Faculty Honors: 2000 - present | 1957 - 1999

Academic Advising Awards
2004: J. Cranford
D.W. Reaves
R. Holloway
2001: S. Ball
2000: D.B. Thorp

Academy of Teaching Excellence
2005: D. Agud, W.T. Baumann,R.J. Foti, A. Kohler, G. Long, P. Sorrentino
2004: A. Colaianne, G. Downey, T. Pratt, C.F. Reinholtz , J.J. Richardson Jr., S. Saffle
2003: A.L. Buikema Jr., D.M. Denbow, R.M. Goff, G. Lloyd, D.W. Reaves, W.E. Snizek
2002: P.G. Amateis, W.M. Aust, R.E. Benoit, J.D. Boyer, R.D. Fell, C.P. Neck
2001: A.O. Abaye, H. Bender, W.W. Brown, S. Magliaro, M. McAllister, M. Vorster
2000: J.T. Arnold, A.S. Becker, J.L. Ozanne, T. Papillon, A.J. Stremmel, B.M. Waggenspack
Alumni Extension Award
2005: R. Cox, G.M. Snyder
2004: G. Evanylo, J. Unroe
2003: M.T. Lambur, S.M. Johnson
2002: J.A. Myers, C.C. Stallings
2001: H.W. Pettway, S.S. Sumner
2000: J.A. Martin, R.M. Shaffer

Alumni International Programs Award
2005: V. Fu, D. Kingston
2004: J. Scarpaci
2003: J. Marchman
J.S. Tlou
2001: G.W. Norton
2000: D.E. Egger

Alumni Research Award
2005: M.F. Hochella, Jr., M.W. Hyer
R.C. Batra, H.W. Gibson
D. Farkas, D. Lindsay
John G. Casali, Malcolm Potts
2001: E.S. Geller, D.J. Inman
2000: R.M. Akers, L.T. Watson

Alumni Teaching Award
2005: R.J. Foti, A. Kohler
A. Colaianne, C.F. Reinholtz
G. Lloyd, D.W. Reaves
W.M. Aust, P.G. Amateis
2001: A.O. Abaye, M. Vorster
2000: J.T. Arnold, B.M. Waggenspack

Commonwealth of Virginia Outstanding Faculty
2005: R.O. Claus, E.S. Geller, L. Roy
2003: T. Gardner, M. Vorster
2002: J. R. Craig, J.R. Seiler
2001: J.P. Wightman
2000: Y.A. Liu, W. Purcell

Diggs Teaching Scholar
2005: C. Dannenberg, K. Precoda, P. Wallenstein
2004: S. Ball, C. Eckel, S. Johnson, R. Siegle
A. Becker, E. Bloomer, T. Smith-Jackson
2002: M.M. Boler, J.R. Seiler, W.E. Snizek
2001: M.B. Boisen, S. Floyd-Thomas, R. Goff
2000: K. Allen, B. Bunch-Lyons, J. Martin

Alumni Distinguished Professors
J. Bixler, R. Blieszner, C. Bostian, E.A. Brown, A.L. Buikema, Jr., T. Distler, E.S. Geller, W.D. Purcell, C. Reinholtz, J.I. Robertson, Jr., L.H. Roy, W. Snizek
Honorary Alumni Distinguished Professor: J.P. Wightman
University Distinguished Professors
R. J. Bodnar, H.E. Burkhart, J.M. Duncan, G.J. Flick, Jr., N. Giovanni, D. Kingston, P. Knox, F.C. Lee, T. Luke, J. McGrath, A.H. Nayfeh, T.H. Ollendick, J.J. Tyson
Honorary Distinguished Professor: M. Grene
Sporn Award
2005: D. Agud, K. Ellis
2004: J. De La Ree Lopez, S. Saffle
2003: W. E. Snizek, E. Scott
2002: J.D. Boyer, J.S. Thweatt
2001: M. McAllister, D.H. Vaughan
2000: W.L. Conger, T. Papillon

University Exemplary Department (recipients for the last five years)
Enchancing global diversity by effectively increasing the numbers of culturally different faculty, staff, and students and/or promoting and supporting international and multicultural perspectives to support the missions of the university.
Cranwell International Center
Human Development

Effectively linking research and scholarship with teaching, with particular concentration on innovative undergraduate programs:
Biological Systems Engineering
Theatre Arts

Working collaboratively across departmental boundaries to fulfill common or complementary goals. (The awards would be given to the set of departments involved.):
Electrical & Computer Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering and Physics (shared award)
Foreign Languages & Literatures and Pamplin College of Business Graduate & International Programs (shared award)
Graduate Program in Science & Technology Studies

Maintaining a high quality of advising both at the graduate and undergraduate levels:
Mining & Minerals Engineering
Animal & Poultry Sciences

Developing and sustaining innovative and effective approaches to introductory courses at the graduate or undergraduate levels:
Residential and Leadership Communities Program
Marriage and Family Therapy (Master's Program, Northern Virginia Center)

Wine Award
2005: W.T. Baumann, P. Sorrentino, G. Long
2004: G. Downey, T. Pratt, J.J. Richardson, Jr.
2003: A.L. Buikema, Jr., D.M. Denbow, R.M. Goff
2002: R.E. Benoit, R.D. Fell, C.P. Neck
2001: H. Bender, W.W. Brown, S. Magliaro
2000: A.S. Becker, J.L. Ozanne, A.J. Stremmel

Faculty: A-B | C-D | E-G | H-K | L-R | S-Z | Emeriti