Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Head: Joel W. Snodgrass
Professors: P. L. Angermeier, K. A. Alexander, C. A. Dolloff, J. D. Fraser, E. A. Frimpong, C. A. Haas, E. M. Hallerman, W. A. Hopkins, Y. Jiao, S. M. Karpanty, M. J. Kelly, D. J. Orth, and D. F. Stauffer
Associate Professors: L. J. Castello, J. M. Ford, J. W. Jones, and J. A. Parkhurst
Assistant Professors: M. Cherry, A. Dayer, L. Escobar, Francesco Ferretti, and Holly Kindsvater
Adjunct Professors: B. Czech, P. Grobler, M. Joos Vandewalle, D. Hawley, T. J. Newcomb, E. Smith, H. Schwarz, J. Walters, and Y. Palti
Career Advisors: Fish Conservation Undergraduate - E. M. Murphy (231-6959), Wildlife Conservation Undergraduate - C. A. Haas (231-9269)

Fish Conservation
The Fish Conservation program is for students interested in research and management of aquatic animals and ecosystems, including wild fish and shellfish, endangered species, and hatchery-raised fish. Most graduates work for state or federal fisheries agencies, environmental consulting firms, or public utilities. Because the more challenging and rewarding jobs require a master's degree, the program emphasizes preparation for graduate study.
Wildlife Conservation
The Wildlife Conservation program is for students interested in research and management of terrestrial animals and ecosystems, including game birds and mammals, non-game animals, and endangered species. Most graduates work for state or federal wildlife agencies, environmental consulting firms, or private land management companies. Because the more challenging and rewarding jobs require a master's degree, the program emphasizes preparation for graduate study.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (FIW)
2114: PRINCIPLES OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Basic principles, key people, agencies and laws guiding the science-based conservation and management of fish and terrestrial animals. Conservation and management of organisms, habitats, and human users examined in terms of biological, physical, ecological, ethical and sociological theories and practices. Local to global illustration from both recreational and commercial resources. (3H,3C)
2234: FISH, FISHING, AND CONSERVATION Sensory perception, behavior, and consciousness in fish. Principles, as related to fish and why they matter, fish conservation ethics, food security, recreational fishing, and responsible fishing practices. Ethical reasoning applied to the contemporary issues of conservation and use of fish, such as subsistence fishing, fish farming, marine protected areas, highly migratory fishes, sharks tourism, and ornamental fishes. (3H,3C)
2244: NATURAL HISTORY OF THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS Introduction to the natural environments of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park through an intensive, 7-day, on-site residential experience. Emphasis on improving identification skills and enhancing knowledge of the local geology and biodiversity endemic to the Great Smoky Mountains, including the plants, animals, and invasive species common to its terrestrial and aquatic communities. Examination of environmental problems and policies unique to the Great Smoky Mountains, as influenced by local history and culture. Pre: 3 credits in general education from within the Reasoning in the Natural Sciences areas. (2H,3L,3C)
2314: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Summary of biological characteristics of wild birds and mammals, especially relating to management by humans. Physiological, functional, structural, and behavioral adaptations of individuals to their environments and foods. Pre: (BIOL 1105 or BIOL 1205H), (BIOL 1106 or BIOL 1206H). (3H,3C)
2324: WILDLIFE FIELD BIOLOGY Systematics, identification, and natural history of common native vertebrates and plants. Exposure to habitats/ecosystems of western Virginia. Observation, collection, and reporting of field data. Self-scheduled field and media lab activities required. (1H,6L,3C)
2514: FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION POLICY Foundations of U.S. and Virginia fish and wildlife conservation policy (FWC), including international agreements. Ethical, religious, and legal foundations of FWC policy. Roles of values and beliefs in conservation behavior. Constitutional basis for FWC policy in the U.S. How FWC policies are made, implemented, and revised through state and federal agencies. Major conservation policy strategies, particularly the value of stakeholder collaboration for successful policy development, passage, and implementation. Conduct independent and group social science research to identify and present compelling policy solutions for an FWC problem. (3H,3C)
2964: FIELD STUDY Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course.
2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
2994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.
3414: DISEASE ECOLOGY AND ECOSYSTEM HEALTH Principles of disease ecology with practical application of concepts using both human and wildlife disease examples. Importance of emerging infectious disease in conservation planning, public health and wildlife management. Pre: BIOL 1105, BIOL 1106. (3H,3C)
3514: FISHERIES TECHNIQUES Application of field and laboratory methods in fisheries management and research. Experience with fisheries equipment and techniques. Pre: 2114, STAT 3615. (1H,6L,3C)
3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course.
3984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4114: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION Advanced concepts and practices related to the conservation and enhancement of biological diversity. Understanding and analysis of causes of biological scarcity. Designing actions to mitigate biodiversity loss. Integration of legal, economic, social, and biological principles to develop solutions to conservation of organisms, populations and ecosystems. Cannot be taken for credit by Wildlife Conservation (WLC) majors. Pre: 2114. (3H,3C)
4214: WILDLIFE FIELD TECHNIQUES Field research methods for wild vertebrates in terrestrial environments. Application of research methodology including animal capture and marking, determination of sex, age, and condition, radio telemetry and map/compass/GPS orienteering, non-invasive methods of capture, habitat selection, and supervised group research projects. Pre: 4414, STAT 3615. (2H,3L,3C)
4314: CONSERVATION OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Principles and practices of conserving biological diversity. Causes, consequences and rates of extinction. Application of philosophical, biological, sociological and legal principles to the conservation of genes, plant and animal species and ecosystems. Pre: 4414, 4434. (3H,3L,4C)
4324 (FREC 4324): GENETICS OF NATURAL AND MANGAGED POPULATIONS Introductory genetics with an emphasis on evolutionary processes relevant to natural and managed populations of both plant and animal species. Traditional and modern genetics, including quantitative and population genetics, molecular evolution, genomics, and biotechnology. Pre: BIOL 1105, BIOL 1106, (STAT 3005 or STAT 3615 or FOR 3214 or FREC 3214). (3H,3C)
4334: MAMMALOGY Biology of mammals, including evolution, systematics, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and conservation challenges. Laboratory focus on identification, morphology, and zoogeography. Pre: BIOL 2704 or BIOL 2704H. (3H,3L,4C)
4344: HERPETOLOGY Biology of amphibians and reptiles, including evolution, systematics, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and conservation challenges. Laboratory focus on identification, morphology, and zoogeography. Pre: BIOL 2704 or BIOL 2704H. (3H,3L,4C)
4414: POPULATION DYNAMICS AND ESTIMATION Population growth, structure, and regulation of fish and wildlife populations including harvested populations, non-harvested populations, and small or declining populations. Methods of estimating demographic parameters such as population size, survival, and recruitment. Population viability analysis and genetic considerations in population dynamics. Pre: 2324. (3H,3C)
4424: ICHTHYOLOGY Morphology and physiology, systematics, zoogeography, and identification of fishes. (2H,6L,4C)
4434: WILDLIFE HABITAT ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Relationship of wildlife species to their habitats. Factors influencing distribution and abundance of wildlife populations. Vegetation succession and structure, habitat classification, modeling wildlife habitat relationships and management of habitats in forests, agricultural lands, rangelands, riparian/wetland and urban areas. Pre: 2114. (3H,3C)
4454: HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICTS Current and emerging human-wildlife interactions that lead to conflict; application of knowledge of animal behavior and life history, population dynamics, human dimensions, and ecosystem functions to analyze conflicts and formulate effective resolution; legal statutes and regulatory constraints on resolution; reliance on case studies of existing conflict situations to gain applied experience in diagnosing and solving human-wildlife conflicts using Vertebrate Integrated Pest Management protocols. Pre: Senior Standing. (3H,3C)
4464: HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Values, attitudes, and opinions of people toward fish and wildlife. Social, economic, legal, and political aspects of fisheries and wildlife management. Roles of professionals and the public in fish and wildlife policy processes. Contemporary fish and wildlife policy issues. Senior standing required. Pre: 2114. (3H,3C)
4474: WILDLIFE HABITAT EVALUATION Application of methods for habitat evaluation through a group project to develop a habitat management plan. Students apply methods used to quantify habitat quality and assess impacts of various management actions. Emphasis is on Habitat Suitability Index models and the Habitat Evaluation Procedures approach of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Co: 4434. (3L,1C)
4484 (BIOL 4484) (ENT 4484): FRESHWATER BIOMONITORING Concepts and practices of using macroinvertebrates and fish to monitor the environmental health of freshwater ecosystems. Effects of different types of pollution and environmental stress on assemblages of organisms and underlying ecological principles. Role of biological studies in environmental regulation. Study design, field and laboratory methods, data analysis and interpretation, verbal and written presentation of results. Pre: (BIOL 2804), (BIOL 4354 or BIOL 4004 or ENT 4354 or FIW 4424 or FIW 4614). (3H,3L,4C)
4534: ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF WETLAND SYSTEMS Introduction to the variety of wetland systems found in North America, though emphasis will focus on eastern and mid-Atlantic wetland systems. Origin and processes of formation of wetlands, functions and values of wetlands, wetland delineation, wetland classification, regulatory processes affecting wetlands. Objectives of and management techniques used to protect and/or manipulate wetland systems for wildlife and other human needs. Enrollment restricted to junior, seniors and graduate students. Pre: BIOL 3204. (2H,3L,3C)
4614: FISH ECOLOGY Interactions of fish with the physical and biological environment. Adaptations of organisms, populations, and communities. Impacts of human activities on major aquatic ecosystems and important fishes. Ecological principles for management of important sport, commercial, and prey fishes. Pre: BIOL 1106. (3H,3C)
4624: MARINE ECOLOGY Marine organism, biological, ecological, chemical and physical processes of marine ecosystems in open sea, coastal and benthic environments, research methods and models in marine ecosystem simulation; fisheries in a dynamic ecosystem: human interference and conservation. (3H,3C)
4714: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT History, theory, and practice of fisheries management. Emphasis on basic strategies used in effective management and setting management objectives. Synthesis of fish population dynamics and manipulation, habitat improvement, and human management to achieve objectives. Case studies of major fisheries. Pre: 3514. (3H,3L,4C)
4964: FIELD STUDY Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course.
4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course.
4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course.
4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course.