Materials Science and Engineering
Head: D.E. Clark
Jack E. Cowling Professor: D.D. Viehland
Professors: D.E. Clark, D. Farkas, G-Q. Lu1, K. Lu, M. Murayama, G.R. Pickrell, and W.T. Reynolds Jr.
Associate Professors: A.O. Aning, L.V. Asryan, S.G. Corcoran, L.J. Guido1, C. Hin3, and A.R. Whittington2
Assistant Professors: X. Bai, W. Cai, C. Tallon, H. Yu
Associate Professors of Practice: A.P. Druschitz, S. McGinnis
Collegiate Associate Professor: T.W. Staley
Research Associate Professors: J-F. Li and C.T.A. Suchicital
Instructors: C.B. Burgoyne4, R. Clark
Professors Emeritus: J.J. Brown Jr., R.O. Claus, N.E. Dowling, G.V. Gibbs, D.P.H. Hasselman, R.W. Hendricks, and C.W. Spencer
Adjunct Faculty: C. Blankenship, J.T. Burns, M.M. Julian, S.L. Kampe, M.J. Kelley, R.G. Kelly, M. Khalifa, N. Manjooran, B. Risch, A. Savara, J.R. Scully, E. Trueman, and C. Van Tyne
Affiliated Faculty5: R.C. Batraa, M.J. Bortnerj, S.W. Casea, R.V. Davalose, S. Emori, A. Goldsteinj, J.R. Heflinb, X. Jiai, B. Johnsonk, F. Lin, R. Mirzaeifarg, R.B. Moorec, K. Ngoi, M. Van Dykeh, C.B. Williamsg, R.H. Yoond
1 Joint appointment with Electrical and Computer Engineering
2 Joint appointment with Chemical Engineering
3 Joint appointment with Mechanical Engineering
4 Joint appointment with Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics
5 Faculty with regular appointments in other departments: (a) Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics; (b) Physics; (c) Chemistry; (d) Mining and Minerals Engineering; (e) Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science; (f) Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory; (g) Mechanical Engineering; (h)Sustainable Biomaterials; (i) Electrical and Computer Engineering; (j) Chemical Engineering; (k) Industrial and Systems Engineering

Materials engineers and scientists study the structure and properties of engineering materials on scales ranging from the atomic through the microscopic to the macroscopic. These materials include ceramics, metals, polymers, composites, biomaterials, nanomaterials, semiconductors, and electronic, magnetic, and photonic materials. Materials engineers develop new materials, improve traditional materials, and manufacture materials economically through synthesis, processing, and fabrication. They seek to understand physical and chemical phenomena in material structures and to measure and characterize materials properties of all kinds including mechanical, electrical, optical, magnetic, thermal, and chemical. They predict and evaluate the performance of materials as structural or functional elements in engineering systems and structures. They assist engineers in other disciplines and architects in selecting optimal materials for various applications.
Significant opportunities exist for graduates in the aerospace, automobile, transportation, medical, microelectronics, telecommunications, chemical, petroleum, energy storage, power generation, and energy conservation industries, as well as within the basic industries producing materials--for example, the copper, aluminum, steel, ceramics, glass, and polymer industries. Opportunities also exist in government-operated engineering centers and research laboratories. Graduates work in entry level engineering, manufacturing, materials selection and design, quality assurance and control, research and development, technical consulting, management, and sales and marketing. Graduates have an excellent background for post-graduate studies in science, engineering, medicine, law, and business.
Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes
Educational Objectives
The goal of the BS degree program in MSE is to provide the educational foundation that enables alumni to pursue their personal career objectives. Historically, the majority of our alumni become valued members of industrial and/or research teams within the field of materials science or related technical disciplines while a smaller percentage pursue graduate education or other personal career objectives.
The specific objectives for the BS degree program in MSE are to produce alumni who are:
- effective communicators with written, oral, and visual media:
- able to apply critical thinking skills to engineering and research problems: and
- effective learners able to apply technical tools, techniques, and knowledge specific to their field of employment or graduate studies.
Student Outcomes
Upon graduation, students completing the B.S. degree program in MSE will be able to:
1. Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics including computational techniques to materials systems.
2. Apply engineering selection and design consistent with the program educational objectives to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
6. Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, apply statistical methods, and use engineering judgment (considering structure, properties, processing and performance) to draw conclusions.
7. Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Students typically enter the MSE Department following completion of their first year studies within the College of Engineering, as administered by the Department of Engineering Education (EngE); a description of required first year coursework can be found within the EngE section of this catalog.
In addition to foundation courses in MSE, students tailor an individualized program of elective study. 12 credits of technical electives will be selected to emphasize certain subdisciplines of MSE (e.g., metals, ceramics, polymers, electronic materials, composites, biomaterials, nanomaterials, etc.) or to prepare for a career in certain application areas (e.g., manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, information technology, microelectronics, etc.). Course-work totals 126 credit hours as detailed on the BS in MSE checksheet which can be found at Students expecting to graduate beyond the displayed checksheet years should use the last projected term until the checksheet for that calendar year becomes available.
The undergraduate curriculum contains a nationally recognized integrated program of instruction in engineering communication including writing, public speaking, proposal preparation, reporting, research skills, critical and creative thinking, and graphical presentation. More information regarding this unique program can be found at
The undergraduate program culminates with a two-semester team-oriented engineering design project in which the students address a significant problem in their area of special interest. MSE is unique within the College of Engineering in that they offer a more ambitious project for students enrolled in the University Honors program.
The MSE students have pursued various minors including Microelectronics, Green Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Music, a foreign language, and various others.
The B.S. in MSE degree program at Virginia Tech is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Educational Enhancement Opportunities
Students of MSE can optionally participate in the cooperative education program in which qualified students may alternate semesters of study with semesters of professional employment. (
Honors-eligible students may participate in a formalized program of study leading to one of several university honors degrees (see MSE traditionally graduates several students with the degree "Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering (in Honors)", as well as some of the other Honors designations.
There are several department guided programs for study abroad and cultural exchanges. The MSE department has established relationships with several universities offering strong MSE programs in other countries. Programs in which the student studies abroad for one or two semesters typically have a foreign language requirement. At this time, programs are available in China, France, Germany and Switzerland. Students with interest in said programs are strongly advised to have at least two years of high school experience with the appropriate language. Short-term (3 week) summer programs are available, which do not have a language requirement.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (MSE)
1004: MATERIALS IN TODAY’S WORLD An introductory course designed for the student with a basic high school science background who wishes to understand and learn about the exciting materials developments which are affecting us all in today’s world. The course will introduce the structures and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers (plastics), composites, and materials for electronic and optical applications. Students will also gain an appreciation for the processing and design limitations of materials used in everyday applications. (1H,1C)
1014: MAT SCIENCE EVERYDAY LIFE Introduction to the science of materials using everyday applications in modern society from medicine, transportation, sports, art, music, infrastructure, and electronics. Discussion of metals, ceramics, plastics, biomaterials, and hybrid materials based on the fundamental science dictating their structure properties, and processing. Considerations of tradeoffs between environmental sustainability, ethical and societal issues, and economics for materials choices. (3H,3C)
2014: MATERIALS ENGINEERING TRANSITION Supplemental coverage of introductory topics not included in courses delivered to non-MSE majors. Pre: 2034 or 3094 or AOE 3094. (1H,1C)
2034: ELEMENTS OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING This course is designed to introduce the non-MSE student to the structures and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the processing and design limitations of these materials, as well as being introduced to new classes of materials being developed to meet the ever expanding range of material requirements. Non-MSE majors only. Pre: CHEM 1035. Co: PHYS 2305. (3H,3C)
2044: FUNDAMENTALS OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING This course is designed to introduce the MSE major to the structures and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and electronic materials. Students will also gain an understanding of the processing and design limitations of materials. Topics fundamental to the further study of materials, such as crystal structures, phase diagrams, and materials design and processing will be emphasized as foundations for future MSE courses. Pre: CHEM 1035. Co: PHYS 2305. (4H,4C)
2054: FUNDAMENTALS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Introduces MSE majors to fundamental underlying concepts governing phase equilibrium, microstructure, electronic properties of materials, and transport phenomena as a foundation to understanding materials behavior and processing. Pre: 2044. (3H,3C)
2114: MATH PROGRAMMING MSE I Basic computational and graphical functions in mathematics oriented programming languages using data and engineering examples from the field of Materials Science. Students apply general methods to problems of their choice through mini- projects. Pre: 2044. (1H,1C)
2884: MATERIALS ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT I Library engineering research skills, technical computer graphics, basic engineering workplace communication skills, basic engineering teamwork skills, introduction to engineering ethics, resumes and letters of introduction, gender issues in the workplace, professional poster presentations, and engineering public speaking. Pre: MSE major, sophomore status. (3L,1C)
2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2974H: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
29844: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2984D: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
2994H: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
3044: TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN MSE Mass transport (continuum and atomistic diffusion), heat transport and fluid flow (momentum transport). Analytical and computer based methods for solving transport problems. Pre: 2044, MATH 2214. (3H,3C)
3054 (ESM 3054): MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS Mechanical properties and behavior of engineering materials subjected to static, dynamic, creep, and fatigue loads under environments and stress states typical of service conditions; biaxial theories of failure; behavior of cracked bodies; microstructure-property relationships and design methodologies for homogeneous and composite materials. Pre: ESM 2204, (MSE 2034 or MSE 2044 or MSE 3094 or AOE 3094 or CEE 3684). (3H,3C)
3064 (ESM 3064): MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF MATERIALS LABORATORY Laboratory experiments on behavior and mechanical properties of solid materials. Tension, compression, bending, hardness, nano-indentation, and impact tests; behavior of cracked bodies; fatigue and crack growth tests; creep deformation; microstructure-property relationships; laboratory equipment, instrumentation, and computers. Co: 3054. (3L,1C)
3094 (AOE 3094): MATERIALS & MANUFACTURING FOR AERO & OCEAN ENGINEERS This course introduces the student of Aerospace and/or Ocean Engineering to the fundamental properties of materials typically required for structural design. The performance characteristics of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites are presented and contrasted. Foundation principles underlying materials manufacturing are also presented with the goal of providing an understanding of how processing affects material properties and performance. Must have a C- or better in pre-requisite CHEM 1035. Non-MSE majors only. Pre: CHEM 1035. Co: ESM 2204, PHYS 2305. (3H,3C)
3104 (GEOS 3504): MINERALOGY Principles of modern mineralogy, crystal chemistry, and crystallography, with emphasis on mineral atomic structure and physical property relationships, mineralogy in the context of geology, geochemistry, environmental science and geophysics, phase equilibria, mineral associations, and mineral identification, and industrial applications of minerals. There are three required field trips during the semester. Pre: (MATH 1016 or MATH 1025), CHEM 1036. (2H,3L,3C)
3114: MATHEMATICS PROGRAMMING IN MATERIALS SCIENCE II Advanced computational and graphical methods in mathematics oriented programming languages. Students develop programs that solve and/or provide visualizations of solutions to materials science and engineering problems. Pre: 2114. (1H,1C)
3134: CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURES Provides a comprehensive foundation in crystallography including lattices, point groups, space groups, reciprocal lattices, properties of x-rays, and electron density maps, all leading to a formal description of structures and an interpretation of the published crystallographic data. Pre: 2044. (3H,3C)
3204: FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Introduction to the electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of solid-state materials. Development of atomic scale models for physical phenomena that are observable at the macroscopic scale. Connection is made between basic materials properties and the operational characteristics of selected solid-state devices. Pre: 2054, PHYS 2306. (3H,3C)
3304: PHYSICAL METALLURGY Deformation of crystalline solids and its relationship to crystal structure and crystal defects: crystal structures of metals, dislocations and plastic deformation, vacancies, recovery, recrystallization, grain growth, deformation twinning and martensite. Pre: 2044. (3H,3C)
3314: MATERIALS LABORATORY I Sample preparation for materials characterization techniques including various types of microscopy, spectroscopy, diffraction, and hardness testing. Instruction in the use of heat treating equipment and polishing and chemical etching procedures. Pre: 2044. (3L,1C)
3324: ELEMENTARY METAL CASTING LABORATORY Introduction to metal casting processes; gating, risering, molding and puring. Hands-on experience. Emphasis on safe foundry practices. Oral and written reports are required. Pre: (2034 or 2044), ISE 2214. Co: 3354. (3L,1C)
3334: TEST METHODS FOR FOUNDRY LABORATORIES The properties of foundry sand, molten metal and castings are measured using standard laboratory test procedures. Safe foundry practices are emphasized. Oral and written reports are required. Pre: (2034 or 2044), ISE 2214. Co: 3354. (1H,2L,2C)
3344: GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF THE METAL CASTING INDUSTRY Introduction to the role of federal, state, and local regulation of the metal casting industry. Implementation of OSHA, EPA, and DEQ regulations in an inherently dangerous industry. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of these regulations in a University environment as implemented in the VT-FIRE facility. Visits to VT-FIRE and other local production foundries are included. Oral and written reports required. Pre: (2034 or 2044), ISE 2214. (3H,3C)
3354: FOUNDRY SAFETY Provides comprehensive training in foundry safety procedures and policies. (May register multiple times). Co: 3324 or 3334 or 4324. Pass/Fail only. Pre: (2034 or 2044), ISE 2214. (2H,1C)
3884: MATERIALS ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT II Public speaking and workplace communications for materials engineers, business writing for the engineering workplace, teamwork skills, engineering ethics, collaborative writing, engineering management skills, and gender issues in the workplace. Extends the basic treatment of these topics given in MSE 2884. Pre: MSE major, junior status. Pre: 2884. (3L,1C)
3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course.
4034: THERMODYNAMICS OF MATERIALS SYSTEMS Topics in thermodynamics on the solution of materials selection and design related problems such as materials stability at high temperatures and in corrosive chemical environments. Thermodynamic principles important in controlling equilibrium in single component systems and multicomponent solid solutions and in establishing the thermodynamic driving force in kinetic processes which are important in materials processing unit operations. Estimation of thermodynamic properties and equilibrium calculations in multicomponent and multiphase systems. Pre: 2044. Co: CHEM 1036. (3H,3C)
4044: POWDER PROCESSING Processing methods associated with powder synthesis, characterization, colloidal processing, and forming of powder compacts. Theory of solid state and liquid phase sintering. Pre: 3044. (3H,3C)
4055-4056: MATERIALS SELECTION AND DESIGN I AND II 4055: Selection of materials for engineering systems, based on constitutive analyses of functional requirements and material properties. 4056: The role and implications of processing on material selection. Pre: 3044, 3054, (3204, 3304) or (3204, 4414) or (3204, 4554) or (3304, 4414) or (330 4, 4554) or (4414, 4554) for 4055; 4055 for 4056. (3H,3C)
4075-4076: SENIOR DESIGN LABORATORY A capstone design course centered around an open-ended, faculty-advised senior project involving the design of a process, material, or a technique for solving a technological problem. Senior standing in MSE required. Pre: 4644 for 4075; 4075 for 4076. Co: 4085, 4055 for 4075; 4086 for 4076. 4075: (3L,1C) 4076: (6L,2C)
4085-4086: SENIOR DESIGN RECITATION Capstone course run in parallel with faculty-advised Senior Project Laboratory (MSE 4075-4076). Topics in engineering professional practice, project planning, and reporting. Preparation of proposals, interim reports, final project reports, and discussion of the environmental, social, and economic impacts of engineering. Instruction in design theory, ethics, continuous learning, and global issues. Senior Standing in MSE. Co: 4075 or 4095H for 4085. 4076 or 4096H for 4086. Pre: 3884 for 4085; 4085 for 4086. 4085: (2H,2C) 4086: (1H,1C)
4095H-4096H: HONORS SENIOR DESIGN-LABORATORY Two-semester MSE capstone design course centered around an open-ended, faculty-advised senior honors project involving the design of a process, material, or a technique for solving a technological problem. Outcomes and work effort are consistent with that expected of honors students. MSE 4095H: Literature search, planning and proof-of-concept studies of assigned project. Individual preparation and presentation of an original senior honors thesis related to a team project in which the students also participate. Presentation of detailed project plan to faculty. MSE 4096H: Execution of proposed project, analysis of results and preparation of journal-quality presentation of results. Oral presentation of results to MSE faculty and students. Enrollment in University Honors and senior standing in MSE required. Pre: 4644 for 4095H; UH 4095H, MSE 4095 for 4096H. Co: 4085, 4055 for 4095H; 4086, 4086 for 4096H. (9L,3C)
4164: PRINCIPLES OF MATERIALS CORROSION Introduction to the scientific principles of materials corrosion and corrosion protection. Topics include: thermodynamics of materials corrosion, including potential- PH (Pourbaix) diagrams, kinetics of corrosion reactions and mixed potential theory, types of corrosion (uniform, galvanic, crevice, pitting, fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, intergranular, and hydrogen embrittlement), material/environmental factors that promote or prevent the various types of corrosion, and methods and techniques of corrosion testing. Co: 4034. (3H,3C)
4174: CORROSION & DEGRADATION OF MATERIALS LABORATORY Introduction to experimental techniques and principles used to study the effects of environmental exposure on various contemporary advanced materials systems. Emphasis on creation and measurement of property variations in engineered materials caused by time and chemical or energetic stimuli, and effective communication of these results. Pre: 4034, 3314, 4424. Co: 3044. (3L,1C)
4224: ELECTRONIC, MAGNETIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS LABORATORY Introduction to experimental techniques used to study the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of contemporary advanced materials systems; property variations made possible by composition and processing of engineered materials; and interaction of fields with materials \023 including effective communication of these results. Pre: 3204, 3314, 4424. (3L,1C)
4234 (ECE 4234): SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING Manufacturing practices used in silicon integrated circuit fabrication and the underlying scientific basis for these process technologies. Physical models are developed to explain basic fabrication steps, such as substrate growth, thermal oxidation, dopant diffusion, ion implantation, thin film deposition, etching, and lithography. The overall CMOS integrated circuit process flow is described within the context of these physical models. Pre: ECE 2204 or ECE 3054. (3H,3C)
4304: METALS AND ALLOYS This course covers the production, properties and uses of commercially important metals and alloys. The influence of structure, chemistry, and processing upon the properties of metals is emphasized. Alloy selection is discussed. Mechanical, electrical, thermal and chemical characteristics of ferrous and nonferrous alloys are studied. Pre: 2034 or 2044. (3H,3C)
4305,4306: PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MODELING OF METAL CASTING 4305: Casting processes; solidification and its influences on the structure and chemistry of castings; role of fluid flow and heat transfer in mold design; origin and control of casting defects. 4306: Design, layout, and modeling of metal components cast from aluminum, bronze, iron and steel; design of metal running systems; modeling of solidification process. Co: 3044 or ME 3304 for 4306. Pre: 3304 for 4305; (2034 or 2044), 3324 for 4306. (3H,3C)
4324: ADVANCED METAL CASTING LABORATORY Advanced metal casting processes; no-bake sand molds; investment casting; rapid prototyping; melting and casting of aluminum, bronze, iron and steel. Casting finishing including shot and sand blasting. Hands-on experience. Emphasis on safe foundry practices. Oral and written reports are required. Pre: 3324. Co: 3354. (1H,3L,2C)
4334: APPLIED MATERIALS ANALYSIS Fundamental materials theory applied to structure-property relationships in materials science and engineering through basic characterization techniques. Demonstrations, lab exercises, and practical application of modern characterization techniques such as Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM, TEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Pre: 2044, (3314 or 4424). (2H,3L,3C)
4384: NUCLEAR MATERIALS An introduction to materials for nuclear applications with emphasis on fission reactors. Fundamental radiation effects on materials; material properties relevant to structural, moderator, reflector, blanket, coolant, control shielding and safety systems; processes such as nuclear fuel cycles, fuel enrichment and reprocessing; and related structural systems. Pre: (3044 or ME 3304), (MSE 3054 or ESM 3054 or ME 3614). (3H,3C)
4394: INTRODUCTION TO MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION Background of molecular dynamics simulation method. Fundamental molecular dynamics principles, algorithms and components (atomic structure, periodic boundary conditions, interatomic potentials, equations of motion of atoms, statistical ensembles, integration of equations of motion). Implementation of algorithms into codes. Simulations of the time evolution of atoms, particles, or molecules under static or varying thermodynamic conditions and external loads. Connection between atom trajectories and evolution of the physical property of the simulation system with statistical mechanics principles. Hands-on case studies using molecular dynamics simulation package, LAMMPS. Prior knowledge of a programming language such as Fortran, C, C++, Matlab, Mathematica, Python, Java is highly recommended. Pre: Junior standing. Pre: 2034 or 2044. (3H,3C)
4414: PHYSICAL CERAMICS Study of the relationships between the physical properties (thermal, optical, mechanical, electrical and magnetic) and the structure and composition of ceramics at the atomic and microscopic level as affected by processing and service environment. Emphasis will be placed on application and design using structural ceramics. Pre: 2044. (3H,3C)
4424: MATERIALS LABORATORY II Processing and characterization of materials; exploration of the influence of processing parameters on physical and mechanical properties. Emphasis on material synthesis. Pre: 2044. (3L,1C)
4434: CERAMIC & GLASS MATERIALS PROCESSING LABORATORY Introduction to experimental techniques used to synthesize, process, and analyze resulting properties of ceramic and glass materials. Measurement of property variations made possible by changing composition and processing of engineered ceramic systems. Pre: 4414, 3314, 4424. (3L,1C)
4544 (CHEM 4074): LABORATORY IN POLYMER SCIENCE Experimental techniques used in the synthesis of various linear polymers, copolymers, and crosslinked networks. Determination of polymer molecular weights and molecular weight distribution. Methods used in the thermal, mechanical, and morphological characterization of polymeric systems. Pre: CHEM 3616, CHEM 4534. (1H,3L,2C)
4554: POLYMER ENGINEERING This course is designed to introduce the student to polymers from the MSE perspective. The basics of polymer syntheses and polymerization will be outlined. The relationship between processing, structure, and properties will be presented with respect to the performance and design requirements of typical polymer applications. Pre: 2044. (3H,3C)
4574: BIOMATERIALS Materials for biomedical applications. Basic material types and properties, functional uses of materials in medical applications, and tissue response mechanisms. Integrated design issues of multicomponent material design in prosthetic devices for hard and soft tissues, orthopedics , cardiovascular, and drug delivery applications. Pre: 3054 or ESM 3054. (3H,3C)
4584: BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS Introduction to structure property relationships in biological materials such as wood, bone, shells, spider silk, connective tissue, blood vessels and jellyfish. Proteins and polysaccharides, biosynthesis and assembly, biomineralization, hierarchical organization. Introduction to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Life cycle, environmental aspects of biofabrication. Pre: (2034 or 2044), (CHEM 1036 or BIOL 1106). (3H,3C)
4604: COMPOSITE MATERIALS The application of the fundamental concepts of mechanics, elasticity, and plasticity to multiphase and composite materials. Constitutive equations for the mechanical and physical properties of metal, ceramic, and polymeric matrix composites. The role of processing and microstructure on properties. Pre: (2034 or 2044), ESM 2204. (3H,3C)
4614: NANOMATERIALS Synthesis methods of 0D nanoparticles, 1D nanotubes/nanowires/nanorods, 2D nanoribbons and nanofilms, and special nano-features on supports. Bottom-up and top-down approaches. Methods of characterization for nanomaterials. Processing of nanospecies into higher order dimensions; conventional processing techniques; techniques developed solely for nanomaterials. Chemical, physical, mechanical, and electrical properties of nanomaterials and applications of nanomaterials. Pre: 4034. (3H,3C)
4644: MATERIALS OPTIMIZATION THROUGH DESIGNED EXPERIMENTS Methods of analysis of variation in materials systems, manufacturing or R&D through the use of statistical methods including experimental design techniques. Instructional examples related to Materials Science and Engineering. Pre: (3314 or 4424). (3H,3C)
4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4974H: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
4994H: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.