Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise
Head: Stella Volpe
Professors: B. Davy, K. Davy, D. Liu, E. Serrano, E.M. Schmelz, and J. Williams
Associate Professors: D.J. Good, R.W. Grange, S. Harden, and Y.H. Ju
Assistant Professors: S. Craige, A., Defeliceantonia, J.Drake, M. Frisard, V. Hedrick, V. Kraak, C. Rafie, S. Shin, and J. Stein
Collegiate Assistant Professors: A. Anderson
Senior Instructor: C.B. Papillon and H. Cox
Advanced Instructor: R. Eaton and N. Girmes-Grieco
Instructors: K. Chang and M. Rockwell
Adjunct Instructors: J. Gustafson

Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise (HNFE) is a unique department that examines aspects of human health such as the psychosocial aspects of health, behavioral intentions, human movement and performance, and weight management with a focus on chronic disease and prevention. The curriculum builds on the biological, physical, and social sciences. Many health issues including obesity, heart disease, and cancer have been associated with a person's food intake and level of exercise. This has led to increasing emphasis on health promotion and disease intervention, and the nutrition and exercise professionals are integral members of the health care team. Additionally, students prepared in these content areas are sought after by healthcare professional programs such as physical therapy, medicine, athletic training, pharmacy, dentistry, etc. Expanding research by private and government agencies focusing on the role of nutrition and physical activity in health, growth, and aging has created a demand for graduates at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels who have a background and interest in laboratory and experimental methods in nutrition, foods and exercise science. Faculty and staff in HNFE include interdisciplinary teams that work towards molecular and clinical advances for the prevention and improved treatment of chronic diseases, behavioral discoveries that lead to effective intervention programs for youth and adults, and speed the movement from research to practice.
There are two options from which an undergraduate student majoring in human nutrition, foods and exercise may choose: Dietetics (DIET) or Science of Food, Nutrition and Exercise (SFNE).
The department participates in the University's Honors Program (see "Academics" in this catalog).
The Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise at Virginia Tech offers Master's and Doctoral degrees in specialized areas as they relate to nutrition, physical activity, and health. Graduate students may earn a M.S. or a Ph.D. in HNFE with an emphasis in Molecular and Cellular Science, Clinical Physiology and Metabolism, or Behavioral and Community Science. HNFE also offers a M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics. Completion of the M.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics leads to eligibility to become a Registered Dietitian.
Degree Requirements
The graduation requirements in effect during the academic year of admission to Virginia Tech apply. Requirements for graduation are listed on checksheets. Students must satisfactorily complete all requirements and university obligations for degree completion. The university reserves the right to modify requirements in a degree program.
Please visit the University Registrar's website at for degree requirements.
Consult: Heather K. Cox
The undergraduate Dietetics option leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. This option is a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), fully accredited by the Standards of Education of the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). ACEND is the accrediting arm of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Following completion of the B.S. degree, a student has earned an ACEND Verification Statement. A student must then complete a dietetics supervised practice program (i.e. dietetic internship, graduate dietetics program, etc.) to be eligible for the Registration Examination for Dietitians (RD). Any ACEND accredited supervised practice program meets this requirement. Dietetics option students are also eligible to apply to the accelerated track of the HNFE Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics in the spring semester before they begin their final academic year. Accepted students are dual enrolled in the BS and MS programs and complete eligibility for the RD exam in an accelerated route. Graduates from the Dietetics option are competitive applicants for the varied ACEND accredited supervised practice programs.
The dietetics program prepares graduates to assume a professional role in health care, research, the business environment, or to pursue graduate studies. Upon completion of a dietetics supervised practice program, alumni are eligible to become registered dietitians (RD). Clinical RDs in hospitals and out-patient clinics provide care to individuals with disease-related nutritional problems. Community RDs work in sports nutrition, work site wellness programs, and community programs serving mothers and children, low-income families, or elderly people. Business focused RDs work for food and grocery companies, companies manufacturing nutritional supplements, and may represent medical or health products. Administrative RDs with management interests find positions in food service management in a variety of settings such as school nutrition, health care facilities, college or university dining, or hotels and resorts. Registered Dietitians counsel clients of all ages, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and levels of education.
Students in the Dietetics option must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 to remain in this option. Students who want to change their major into the Dietetics option in HNFE must have an overall GPA of 3.0. Please see the Satisfactory Progress section for additional requirements.
Science of Food, Nutrition, and Exercise
Consult: Renee Eaton
Upon completion of this option a student is well prepared for graduate work in many areas of nutrition, exercise physiology or related sciences. This option also meets admission requirements for medical, dental, physical therapy, pharmacy, physician assistant, athletic training and other health professions programs. This option allows students flexibility to tailor the degree toward long term goals including continued education in a health profession or employment. Students who enter the workforce have position titles such as clinical technician, fitness and health program coordinator, clinical research coordinator, medical scribe, surgical technician, rehabilitation aide, hospital recruiting specialist, exercise physiologist, health coach, strength and conditioning coach, and health educator. Students in this option gain knowledge, skills, and abilities specified by the American College of Sports Medicine for certification as a Certified Health Fitness Specialist and Exercise Physiologist. With the growing attention to the role of nutrition and exercise in health promotion and disease prevention, this option is especially appropriate for the student preparing for a career in medicine, physical therapy, or a related health field. The majority of students in the Science of Food, Nutrition and Exercise option plan to attend graduate or professional school.
Students in the SFNE option do not meet the ACEND requirements for a degree in dietetics and therefore do not earn a DPD Verification Statement. Students may choose to earn both the Dietetics and SFNE options in the department.
Satisfactory Progress
An HNFE student will be considered to have made satisfactory progress toward the degree when he/she has successfully completed:
- In-major GPA â?¥ 2.5 or higher.
- Overall GPA â?¥ 3.0 or higher (Dietetics option) or â?¥ 2.5 or higher (SNFE option)
- Grade of C or better in HNFE 1004, CHEM 1035, CHEM 1036 and CHEM 2535 or 2514.
- These courses must be completed by the time the student has attempted 72 hours:
- BIOL 1105-1106 or equivalent
- CHEM 1035-1036 or equivalent
- CHEM 2535 or 2514
- HNFE 1004
Students not meeting Satisfactory Progress will have one probationary semester in which to resolve their standing.
Restricted Major status: Current Virginia Tech students who wish to change majors into HNFE (or add as a 2nd major) will be required to have an overall GPA at or above 2.5 (3.0 for Dieteticshave completed CHEM 1035 with a grade of C or higher, and create a plan of study that demonstrates how the student will attain Satisfactory Progress in regards to coursework. The GPA threshold of 2.5 (3.0 for Dietetics option) will stand for all students regardless of transfer status. Satisfactory progress towards degree is enforced.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (HNFE)
1004: FOODS, NUTRITION AND EXERCISE Scientific information applied to current concerns in foods, nutrition and exercise as it affects the nutritional health well-being of humans. I,II (3H,3C) 1114: ORIENTATION TO HNFE An introduction to the academic and career planning for students in the Human Nutrition, Foods & Exercise major. (1H,1C)
1214: TOPICS IN LIFETIME ACTIVITIES Participation in physical activity, fitness assessment, motor skill development. Awareness and development of the physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual components of wellness. Application of healthy lifestyle choices for improved quality of life. May be repeated with varying content, for a maximum of 6 credits. Pass/Fail Only Pass/Fail only. (3L,1C)
1264: RACQUETBALL This course will provide basic instruction in the fundamentals of racquetball. Pass/Fail only. (3L,1C)
1804: PRINCIPLES OF SPORT SCIENCE Introduction to the principal concepts of improving human physical capacity through sport, exercise training and diet. Emphasis on critical thinking and evidence-based decision making in describing the limits to human performance, responses, adaptations, and health benefits of exercise. (3H,3C)
2004: PROFESSIONAL DIETETICS Introduction to the profession of dietetics with emphasis on competencies, preparation, and responsibilities associated with dietetic practice. Overview of the structure of The American Dietetic Association (ADA) and its relationship to the dietetic professional. Discussion of current professional concerns. II Co: 2014. (1H,1C)
2014: NUTRITION ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN Nutritional requirements and related health concerns of pregnant and lactating women, infants, children, adults and the elderly are studied in relation to the physiological and metabolic aspects of pregnancy, lactation, growth and development, maintenance of health, prevention of disease, and aging. 1 year of biology or chemistry required. CHEM 1056 may be substituted for co-requisite CHEM 1036. Pre: 1004, CHEM 1035 or CHEM 1055. Co: CHEM 1036. (3H,3C)
2014H: NUTRITION ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN Nutritional requirements and related health concerns of pregnant and lactacting women, infants, children, adults and the elderly are studied in relation to the physiological and metabolic aspects of pregnancy, lactation, growth and development, maintenance of health, prevention of disease, and aging. 1 year of biology or chemistry required. CHEM 1056 may be substituted for co-requisite CHEM 1036. Pre: 1004, CHEM 1035. Co: CHEM 1036. (3H,3C)
2104 (DANC 2104): MOVING BODY, MOVING MIND Methods of working intentionally towards cultivating optimal brain states. Mind/body practices to develop connections between contemporary neuroscience, movement, and meditative practices. Studies in the intersection of consciousness, movement, and thought. Introduction to yoga, meditation, authentic movement, experiential anatomy, and somatic work. Emphasis on holistic perspectives of the body through active listening, ethical reasoning, healthy self-image, and attention to the practices of intentional embodiment. (3H,3C)
2204: MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Structure, pronunciation, and use of medical terms; anatomical structures and body systems; terms used in pathology, testing, diagnosis, surgery, pharmacology and treatment. Pre: (BIOL 1005 or BIOL 1105 or BIOL 1205H), (BIOL 1006 or BIOL 1106 or BIOL 1206H) o r (ISC 2106 or ISC 2106H). (3H,3C)
2224: FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION LABORATORY Principles of food preparation and the effect on food quality determined by objective and sensory evaluation. Food choices at the market and consumer consumption and utilization. I,II Pre: (CHEM 1036 or CHEM 1056), HNFE 1004. Co: 2234. (3L,1C)
2234: FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION Principles of the selection and preparation of foods with emphasis on the preparation and the effect on flavor, texture, and nutritive properties of food. I,II Pre: (CHEM 1035 or CHEM 1055), (CHEM 1036 or CHEM 1056), HNFE 1004. Co: 2224. (2H,2C)
2254: EXERCISE LEADERSHIP - GROUP FITNESS INSTRUCTOR Development of theoretical and practical skills for leading exercise in a group setting. Topics include: general guidelines for instructing safe, effective, and purposeful exercise, essentials of the instructor-participant relationship, the principles of motivation to encourage adherance in the group fitness setting, effective instructor-to-participant communication techniques, methods for enhancing group leadership, and the group fitness instructor’s professional role. Obtain knowledge of programming for multiple populations. Will complete a CPR and AED certification as a part of in-class instruction. Pass/Fail only. Pass/Fail only. (2H,3L,3C)
2264: EXERCISE LEADERSHIP- PERSONAL TRAINER Development of practical skills for conducting one-on-one exercise sessions for general healthy adults and special populations. Exercise selection, testing, training principles, and behavioral change skills required to be an effective personal trainer. Preparation for a nationally accredited personal training certification. CPR and AED certification. Pass/Fail only. Pass/Fail only. (2H,3L,3C)
2314 (SPIA 2314): ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION FOR A HEALTHY, SUSTAINABLE PLANET Connections among active transportation (e.g., bicycling, walking) and significant global challenges such as physical inactivity, health, the environment, and the economy on local to global scales. Methods to assess walkability among communities with different worldviews and the influence of the built environment on rates of active transportation. Approaches to evaluate demographic and psychosocial predictors and physical and policy barriers to use of active transportation. Successful strategies to increase active transportation through community design guidelines, behavior change tools, transportation planning, and policy. (3H,3C)
2334: INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATIVE HEALTH Introduction to the principles of integrative health that promote health and well-being. Examination of the person- centered integrative health treatment methods including holistic stress management, the human spirit, communication, energy healing, elements of meditation, healing environments, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, voice work, nutrition, therapeutic massage and bodywork, and healing effects of physical activity. Review of scientific evidence of integrative treatments. (3H,3C)
2544 (FST 2544): FUNCTIONAL FOODS FOR HEALTH Introduction to functional foods (foods with additional value beyond basic nutrition) including development of functional foods, novel sources, and traditional foods with value-added health benefit; regulatory issues; and media messages. (3H,3C)
2664: BEHAVIORAL THEORY IN HEALTH PROMOTION Introduction to behavioral theories used to design, implement and evaluate health promotion programs, and theories underlying health behavior change. Interactions between individuals, physical and social environments, interpersonal, and intrapersonal determinants of health behavior. Epidemiological evidence of benefits of healthful eating and physical activity. (3H,3C)
2774: TOPICS IN HNFE A variable-content course. Explores significant contemporary topics in the areas of nutrition, foods, exercise and health. May be repeated for up to six credits. Variable credit course. Pre: 1004.
2804: EXERCISE AND HEALTH Introduction to the foundations of exercise science as applied to healthy living, and the concept of exercise as medicine. Fundamentals of health appraisal, foundations of fitness training principles and prescription; nutrition and energy cost, and application of exercise prescription for disease prevention and treatment. Pre: 1004, BMSP 2135. (3H,3C)
2824: PREVENTION AND CARE OF ATHLETIC INJURIES An introduction to the techniques and principles of athletic training. I,II. (1H,3L,2C)
2964: FIELD WORK/PRACTICUM Variable credit course.
2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
3014: FOOD, NUTRITION AND WELLNESS STUDY TOUR Study of emerging career opportunities in industry, government, and other nonprofit agencies, health care, consumer education, and research for students in foods, nutrition or exercise science. Special emphasis on program or product development, evaluation, and marketing as related to a target consumer group. Seminars on campus and at prearranged locations during the two day tour. Junior standing or permission; HNFE majors only. II. (1H,1C)
3024: SCIENCE OF FOOD PREP LAB Application of the principles of food science and food preparation techniques related to health promotion, disease prevention, and disease management. Selection, production, and evaluation of foods and beverages. Emphasis on experimentation illustrating chemical and physical reactions, sensory and physical properties, nutrient manipulation, cooking applications, and functions of foods. Pre: 1004, CHEM 1036 or CHEM 1056, FST 2014. (1H,3L,2C)
3034: METHODS OF HUMAN HEALTH ASSESSMENT Evidence-based practice in areas of human health assessment including: anthropometric measurements, vital signs, body composition, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, energy requirements, and health behaviors. Comparison and analysis of assessment methods. Pre: 1004, 2014 or 2014H, BMSP 2136. (1H,3L,2C)
3114: FOODSERVICE AND MEAL MANAGEMENT Foodservice and meal management for the dietetics professional. Emphasis is placed on understanding food procurement, production, distribution, and marketing in a safe and well managed operation. I Pre: 3024 or 2224. (3H,3L,4C)
3224: COMMUNICATING WITH FOOD Development of oral and written communication skills to communicate food and nutrition information to diverse populations. II Pre: (2014 or 2014H), (3024 or 2224). (2H,3L,3C)
3634 (PHS 3634): EPIDEMIOLOGIC CONCEPTS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE Designed to give students in the health sciences a basic understanding of the modern concepts regarding health and disease as well as skills in organizing epidemiological data, disease investigation and surveillance. Includes a survey of terms, concepts, and principles pertinent to epidemiology. Lifestyles of populations and the relationships between lifestyles and health status are studied. II. (3H,3C)
3804: EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Effects of exercise on physiology: neuromuscular, metabolic, cardiopulmonary. Scientific basis of physical training. I Pre: BMSP 2135, BMSP 2136. (3H,3C)
3824: KINESIOLOGY The anatomical and biomechanical basis of human motion, with applications for motor skill acquisition, and development and rehabilitative exercises. I Co: PHYS 2205 or PHYS 2305. Pre: BMSP 2135, BMSP 2136. (3H,3C)
3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course.
3984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4004: SEMINAR IN HNFE: WRITING AND DISCOURSE IN THE MAJOR Focused review of relevant and current literature in selected areas of food, nutrition and exercise. Develop practical strategies for finding research articles on specific topics utilizing a variety of search tools (e.g., library, on-line search engines, etc.). Develop analytical skills to critically assess the significance of published research data. Develop competence in written and verbal presentation of current research in formats suitable for a scientific or a lay audience. Pre: COMM 2004 or ALCE 3634. Co: 4025. (3H,3C)
4024: EMERGING ISSUES IN DIETETICS Investigation of emerging dietetics topics including professional development, new technologies, current legislative issues, and promising evidence-based practice strategies. Integration of knowledge from previous courses to support quality dietetics practice will be emphasized. Pre: 4026. Co: 4125. (1H,1C)
4025-4026: METABOLIC NUTRITION 4025: Study of bioenergetics and macronutrients, with emphasis on sources, interrelationships, and factors affecting utilization and metabolism. Emphasis on how carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are metabolized following a meal, during fasting conditions, and when exercising. How metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins affects and is effected by metabolic disease such as obesity and diabetes will also be examined. 4026: Study of essential vitamins and minerals and their interaction with body systems, especially as these relate to food, exercise and health. Emphasis on how deficiency, toxicity and genetic conditions affect various organ systems, including bone, skin, digestive, and blood. Historical and regulatory policies, and scientific studies establishing recommended dietary allowances for micronutrients are considered. Pre: (2014 or 2014H), BMSP 2136, (BCHM 2024 or BCHM 3114 or BCHM 4115) for 4025; 4025 or 3025 for 4026. (3H,3C)
4114: FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL TOXICOLOGY Principles of food and nutritional toxicology with primary emphasis on food components and food toxins including absorption, metabolism and excretion. An overview of types of adverse food reactions including food allergy, food sensitivity, and food intolerance. An overview of U.S. and international lawas and regulation of safety assessment of foods including food additives, dietary supplements, and residues of contaminants, pesticides, and antibiotics. Analysis of food and nutritional toxicity cases in the context of the food system, regulatory policies, and public communication. Pre: BMSP 2136, BCHM 2024. (3H,3C)
4125-4126: MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY Study of nutritional diagnostic, therapeutic and counseling services provided by a registered dietitian. 4125: Emphasis on the relationship between principles of nutritional care and the medical treatment of individuals with selected diseases or clinical problems. 4126: Integration of knowledge of pathophysiology, biochemical, and clinical parameters, medical treatment and nutrition therapy for patients with selected clinical problems/disease states. Pre: 2004, 4026 for 4125; 4125 for 4126. Co: 3034 for 4125. (3H,3C)
4134: EXPERIENTIAL APPROACH TO NUTRITIONAL THERAPY Use of didactic and experiential methods to learn and apply theories of behavior change in diverse nutrition counseling situations. Pre: Instructor approval. I Pre: 4644. Co: 4125. (2H,2C)
4174: NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE Nutritional requirements for the wellbeing and optimal performance of athletes. Methods of assessment and modification of diet, performance, and body composition in athletes. Evaluation of dietary ergogenic aids and supplements for performance and body composition. Pre: 2804. Co: 4025. (3H,3C)
4224: ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY NUTRITION THERAPIES Critical evaluation of health claims, mechanisms of action, and research literature for a wide variety of alternative nutrition therapies used for disease prevention and treatment. Practical application of knowledge through completion of problem-based learning projects. Pre: (BIOL 1005 or BIOL 1105 or BIOL 1205H), (BIOL 1006 or BIOL 1106 or BIOL 1206H), (CHEM 1036 or CHEM 1056). (2H,2C)
4254: EXPERIMENTAL FOODS Experimental study of the functions of ingredients and factors affecting food quality with emphasis on an independent project. Pre: 3234. (1H,3L,2C)
4514: NUTRITIONAL GENOMICS Interactions between foods and nutrients with genetics, genomic DNA, and gene expression in humans and animals. Genetic variants that affect optimal health, metabolism and nutrition in individuals, as well as inheritance of these variants in individuals, and allele frequencies in populations. Scientific, ethical, and legal considerations of genes and nutrition knowledge, personalized testing, and genetic engineering. Junior standing. (3H,3C)
4624: COMMUNITY NUTRITION The application of nutrition principles to an analysis of current applied nutrition programs and a study of the political and legislative processes affecting the practice of dietetics. I Pre: (2014 or 2014H), 4026. (3H,3C)
4634: SOCIO-CULTURAL FOOD SYSTEMS Study of social, cultural, and economic aspects of food systems, using quantitative and qualitative methods to assess nutritional status. Pre: 1004, SOC 3004. (2H,2L,3C)
4644: HEALTH COUNSELING Roles, responsibilities, legal requirements and scope of the health professional. Interviewing, counseling, education, health promotion and behavior change strategies for diverse populations. Guidance and referral, health assessment, communication skills, and problem-solving. Application of counseling techniques such as goal-setting, ethical practice, cultural competence, evidence-based practice. Pre: Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
4645-4646: APPLICATIONS IN NUTRITION COUNSELING 4645: Experiential methods to apply theories of behavior change to promote nutrition and health changes. Learn and apply nutrition care process using evidence-based knowledge through providing client-centered counseling to individuals. Understanding of contemporary issues related to behavior change and emerging issues through review of lay and professional literature. 4646: Advance nutrition counseling skills through work with more diverse clients. Learn and apply quality improvement skills to enhance nutrition counseling service. Identify information on emerging issues and apply appropriately in counseling setting. Pre: 4644 for 4645; 4645 for 4646. Co: 4125 for 4645. (2H,2C)
4754: ADVANCED HUMAN ANATOMY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Advanced laboratory course in human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on how pathologic disease states affect human homeostasis. Congenital, genetic, chronic, and common global diseases with recognition and evaluation of causes, risk factors, and impact on body systems. Cadaver prosections will supplement models, specimens, and an advanced anatomy visualization system. Intended for students pursuing graduate education in health sciences. Pre: BMSP 2136, BMSP 2146. (2H,3L,3C)
4774: ADVANCED CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN HNFE A variable-content course. Explores advanced topics in the areas of nutrition, foods, exercise or health using higher- order thinking and problem-solving skills. Qualitatively and quantitatively assess current facts supported by scientific literature, as well as controversial issues with conflicting data. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Junior Standing. Variable credit course. Pre: 2014 or 2014H.
4824: ADVANCED KINESIOLOGY Advanced study of human movement during exercise. Integration of biomechanical, anatomical and neuromuscular concepts in the regulation of joint movement associated with exercise, injury and disease. Pre: 3824. (3H,3C)
4834: APPLICATIONS IN CLINICAL EXERCISE Supervised experience with the Therapeutic Exercise and Community Health Center. Direct Involvement with rehabilitative and preventive exercise and lifestyle programming for cardio-vascular, musculo-skeletal, and other conditions. Exercise leadership, case management, and daily operations. Included seminars, lab experience, and individual meetings with participants and supervisors, related projects. X-grade allowed. Pre: 3874. (9L,3C)
4844: EXERCISE AND NEUROMUSCULAR PERFORMANCE Functional properties of the neuromuscular system. Emphasis placed on the acute and chronic responses of muscle in exercise, rehabilitation and the factors which determine human performance. Special emphasis on the molecular biological factors responsible for skeletal muscle development and differentiation, as well as adaptation to training and disease states, including activation of signal cascades responsible for the changes in muscle performance. Pre: 3804. (3H,3C)
4854: INTERNSHIP IN EXERCISE SCIENCE AND HEALTH PROMOTION Capstone internship experience in the fields of exercise science and/or health promotion. The student will be immersed in the day-to-day challenges and responsibilities of a practicing health-fitness professional. The 45 contact hours per credit will involve work experience in some aspect of exercise science and/or health promotion. Senior standing and Exercise and Health Promotion majors only. May be repeated for maximum 3 credits. Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course. Pre: 4834.
4964: FIELD STUDY Variable credit course.
4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4974H: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
4994H: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.