic and environmental impacts. Senior standing required. (3H,3C)
4354: ENVIRONMENTAL HYDROLOGY Overall view of pollutants movements in surface waters, with emphasis on the role of various hydrologic processes. Natural and constructed wetlands and their use for water quality control. Fundamentals of river hydraulics. Design of flood control channels. Environmental consequences of various types of hydraulic systems. Mitigation, enhancement, and restoration techniques. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites 3104 and 3314. Pre: 3104, 3314. (3H,3C)
4384: COASTAL ENGINEERING Basic wave mechanics principles, surf-zone processes, littoral and sediment processes, shoreline features, astronomical tides, coastal hazards, and functional design of coastal structures. Field trips. Pre: C- or better in 3304. Pre: 3304. (3H,3C)
4404: INTERMEDIATE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Analysis of statically indeterminate 2D and 3D beam, truss and frame structures by the force and displacement methods. Computer implementation of force method. Influence lines and approximate methods of analysis. Pre: 3404. (3H,3C)
4454: MASONRY STRUCTURAL DESIGN Masonry materials, material testing, material specifications. Structural behavior and design of masonry elements (walls, beams, and columns) and systems used in structures. Construction techniques and the details of masonry construction. Building codes relating to analysis and design of masonry structures. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisites 3424 and 3684. Pre: 3684, 3424. (3H,3C)
4514: METHODS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Principles and techniques for characterizing earth materials (soil and rock) for civil engineering projects in various regional environments; with emphasis on the interdisciplinary approach to field exploration and site description through soil mechanics theory, geologic correlations, geophysical methods, in site testing and sampling. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3514. Pre: 3514. (3H,3C)
4534: EARTH PRESSURES AND FOUNDATION STRUCTURES Earth pressure theories and their applications to the design of retaining structures, anchors, and excavation bracing. Bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations. Types and capacity of deep foundations. A grade of C- or better in pre-requisite 3514. Pre: 3514. (3H,3C)
4544: DESIGN OF EARTH STRUCTURES Application of geotechnical engineering principles in the design and construction of earth structures. Subsurface models, shear strength of soil, slope stability, earth fills, earth retention, ground improvement, sustainability considerations, geotechnical reporting. Team-based design project. C- or better in 3514. Pre: 3514. (3H,3C)
4554: NATURAL DISASTER MITIGATION AND RECOVERY Causes, mechanics, classifications, and forces associated with tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and landslides. Resistance evaluation for existing ground, facilities and structures. Hazard-resistant design of new facilities. Risk and reliability assessment and decision analysis. Strategies and designs for natural disaster risk mitigation. Emergency response for protection of life and property and restoration of lifelines. Includes an interdisciplinary team project. Prerequisite: Senior Standing Required (3H,3C)
4564: INTRODUCTION TO COASTAL AND MARINE GEOTECHNICS Geotechnical aspects of coastal and marine engineering. Introduction to the coastal zone as a working environment. In-situ geotechnical methods and complementary techniques for investigation. Survey strategies. Local field trips for demonstrating methods, practice and design. A grade of C- or better is required in prerequisite 3514. Pre: 3514. (3H,3C)
4604: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Study of traffic and parking characteristics; application of traffic control devices; principles and techniques used to improve the efficiency and safety of traffic flow systems. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3604. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4610 (ESM 4044): MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS Introduction to the deformation, stress, and strength analysis of continuous-fiber-polymer-matrix laminated composites. Fabrication, micromechanics of stiffness and expansional coefficients, classical lamination theory (CLT). Environmentally induced stresses. Computerized implementation and design Pre: ESM 2204 or AOE 2024. (3H,3C)
4614: ADVANCED STRUCTURAL CONCRETES Fundamental properties and the physical and chemical aspects of the structure of Portland cement concretes. Emphasis placed on environmental performance aspects and the application of studies of concrete performance under various exposure conditions. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3684. Pre: 3684 or BC 2044. (3H,3C)
4624: PLANNING TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Transportation planning process; urban and regional studies, surveys, data analysis, model development and testing; transportation management, administration, finance, system evaluation, implementation, and integration. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3604. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4634: INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITION ASSESSMENT Infrastructure components and assessment needs; physical and chemical properties of construction materials; deterioration causes, assessment methods, nondestructive evaluation techniques, infrastructure management systems, performance models, service-life-cycle estimates. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3684. Pre: 3684. (3H,3C)
4654: GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS Functional design of highways; curves, intersections, interchanges, drainage, and other features involved in highway safety and traffic efficiency. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3604. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4664: PAVEMENT DESIGN Principles underlying methods for the design of various elements of flexible and rigid pavements for highways and airports; climate and traffic effects; pavement management systems. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3684. Pre: 3684. (3H,3C)
4674: AIRPORT PLANNING AND DESIGN Airport planning and economic justification, site selection, configuration, development and design of terminal areas, demand forecasting, access, traffic control. A grade of C- or better required in pre-requisite 3604. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4684: TRANSPORTATION SAFETY Basic principles associated with transportation safety related to humans, vehicles and infrastructure as well as principles of design for safety and practices of empirical evaluation of safety. Principles and practices of accident investigation and injury epidemiology as well as safeguards and control practices. A grade of C- or better required in prerequisite. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4694: FREIGHT OPERATIONS Introduction to the operation of modal and intermodal freight facilities. Impact of goods movement on the multi-modal transportation system. Role of privately owned and operated goods movement on public sector transportation operations, management, and decision making. Communication of impacts. Pre: 3604. (3H,3C)
4804: PROFESSIONAL AND LEGAL ISSUES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING An overview of civil engineering professional practice, including business etiquette, professional development, leadership, and lifelong learning. Emphasizes the importance of registration for civil engineers. Compares and contrasts common project delivery methods, processes, key players, and management topics for the design and construction industry. Incorporates analyses of legal and ethical aspects of civil engineering practice. Analyzes contemporary issues and public policies that impact the civil engineering profession, and the impacts of civil engineering solutions on society. Emphasizes effective written, oral, and visual professional communication for the civil engineering professional. A grade of C- or better in prerequisite. For Pathways Advanced Discourse credit, must complete combination of CEE 2804, CEE 3304, CEE 4804 Pre: 2804. Co: 3304. (3H,3C)
4814: RISK AND RELIABILITY ANALYSIS IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Risk assessment and reliability analysis as applied to civil engineering applications. Identification and modeling of non-deterministic problems in civil engineering design and decision making. Application of probability and statistics to performance analysis. Development of probabilistic engineering safety assessments. Pre: 3804. (3H,3C)
4824: INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC ENGINEERING Basic processes in engineering failure investigations: response, data gathering, testing, modeling, and reporting. Origins of natural and man-made disasters, role of building codes and material specifications, standard of care, ethical standards and legal issues as related to forensic engineering. Pre: 3684, ESM 2204. (3H,3C)
4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
4994H: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.