Faculty & Administrators: L M N O P Q R
LA BERGE, Ann F. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Science and Technology in Society. B.A., Middlebury, 1965; M.A.T., Vanderbilt, 1966; M.A., Vanderbilt, 1969; Ph.D., Tennessee, 1974. LaBOONE, Kimberly (2004), Asst. Director for College Transition Programs. B.A., Spellman College, 1986; M.S., Northeastern Univ., 1989. LACOSTE, Jean M. (1997), Instructor in Accounting and Information Systems. B.S., Salisbury State, 1989; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1995. LaFLAMME, Dorothy (2005), Adjunct Professor of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Berry College, 1977; M.S., University of Georgia, 1983; D.V.M., University of Georgia, 1987; Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1991; Diplomate, A.C.V.N. LAI, Jason S. (1996), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., National Taiwan Norman Univ., 1975, M.S., Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1985; Ph.D., Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1989. LAKEL, William A. (2003). Instructor, Industrial Forestry Operations. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1997; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2000. LALIK, Rosary V. (1982), Assoc. Prof. of Education (National Capital Region). B.S., State Univ. College, Oswego, 1963; M.S., State Univ. College, Oswego, 1976; Ed.D., Syracuse, 1982. LAMB, Fred M. (1968), Prof. Emeritus of Wood Science and Forest Products. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 1961; M.S., Pennsylvania State, 1962; Ed.D., Pennsylvania State, 1980. LAMBE, C. Jay (2001), Asst. Prof. of Marketing. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1983; M.B.A., George Washington Univ., 1990; Ph.D., UVa., 1998. LANG, James R. (1990), Strickler Prof. of Entrepreneurial Studies and Director, Business Leadership Center. B.S., Pennsylvania State, 1963; M.B.A., Northeastern, 1973; Ph.D., Massachusetts, 1976. LANG, Robert (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning (Alexandria) and Director, Metropolitan Institute. B.A., Rutgers Univ., 1985; Ph.D., Rutgers Univ., 2001. LANZ, Otto I. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Auburn, 1992; Diplomate, A.C.V.S. LARSON, Martha M. (1986), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Ohio State, 1981; M.S., Ohio State, 1987; Diplomate, A.C.V.R. LARSON, Timothy J. (1986), Prof. of Biochemistry. B.S., Texas Lutheran, 1973; Ph.D., Texas, 1978. LATIMER, Joyce G. (1999), Prof. of Horticulture. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.S., Purdue, 1981; Ph.D., Purdue, 1986. LATTIMER, Kara E. (2003), Academic Advisor and Recruiter, Pamplin College of Business. B.A., Idaho State Univ., 1994; M.A.Ed., Virginia Tech, 2002. LAUBENBACHER, Reinhard (2001), Prof. of Mathematics. M.A., Indiana Univ., 1978; Ph.D., Northwestern Univ., 1985. LAVENDER, Patricia S. (1984), Assoc. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.A., Maryville, 1970; M.A., Maryland, 1977. LAW, Richard D. (1987), Prof. of Geology. B.S., Kingston Univ., 1975; M.S., Univ. of London, 1977; Ph.D., Univ. of London, 1981. LAWRENCE, Jennifer (2003), Instructor of English. B.S., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1990; M.A., Radford, 1994. LAWRENCE, Christopher B. (2003), Research Assoc. Prof.. B.S., Auburn Univ., 1990; M.S., Auburn Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Auburn Univ., 1998. LAWSON, Gerard (2002), Asst. Prof. of Education. B.S, Virginia Tech, 1991; M.S., Longwood College, 1996; Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 2002. LAWSON, Steven R. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Natural Resources Recreation. B.A., Univ. of Vermont, 1989; M.S., Univ. of Maine-Orono, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Vermont, 2002. LAYNE, Margaret E. (2003), Project Director, AdvanceVT. B.E., Vanderbilt Univ., 1980; M.S., Univ. of North Carolina, 1984. LAZAR, Iuliana M. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Biology. M.S., Polytechnical Institute Traian Vuia; Ph.D., Bringham Young Univ., 1997. LAZENBY, Roland L. (1999), Instructor of Communication. B.A., Virginia Military Institute, 1975; M.A., Hollins Univ., 1984. Le CORRE, Victoria (2003), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1976; M.A., Virginia Tech, 2002. LEE, Elizabeth D. (2000), Alumni Chapter Coordinator, Alumni Relations. B.A., Longwood College, 1962; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1974; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1983. LEE, Fred C. (1977), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E.E., Cheng-Kung, 1968; M.S., Duke, 1972; Ph.D., Duke, 1974. LEE, John C. (1981), Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and Professor of Biomedical Sciences & Pathobiology. Ph.D., Maryland, 1970. LEE, Yong Woo (2004), Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences & Pathobiology and School of Biomedical Engineering. B.S., Seoul National University, 1986; M.S. Yonsei University, 1988; Ph.D., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 1997. LEECH, Irene (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1982; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1988. LEIB, Michael S. (1983), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Emory, 1974; D.V.M., Georgia, 1979; M.S., Colorado State, 1983; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M. 2,3 LEMLY, A. Dennis (1991), Asst. Prof. of Fisheries. B.S., Western Carolina, 1978; M.S., Wake Forest, 1980; Ph.D., Wake Forest, 1983. LENER, Edward F. (1992), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1990; M.L.S. State Univ. of New York at Albany, 1991; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1997. LENTZ, Daniel P. (2004). Prof. of Aerospace Studies, Air Force ROTC. B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1978; M.S., Webster Univ., 1986. LEO, Donald J. (1998), Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1990; M.S., Univ. of Buffalo, 1992; Ph.D., Univ. of Buffalo, 1995. LEONARD, Robert H. (1989), Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.A., Wesleyan Univ., 1965. LEPCZYK, Billie F. (1983), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.A., Michigan, 1973; M.A., Columbia, 1974; Ed.D., Columbia, 1981. LeROITH, Tanya (2005), Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology; B.S., University of Maryland, 1994; D.V.M., Virginia Tech, 1999; Ph.D. Washington State University, 2005. LESKO, John J. (1995), Assoc. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Univ. of Maryland, 1987; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1991; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1995. LESLIE, Lisa D. (2000), Instructor of English. B.A., Texas A & M Univ. at Corpus Christi, 1992; M.A., Appalachian State Univ., 1994; Ph.D., Univ. of Liverpool (United Kingdom), 2001. LESLIE, Susan S. (1994), Lecturer, College of Natural Resources. B.A., Richmond, 1971; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1975; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1993. LETZTER, Gail (1996), Prof. of Mathematics . A.B., Harvard Univ., 1982; M.S., Univ. of Chicago, 1983; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1987. LEVER, David, (2003), Adjunct Faculty in Architecture. B.A., Cornell Univ., 1970; M.Arch., Harvard Univ., 1983; Ph.D., Rice Univ., 1995. LEWIS, Mary A. (1976), Asst. Prof. of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and Assoc. Dean of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. B.S., Georgia Southern, 1966; M.Ed., Georgia Southern, 1968; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1976. LEWIS, Ronald M. (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Univ. of Cal - Davis, 1981; M.S., Texas AA&Mamp;M Univ., 1986; Ph.D., Virginia Tech,1990. LI, Jianyong (2005), Assoc. Professor of Biochemistry. D.V.M., Beijing, 1982; M.S., Beijing, 1985; Ph.D., Wisconsin-Madison, 1990. LI, Jie-Fang (2002), Research Assoc. Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Shanghai Univ., 1984; M.S., Univ. of Missouri, 1987; Ph.D. Pennsylvania State Univ., 1992. LI , Liwu (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Molecular Biology. B.S., Hebei Normal Univ., China, 1986; M.S., Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, 1987; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1996. LIANG, Yao (2001), Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Xian Jiaotong, 1982; M.S., Xian Jiaotong, 1988; Ph.D., Clemson, 1997. LIANG, Yigao (2000), Adjunct Prof. of Physics. B.S. Nanking Teachers College, 1981; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1987. LIAO, Clara (2004), Instructor; Library. B.A., East China Normal Univ., 1999; M.A., Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, 2003. LIBRESCU, Liviu (1985), Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. M.S., Bucharest (1953); Ph.D., Inst. of Fluid Mech., Academy of Sci. of Romania, 1969. LIEBETRAU, Lisa S. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.A., Bloomsburg Univ., 1993; M.F.A., Brandeis Univ., 1996. LILLY, A. Jack (1989), Assoc. Director, Continuing and Professional Education. B.S., Bluefield State College; M.A., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1978. LILLY, Judy L. (1981), Director of Network Services, Instructor. B.S., Bluefield State, 1969. LIN, Tao (1989), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Sichuan Univ., 1982; M.S., Chinese Academy of Science, 1984; Ph.D., Univ. of Wyoming, 1989. LINDNER, Douglas K. (1982), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S. (EE), Iowa State, 1977; B.S. (Math), Iowa State, 1977; M.S., Illinois, 1979; Ph.D., Illinois, 1982. LINDSAY, David S. (1997), Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. A.A., Albany Jr. College, 1976; B.S., Troy State, 1977; Ph.D., Auburn, 1984. LINNELL, Peter, A. (1983), Prof. of Mathematics. Ph.D., Cambridge, 1979. LIPSCOMB, Mary V. (1993), Instructor, Department of Biology. B.A., Wake Forest, 1980; M.S. Virginia Tech, 1986; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1991. LITCHFIELD, III, Charles A. (1976), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1972; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1974; M.S., Illinois, 1976. LITTLE, John C. (1993), Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Cape Town, 1985; M.S., Univ. of Cape Town, 1984; M.S., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1988; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1990; P.E. LITTLEFIELD, James E. (1984), Prof. of Marketing. B.S., Kent State, 1954; M.B.A., Chicago, 1957; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1967. LIU, Dongmin (2004), Asst. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Gansu Agricultural Univ., 1989; M.S., Gansu Agricultural Univ., 1992; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2000; Post-Doctoral, The Univ. of Iowa Medical College, 2003. LIU, Y.A. (1982), Frank C. Vilbrandt Prof. of Chemical Engineering. B.S., Nat. Taiwan, 1967; M.S., Tufts, 1970; Ph.D., Princeton, 1974.2,3,4,9 LIU, Yilu (1990), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Xian Jiuotong, 1982; M.S., Ohio State, 1985; Ph.D., Ohio State, 1989. LLOYD, Gwendolyn (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics. A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1991; M.A., Univ. of California, 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1996. LO, Jenny L. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Engineering Education. B. S. Tulane Univ., 1994; Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1999. LOBINGIER, Patricia G. (2005), Instructor of Accounting and Information Systems. B.B.A., Radford, 1989; MACCT, Virginia Tech, 1991; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997. LOCKEE, Barbara B. (1997), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.A., Appalachian State Univ., 1986; M.A., Appalachian State Univ., 1991; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997. LOCKHART, Jason F. (1997), Director of High Performance Computing and Technology Innovation, Engineering. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1995. LOCKHART, Thurmon E. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.S., Texas Tech Univ., 1992, M.S., Texas Tech Univ., 1997, Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ., 2000. LOEFFLER, Renee G., Research Scientist. B.A. Oberlin College; Ph.D., Cornell Univ. LOFERSKI, Joseph R. (1985), Prof. of Wood Mechanics. B.S., Colorado State, 1977; M.S., Oregon State, 1980; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1985. LOGAN, Kathryn V. (2004), Langley Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Georgia Tech, 1970; M.S. Georgia Tech, 1980; Ph.D., Georgia Tech, 1992. LOGANATHAN, G.V. (1982), Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.E., P.S.G. Tech (India), 1976; M. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, 1978; Ph.D., Purdue, 1981. LOHANI, Vinod K. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Engineering Education. B.S., G.B.P. Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, 1980; M.Eng., Asian Institute of Technology, 1982; Ph.D, Virginia Tech, 1995. LoMASCOLO, Alice M. (2000), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1995; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1999. LONG, Gary L. (1983), Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry. B.S., Wake Forest, 1978; Ph.D., N.C. State, 1982. LONG, Timothy (1999), Prof. of Chemistry. B.S., St. Bonaventure Univ., 1983; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1987. LONG, Vicki (1999), Instructor of Chemistry. B.S., Univ. of Vermont, 1984; M.S. Virginia Tech, 1987. LORBER, Anne K. (1987), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1984. LOVE, Brian J. (1993), Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1984; M.S., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, 1986; Ph.D., Southern Methodist Univ., 1990. LOVE, Nancy G. (1994), Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Univ. of Illinois, 1984; M.S., Univ. of Illinois, 1986; Ph.D., Clemson Univ., 1993; E.I.T. LU, Chang-Tien (2002), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Tatung Institute of Technology, 1991; M.S., Georgia Tech, 1996; Ph.D., Univ of Minnesota, 2001. LU, Guo-Quan (1992), Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering and of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Carnegie-Mellon Univ. (1984); Ph.D., Harvard Univ. (1990).4 LU, Peizhen K. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Tianjin Univ. (China), 1990; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1999; Ph.D., Ohio State Univ., 2000. LUCIAK, Ilja A. (1987), Prof. of Political Science; Department Chair of Political Science. J.D., U of Vienna, 1979; LL.M., U of Vienna, 1980; M.A., U of Iowa, 1981; Ph.D., U of Iowa, 1987. LUKE, Timothy W. (1981), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Political Science. B.A., U of Arizona, 1972; M.A., U of Arizona, 1975; M.A. Washington U, St. Louis, 1977; Ph.D., Washington U, St. Louis, 1981. LUTTRELL, Gerald H. (1986), Massey Prof. of Mining and Minerals Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1982; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1986. LUTZ, Matthew (1999), Visiting Assoc. Prof. of Interior Design. B.A., Savannah College of Art and Design, 1993; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1999. LUTZ, Nancy A. (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Economics. B.A., Northwestern Univ., 1982; M.A., Northwestern Univ., 1982; Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 1987. LUYENDIJK, Rudi (2002), Asst. Director, Continuing and Professional Education. B.S., Amsterdam College of Analysts, 1975; M.S., Univ. of North Texas, 1981; Ph.D., Texas A&M, 1990. LYLE, Joseph M. (2001), Talent Search Counselor. B.G.S., Radford, 1995; M.A., Radford, 2000. LYTTON, Ruth (1986), Assoc. Prof. of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1976; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1986. MACK, Timothy P. (1994), Assoc. Dean for Information Technology. B.S., Colgate Univ., 1975; M.S. Pennsylvania State Univ., 1979; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1981. MACKENZIE, Allen B. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.Eng., Vanderbilt Univ., 1999; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 2003. MADIGAN, Michael L. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Texas A&M, 1994; M.S., Texas A&M, 1996; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth, 2001. MAGLIARO, Susan G. (1988), Assoc. Prof. of Education and Director of the Center for Teacher Education. B.S., East Stroudburg Univ., 1977; M.S., Iowa State Univ., 1981; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1988. MAHER, John J. (1985), Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.S., Scranton, 1976; M.B.A., Scranton, 1980; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 1985. MAINVILLE, Denise Y. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Univ. of Vermont, 1996; M.S., Michigan State Univ., 2000; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 2004. MAJOR, Raymond L. (1994), Assoc. Prof. of Business Information Technology B.S.E.E., Univ. of Florida, 1978; M.B.A., Univ. of Florida, 1990; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 1994. (Northern Virginia Center) MALBON, Elizabeth S. (1980), Prof. of Religious Studies. B.A., Florida State Univ., 1969; M.A., Florida State Univ., 1970; Ph.D., Florida State Univ., 1980. MALLIKARJUNAN, Parameswarakumar (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Biological Systems Engineering. B.E., Tamilnadu Agricultural Univ., 1986; M.E., Asian Institute of Technology, 1988; Ph.D., Univ. of Guelph, 1993. MANCINI, Jay A. (1977), Prof. of Human Development. B.A., King's College, 1971; M.S., Kansas State, 1974; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Greensboro, 1977. MANN, Jeffrey (1989), Asst. Prof. of English. B.A., West Virginia Univ., 1981; M.A., West Virginia Univ., 1984. MANNING, Thomas O. (1998), Clinical Instructor of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Cornell, 1975; M.S., Cornell, 1980; Diplomate, A.C.V.D. MANSI, Sattar (2002), Asst. Prof. of Finance. B.S., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1983; M.B.A., George Washington, 1990; Ph.D., George Washington, 1999. MARAND, Eva (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Chemical Engineering. B.S.ChE, Illinois, 1981; M.S., Massachusetts, 1982; Ph.D., Massachusetts, 1987. MARAND, Hervé (1989), Prof. of Chemistry. Diplome d'Ingenieur, Ecole Nat. Sup. de Chimie de Paris, 1982; M.S., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1983; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts, 1987. MARATHE, Achla (2004), Assoc. Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.A., Univ. of Delhi, India, 1986; M.A., Maharashi Dayanand Univ., Rohtak, India, 1988; M.A., Univ. at Albany, SUNY, 1989; Ph.D., Univ. at Albany, SUNY, 1994. MARCHMAN, James F. (1968), Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. B.S., NC State, 1964; Ph.D., NC State, 1968. MARCY, Joseph E. (1980). Prof., Food Science and Technology. B.S. Univ. of Tennessee, 1974; M.S. Univ. of Tennessee, 1976; Ph.D. North Carolina State, 1980.2 MARIGER, Stanley C. (2003), Instructor of Biological Systems Engineering. B.S., Saint Vincent College, 1991; B.S., Utah State Univ., 1996; M.S., Utah State Univ., 2000; Ph.D., Oklahoma State Univ., 2003. MARION, Jeffrey L. (1989), Adjunct Faculty in Forestry, and Unit Leader, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. B.A., Wittenberg, 1979; M.S., Minnesota, 1982; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1984. MARKHAM, Steven E. (1978), Digges Prof. of Entrepreneurship. B.A., Claremont, 1974; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo), 1978. MARR, Linsey C. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Harvard College, 1996; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 2002. MARRIOTT, Norman N.G. (1976). Emeritus Prof., Food Science and Technology. B.S. Univ. of Missouri, 1963; M.S. Univ. of Missouri 1965; Ph.D. Texas A & M Univ., 1976.5 MARSH, K. Lonnette (1978), District Director, Central District, Extension. B.S., A&T Greensboro, N.C 1976; M.Ed. UNCG Greensboro, N.C., 1977. MARSHALL, Henrietta D. (1997), Talent Search Counselor. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.S., Anderson Univ. 1983. MARTENS, Bradley P. (2005), Director of Finance and Budget, Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1988; B.S. Virginia Tech, 1996; M.S. Virginia Tech, 1991. MARTIN, Douglas D. (1969), Senior Human Resources Manager. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1964; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1978; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1993. MARTIN, II, James R. (1990), Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., The Citadel, 1985; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1987; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1990. MARTIN, Michael J. (1998), District Director, Southwest District, Extension. B.B.A., Radford, 1990; M.B.A., Radford, 1994. MARTIN, Robert A. (1983), Hospital Director and Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Auburn, 1976; Diplomate, A.C.V.S. and A.B.V.P.2,3 MARTIN, Rosalie M. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Education. B.S., Univ. of Findlay, 1982; M.A.Ed., Old Dominion Univ., 1995; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 2002. MARTIN, Shelley (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Architecture. B.Arch, Virginia Tech, 1984; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1987. MARTIN, Stephanie (2003), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1998; M.A., Virginia Tech, 2001. MARTIN, Thomas L. (2001). Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Cincinnati, 1992; M.S., Carnegie Mellon, 1994; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon, 1999. MARTINEZ, Julio C. (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S., Universidad Calolica Madre y Maestra, 1986; M.S., Univ. of Nebraska, 1987; M.S., Univ. of Michigan, 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1995; P.E. MARTINO-CATT, Susan (2003), Asst. Prof. of Horticulture. B.S., Indiana Univ., 1985; M.S., Loyola Univ., 1987; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1991. MASON, William H. (1989), Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1971; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1972; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1975. MASOUD, Ziyad N. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Garyounis Univeristy, 1991; M.S., Univ. of Jordan, 1996; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2000. MATHESON, Lance A. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Washington, 1974; M.B.A., Washington, 1984; Ph.D., Washington, 1989. MAULDON, Matthew (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.A, Geology, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1985; M.S., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1986; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1992. MAY, Simon (2005), Asst. Prof. of Philosophy. B.A, Rhodes, 1993; B.A. Honors, Rhodes, 1994; M.A., Rhodes, 1996; Ph.D., Stanford, 2004. MAYER, Heike (2003), Asst. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning. B.A., Univ. of Konstanz, Germany 1995; M.U.S., Portland State Univ., 2000; Ph.D., Portland State Univ., 2003. MAYO, Deborah G. (1978), Prof. of Philosophy. B.A., Clark, 1974; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1979. MAYORGA, Rosa M. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Philosophy. B.A., Univ. of Miami, 1990; M.A., Univ. of Miami, 1994; Ph.D., Univ. of Miami, 2001. McALISTER, J. Douglas (1974), Prof. Emeritus of Univ. Outreach, and Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships. B.S., East Tenn. State Univ., 1967; M.A., East Tenn. State Univ., 1968; Ed.D., Univ. of Georgia, 1973. McCANN, John M. (1999), Special Research Faculty in Theatre Arts. B.F.A., Univ. of North Carolina-Greensboro, 1979; M.F.A., Virginia Tech, 1986. McCANN, Julia (2004), Advising and Recruitment Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. B.S., NCSU, 1979; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ., 1985. McCANN, Mark A. (2001), Prof. and Department Head of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., NC State Univ., 1980; M.S., NC State Univ., 1983, Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ., 1986. McCLEARY, Ken W. (1989), Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.A., Michigan State Univ., 1970; M.B.A., Michigan State Univ., 1971; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 1977. McCOLLUM, Eric E. (1992), Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Univ. of Iowa, 1974; M.S.W., Univ. of Iowa, 1975; Ph.D., Kansas State, 1986. (Northern Virginia Center) McCOY, Traci S. (2004), Asst. Registrar, B.S., Virginia Tech, 1992. McCRICKARD, D. Scott (2000), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000. MCCUE, Leigh S. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. B.S.E., Princeton Univ., 2000; M.S.E., Univ. of Michigan, 2001; M.S.E., Univ. of Michigan, 2002; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 2004. McDANIEL, Alan R. (1975), Assoc. Prof. of Horticulture. B.S., Iowa State, 1970; Ph.D., Tennessee, 1975.1 McDONALD, Kevin (2005), Director, Office for Equal Opportunity. B.A., Andrews University, 1993; J.D., The Ohio State University, 1996. McDONALD, Teresa L. (1997), Instructor of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Radford, 1980; M.S., Radford, 1985. McDOWELL, John M. (2000), Asst. Prof., Plant Physiology. B.A., Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1987; Ph.D., Univ. of Georgia, Athens, 1995. McDUFFIE, Nancy B. (1985), Asst. Prof. of Music. B.M.E., East Carolina Univ., 1977; M.M., State Univ. of New York at Fredonia, 1979. McDUFFIE, Robert F. (1978), Assoc. Prof. of Horticulture. B.M.P., East Carolina, 1975; M.L.A., N. C. State, 1978. McELROY, Audrey P. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Texas A&M, 1993; M.S., Texas A&M, 1995; Ph.D. Texas A&M, 1998. McFERREN, Mary M. (2003), Professional Lecturer of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, 1970; M.S., Kansas State, 1987. McGEE, John (2003). Research Asst. Prof., Natural Resource Management. B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1988; M.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte, 1992; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1997. McGEHEE, Nancy G. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.A., Marshall Univ., 1985; M.S., North Carolina State Univ., 1991; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1994; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1999. McGILLIARD, Michael L. (1974), Prof. of Dairy Science. B.S., Michigan State, 1969; M.S., Iowa State, 1970; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1974. McGRATH, James E. (1975), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Chemistry, Ethyl Corporation Prof. B.S., Siena, 1956; M.S., Akron, 1964; Ph.D., Akron, 1967. McGRATH, Margarita (2001), Asst. Prof. of Architecture. B.Arch., Rice Univ., 1990; M.Arch. Univ. of California, 1995. McINTYRE, Christina M. (1996), Instructor of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1988; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1995. McKEE, David M. (1987), Instructor of Music. B.M.E., Shenandoah Conservatory of Music, 1976; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1986. McKENNA, James R. (1984), Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Rhode Island, 1964; M.S., Maine, 1970; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1988.1,2,3,8,10 McKENZIE, Harold C. (1995), Asst. Professor of Equine Internal Medicine, Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center. D.V.M., University of Georgia, 1990; Diplomate A.C.V.I.M. McKEON, Donald W. (1973), Asst. Prof. of English and English as a Second Language, Coordinator, Graduate School. B.S., Nyack, 1961; M.A., NYU, 1963; Ph.D., NYU, 1972. McKINNEY, Brent A. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Military Science. B.S., Liberty Univ., 1988. McLEAN, Ewen (2001), Prof. of Fisheries. B.S., Univ. of East London (UK), 1981; M.S., Univ. of Plymouth (UK), 1982; Ph.D., Univ. of Bradford (UK), 1987. McMILLAN, Gail M. (1982), Prof.; Director, Digital Libraries and Archives, Library. B.A., California (Riverside), 1972; M.A., M.L.S., Maryland, 1981. McMULLIN, Steve L. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Fisheries and Wildlife. B.S., Idaho, 1978; M.S., Idaho, 1979; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1993. McNABB, F. M. Anne (1970), Prof. of Zoology. B.Ed., Alberta, 1960; B.Sc., Alberta, 1961; M.A., UCLA, 1965; Ph.D., UCLA, 1968. McNAMEE, Mark G. (2001), Univ. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968; Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 1973. McNEILL, George R. (1991), Instructor of Music. Diploma, U.S. Army School of Music, Virginia, 1979. McQUAIN, Margaret P. (1980), Instructor of Mathematics. B.A., UNC at Greensboro, 1968; M.S., Univ. of Miami, 1970. McQUAIN, William D. (1995), Instructor of Computer Science. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1976; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.S. Virginia Tech (CSA), 1992. MEADOWS, Robert Ray (1985), State Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development, Extension. B.A., WVU, 1970; M.A., WVU, 1978; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997. MEASE, Stuart (2000), Asst. to Senior Fellow for Resource Development. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1997; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 2000. MECKING, Bernhard A. (1987), Adjunct Prof. of Physics. M.S., Meinz, 1967; Ph.D., Bonn, 1972. MEEHAN, Kathleen A. (2002), Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E.E., Manhattan College, 1980; M.S., Illinois, 1982; Ph.D., Illinois, 1985. MELDRUM, J. Blair (1980), Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. D.V.M., Saskatchewan (Canada), 1971; Ph.D., Saskatchewan (Canada), 1978. MELLEN, Philip A. (1980), Prof. Emeritus of German. B.A., Portland State, 1969; M.A., Portland State, 1971; Ph.D., California (Davis), 1975.2, 3 MELLO, Marcelo (2002), Asst. Prof. of Economics. B.A. and M.A., Pontifical Catholic Univ. at Rio de Janeiro, 1992 and 1995; M.Sc., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002. MELVILLE, Stephen B. (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Microbiology. B.S., San Diego State, 1982; Ph.D., California, (Davis), 1987. MENG, Xiang-Jin, (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. M.D., Binshou Medical College (China) 1985; M.S., Hubei Medical College (China), 1988; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1995. MENGERT, Julie (2003), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 2001; M.A., Virginia Tech, 2003. MEREDITH, Joe W. (1993), President, Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center; B.S., Virginia Tech, 1969; M.S., Purdue Univ., 1970; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997. MEROLA, Joseph S. (1987), Prof. of Chemistry. B.S., Carnegie-Mellon, 1974; Ph.D., MIT, 1978.2,7 MERRILL, Margaret (1997), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.A., Converse College, 1966; M.A.L.S. Denver, 1968; M.S., Georgia, 1979. MESZAROS, Peggy S. (1993), Director, Center for Information Technology Impacts on Children, Youth, & Families, and Prof. of Human Development. B.S., Austin Peay State, 1962; M.S., Univ. of Kentucky, 1972; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1977. METZ, Nancy A. (1977), Assoc. Department Chair and Assoc. Prof. of English. B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, 197l; M.A., Univ. of Michigan, 1973; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1977.10 METZ, Paul D. (1979), Prof.; Director, Collection Management Department, Library. A.B., UNC, 1970; M.L.S., Michigan, 1977; Ph.D., Michigan 1977. MEYER, Paige L. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Military Science. B.B.A., Univ. of Dubuque, 1984. MEZA, Gabriel G. (1989), Adjunct Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Chile, 1962; M.S., Delaware, 1987. MICHALOWICZ, Matthew M. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Naval Science. LT, U.S. Navy. B.S., U.S. Naval Academy, 1999. MIDKIFF, Scott F. (1986), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E., Duke, 1979; M.S.E.E., Stanford, 1980; Ph.D., Duke, 1985. MIHALIK, Brian J. (1999), Department Head and Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.S., Syracuse Univ., 1970; M.S., Syracuse Univ., 1971 and 1974; Ed.D., Temple Univ., 1982. MILI, Lamine M. (1988), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Diploma (B.S.), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1976; DEA, Tunis, 1981; Doctorat, Tunis, 1983; Ph.D., Leige, Belgium, 1988. MILLER, Dini M. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Entomology. B.A., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1991; M.S., Univ. of Florida, 1994; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 1998. MILLER, Kenneth E. (1988), Univ. Controller. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; C.P.A. MILLER, Patrick A. (1986), Head and Prof. of Landscape Architecture. B.S.L.A., California State Polytechnic Univ., 1970; M.L.A., Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1973; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1984. MILLEY, Steven R. (1998), Asst. Director of Undergraduate Admissions. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1987. MILLS, Bradford F. (1997), Assoc. Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.A., Hobart College, 1984; M.S., Univ. of Connecticut, 1986; Ph.D., California-Berkeley, 1993. MILLS, Thomas H. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Building Construction. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1993. MILLY, Deborah J. (1991), Associate Professor of Political Science and Government and International Affairs. B.A., U of Michigan, 1974; M.A., Sophia U, Tokyo, 1982; M.Phil., Yale, 1986; Ph.D., Yale 1990. MILMAN, Nyusya (2002), Assoc. Prof. of Russian. B.A. & M.A., 1976, Moscow State Pedagogical Univ.; PH. D. 1993, Univ. of Michigan. MINIC, Djordje (2001), Assoc. Prof. of Physics. Diploma, Belgrade Univ., 1988; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1993. MISHRA, Amitabh (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.E., Jabalpur Univ., 1973; M.Tech, Indian Institute of Tech Kharagpur, 1975; M. Eng., McGill Univ.; Ph.D., McGill Univ., 1985; M.S., 1996, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. MIYAZAKI, Yasuo (2003). Asst. Prof. of Education. B.S., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., 1982; M.S., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., 1984; M.S.Ed., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1993; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ., 2000. MIZUTANI, Tetsuro (1982), Assoc. Prof. of Physics. B.S., Tokyo, 1968; Ph.D., Rochester, 1976. MOLE, Shawn A. (2004), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 2002; M.A. Virginia Tech, 2004. MOLESKY, Susan (1999), Asst. Prof. of Architecture. M. Arch., Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1996. MOLLIN, Marian B. (2000), Asst. Prof. of History. B.S., Cornell, 1982; Ph.D., Massachusetts., Amherst, 2000. MONROE, William E. (1985), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Arizona, 1976; D.V.M., Colorado State, 1980; M.S., Iowa State, 1984; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M. MOONEY, Jennifer (1996), Instructor of English. B.A., Clinch Valley College, 1983; M.A., Univ. of Kentucky, 1988; Ph.D., Univ. of Kentucky, 1999. MOONEY, Stephen D. (1996), Instructor of English. B.A., Clinch Valley College, 1983; M.A., Univ. of Kentucky, 1988; Ph.D., Univ. of Kentucky, 1998. MOORE, Anne H. (199x), Assoc. VP for Learning Technology. B.A., William & Mary, 1970; M.A., William & Mary, 1977; Ed.D., William & Mary, 1984. MOORE, David (1985), Asst. Vice President for Research Compliance, and Adjunct Assoc. Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, and Univ. Veterinarian. Director of Lab Animal Resources, Veterinary Medicine. B.S., Louisiana Tech, 1974; M.S., Louisiana Tech, 1976; D.V.M., L.S.U., 1980; Diplomate, A.C.L.A.M. MOORE, Ignacio T. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Biology. B.S., Univ. of Arizona; Ph.D., Oregon State Univ., 1999. MOORE, Joan E. (1986), Director, Business Advising Center, Pamplin College of Business. B.A., Appalachian State, 1973; M.B.A., Appalachian State, 1985. MOORE, John F. (1971), Director Educational Technologies and Assoc. Prof.. B.S.C., Ohio Univ., 1970; M.A., Ohio Univ., 1971; Ed.D., Virginia Tech 1982. MOORE, Keith M. (1994), Assoc. Program Director SANREM CRSP. B.A., UCSanta Cruz, 1974; M.S.S., Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands, 1978; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984. MOORE, Laurence J. (1970), Verizon Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Monmouth, 1962; M.S., Arizona State, 1965; Ph.D., Arizona State, 1970. MOORE, Mary D. (1984), Instructor of English. B.A., Salem College (Winston-Salem), 1976; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1984. MOORE, Wayne D. (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Political Science. B.A., UVa, 1980; J.D., UVa School of Law, 1983; M.A., Princeton, 1987; Ph.D., Princeton, 1992. MOOSE, Richard L. (1972), Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Ohio, 1964; M.S., California (Berkeley), 1966; Ph.D., Duke, 1971. MORGAN, George E. (1984), SunTrust Prof. of Finance. B.S., Georgetown, 1973; M.S., UNC, 1975; Ph.D., UNC, 1977. MORGAN, John P. (2000), Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Roanoke College, 1979; M.S., UNC, 1982; Ph.D., UNC, 1983. MORGAN, Margaret L. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Human Development. B.S., East Texas State Univ., 1982; B.S.Ed., Southwest Texas State Univ., 1994; Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ., 2004. MORGAN, Norman (2001), Senior Research Assoc., B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College; Ph.D., Duke Univ., 1984. MORRILL, Robert W. (1973), Prof. Emeritus of Geography. B.A., Assumption, 1963; M.A., Assumption, 1964; Ph.D., Clark, 1973. MORRIS, John R. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Chemistry. B.S., Aquinas College, 1991; Ph.D. Univ. of Notre Dame, 1996. MORTIMER, Michael J. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Forest Resource Law and Policy. B.A., Washington & Jefferson, 1988; J.D., Pennsylvania State, 1991; Ph.D., Montana, 2001. MORTVEIT, Henning (2005). Asst. Prof. of Mathematics. M.S., Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1995; Ph.D., Norwegian Institute of Technology, 2000. MOSBY, Justin A. (2003), Upward Bound Counselor. B.S., Radford 2001; M.S., Radford, 2003. MOSER, Lorenz (1997), Adjunct Faculty in Architecture. M.Arch., Federal Polytechnic Institute, Zurich, 1951. MOSS, David G. (2000), Asst. Prof. of English. B.A., Washington Univ., 1987; M.A., Southern Illinois Univ. at Edwardsville, 1989; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, 2001. MOSSER, Daniel W. (1985), Prof. of English. B.S., Portland State Univ., 1974; M.A., Univ. of Texas, 1981; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, 1985. MOSTAGHIMI, Saied (1984), H.E. and Elizabeth F. Alpin Prof. and Department Head of Biological Systems Engineering. B.S., Pahlavi, 1976; M.S., Illinois, 1979; Ph.D., Illinois, 1982. MOYER, Lynnette (2003), Instructor of English. B.A., Univ. of Colorado, 1969; M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1973. MOZUMDAR, Abon (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Finance. B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1988; M.B.A., Indian Institute of Management, 1990; Ph.D., New York, 1996. MULLINS, Donald E. (1973), Prof. of Entomology. B.A., Colorado, 1966; M.S., Colorado State, 1968; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1971. MULLINS, Greg L. (1999), Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Berea, 1979; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Purdue, 1985. MURALI, T. M. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1991; Sc.M., Brown Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Brown Univ., 1999. MURCH, Randall S. (2004), Adjunct Prof. of Plant Pathology B.S. Univ. of Puget Sound, 1974; M.S. Univ. of Hawaii, 1976; Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois, 1979. (Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA). MURPHY, Aileen (1994), Instructor of English. B.A., Oklahoma State Univ., 1985; M.F.A., Colorado State Univ., 1989. MURPHY, Brian R. (1994), Prof. of Fisheries. B.S., Detroit, 1975; M.S., Purdue, 1977; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1981. MURRAY, Thomas M. (1987), Montague-Betts Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Iowa State, 1962; M.S., Lehigh, 1966; Ph.D., Kansas, 1970; P.E. MURRMANN, Kent F. (1978), Assoc. Prof. of Management. B.S., Purdue, 1967; M.B.A., Indiana, 1971; Ph.D., Michigan State, 1979. MURRMANN, Suzanne K. (1986), Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.A., Indiana, 1971; M.L.I.R., Michigan State, 1977; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1985. MYLES, Kevin M. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Entomology. B.S., Colorado State Univ.; Ph.D., Colorado State Univ., 2003. MYNENI, G. Rao (1988), Adjunct Prof. of Physics. B.S., Andhra U., 1971; M.S., J. Nehru Tech. U., 1974; Ph.D., India Inst. Tech., 1980. NACHLAS, Joel A. (1974), Assoc. Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.E.S., Johns Hopkins, 1970; M.S., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1974; Ph.D. Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1976. NAKAMOTO, Kent (1998), R.B. Pamplin Prof. and Department Head of Marketing. B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1975; M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979; M.S., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979, Ph.D., Stanford Univ., 1985. NATTER, Wolfgang (2005), Prof. of Political Science. B.A., Wesleyan U, 1978; M.A., Johns Hopkins, 1982; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1990. NAYFEH, Ali H. (1971), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Stanford, 1962; M.S., Stanford, 1963; Ph.D., Stanford, 1964.2 NECK, Christopher P. (1994), Assoc. Prof. of Management. B.S., Louisiana State, 1986; M.B.A., Louisiana State, 1989; Ph.D., Arizona State, 1993.3 NEILAN, Leslie (1980), Instructor of English. A.A., Bronx Community College, 1972; B.A., Harpur College, 1975; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1980. NELSON, Amy (1992), Assoc. Prof. of History. B.A. and B.M., California (Santa Barbara) 1983; Ph.D., Michigan, 1993. NELSON, Arthur C. (2002), Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning (Alexandria). B.S. Portland State Univ., 1972; M.A., Portland State Univ., 1976; Ph.D., Portland State Univ., 1984. NELSON, Douglas J. (1986), Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1978; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; Ph.D., Arizona State, 1986; P.E. NELSON, Edward L. (1999), Interim Asst. Dean for Administration, Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1990; M.S., Virginia Tech 1992; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994. NELSON, Scott G. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Political Science. B.A., Wooster, 1991; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1993; Ph.D., Arizona State, 2002. NESPOR, Jan K. (1987), Prof. of Education. B.A., Chicago, 1978; M.A., Texas, 1980; Ph.D., Texas, 1985. NESSLER, Craig L. (2000), Assoc. Dean and Director, Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. B.S., College of William and Mary, 1971; M.A., College of William and Mary, 1972; Ph.D., Indiana Univ., 1976. NEU, Wayne L. (1981), Assoc. Prof. and Asst. Department Head of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. B.S., SUNY at Buffalo, 1977; M.S., SUNY at Buffalo, 1981; Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo, 1981. NEVES, Richard J. (1978), Prof. of Fisheries and Unit Leader, Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. B.S., Rhode Island, 1968; M.S., Maine, 1973; Ph.D., Massachusetts, 1977. NEWCOMB, Tammy J. (1999), Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Adjunct Asst. Prof. of Fisheries. B.S., Michigan, 1990; M.S., West Virginia, 1992; Ph.D., Michigan, 1998. NEWTON, William E. (1990), Prof. of Biochemistry. B.Sc., Nottingham Univ., 1961; Graduate of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, London Univ., 1965; Ph.D., London Univ., 1968. NEY, John J. (1976), Prof. Emeritus of Fisheries. B.A., Wisconsin, 1967; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1973. NG, Wing-Fai (1984), Chris Kraft Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Northeastern, 1979; M.S., MIT, 1980; Ph.D., MIT, 1984. NIBA, Lorraine L. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Univ. of Nigeria, 1991; M.S., Univ. of Nigeria, 1994; Ph.D., Maryland, 2001. NICKOLS-RICHARDSON, Sharon M. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Oklahoma, 1987; M.S., Georgia, 1994; Ph.D., Georgia, 1998. NIEMIERA, Alexander X. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Horticulture. B.S., Roanoke College, 1973; B.S., Kentucky, 1979; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1985. NIETO, Antonio (2002), Asst. Prof. of Mining and Minerals Engineering. B.S., Guanajuato School of Mines, 1990; M.S., Colorado School of Mines, 1995; M. Eng., Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1997; Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines, 2001. NIEWALD, Janet (1980), Asst. Prof. of Art. B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute, 1976; M.F.A., Indiana Univ., Bloomington, Indiana, 1978. NILES, Jerome A. (1974), Prof. of Education and Dean of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences. B.S., SUNY at Cortland, 1967; M.S., SUNY at Albany, 1969; Ed.D., SUNY at Albany, 1974. NILSEN, Erik T. (1983), Prof. of Botany. B.S., Miami, 1975; M.A., California (Santa Barbara), 1977; Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara), 1980. NORMAN, Eric M. (2003), Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Programs. B.A., Delaware, 1988; M.A., Delaware, 1991; M.Ed., Delaware, 1999; Ed.D., Delaware, 2003 NORRIS, Lisa (1991), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.F.A., American Univ., 1991; M.A., Idaho State Univ., 1991. NORTH, Christopher L. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1992; M.S., Univ. of Maryland, 1995; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 2000. NORTON, George W. (1980), Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Cornell, 1971; M.S., Minnesota, 1975; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1979. NORTON, Marjorie J. T. (1980), Prof. of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management. B.S., Cornell, 1971; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1980. NOTTER, David R. (1977), Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Ohio State, 1972; M.S., Nebraska, 1974; Ph.D., Nebraska, 1977. NOTTINGHAM, Quinton J. (1995), Assoc. Prof. of Business Information Technology, B.S., Virginia Tech, 1989, M.S., Virginia Tech, 1991, Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1995. NOVAK, Curtis L. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Animal and Poultry Sciences. B.S., Nebraska Weslyan, 1992; M.S., Univ. of Nebraska, 1997; Ph.D., Univ. of Nebraska, 2000. NOVAK, John T. (1981), Nick Prillaman Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. BSCE, Missouri, 1964; MSCE, Missouri, 1966; Ph.D., Washington, 1969; P.E. NOVAK, Thomas (2001), Charles T. Holland Prof. and Department Head of Mining and Minerals Engineering. B.S., The Pennsylvania State Univ., 1975; M.S., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 1978; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State Univ., 1984. NOWAK, Jerzy (2000), Prof. and Department Head of Horticulture. M.S., Olsztyn, PL, 1968; Ph.D., Olsztyn, PL, 1973. NUGENT, E. Meg (2001), Instructor of Art. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1988. NUNNALLY, Charles E. (1978), Assoc. Prof. Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E.E., VMI, 1964; M.S., Virginia, 1966; Ph.D., Virginia, 1968.4 NUSSBAUM, Maury A. (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.S., B.S.M.E., The Univ. of Michigan, 1985, 1988; M.S., The Univ. of Michigan, 1989; Ph.D., The Univ. of Michigan, 1994. NYSTROM, Lynn A. (1977), Director of News and External Relations for College of Engineering. B.S., Radford, 1972. O'BRIEN, Jr., Walter F. (1964), J. Bernard Jones Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1960; M.S., Purdue, 1961; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1968; P.E. O'BRIEN, Leslie C. (1991), Asst. Prof.; Director, Technical Services Department, Library. B.A., Dickinson College, 1981; M.L.S., Univ. of Maryland, 1988. OBRIEN, Michael J. (1987), Prof. of Building Construction. B.Arch., North Dakota State Univ., 1975; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1982; R.A. O'DONNELL, Barry L. (1989), Assoc. MBA Director, Pamplin College of Business. B.A., Virginia Military Institute, 1971. O'KEEFE, Sean F. (1988). Assoc. Prof., Food Science and Technology. B.S. St. Francis Xavier Univ., 1981; M.S. Technical Univ. of Nova Scotia, 1984; Iowa State Univ., 1988. O'REILLY, Patrick A. (1975), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.S., Kansas State, 1967; M.S., Kansas State, 1970; Ph.D., Penn State, 1973. O'ROURKE, Kim T. (1980), Chief of Staff to the President. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1993; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1996. OAKS, Kelly (2003), Equity Manager, Office for Equal Opportunity. B.A., Lyon College, 1993; M.A., Univ. of Nevada, Reno, 2001. OBENHAUS, Bruce D. (1985), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.A., Rutgers Univ., 1976; M.S.L.S., Univ. of Tennessee, 1982. OCHSENWALD, William L. (1971), Prof. of History. B.A., Ohio State, 1964; M.A., Ohio State, 1966; Ph.D., Chicago, 1971. ODELL, Dawn V. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Art History. B.A., Carleton College, 1986; M.A., Harvard Univ., 1992; Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 2003. ODENDAAL, Hardus (2001), Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Rand Afrikaans, 1992; M.S., Rand Afrikaans, 1995; Ph.D., Rand Afrikaans, 1997. ODERWALD, Richard G. (1975), Prof. of Forest Biometrics, and Assoc. Dean, College of Natural Resources. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1970; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1972; Ph.D., Georgia, 1976. O'DONNELL, J. Dean, Jr. (1970), Assoc. Prof. of History. B.A., Wesleyan, 1965; M.A., Rutgers, 1966; Ph.D., Rutgers, 1970. OEHLSCHLAEGER, Fritz (1978), Prof. of English. B.A., Univ. of Michigan, 1972; M.A., Univ. of Illinois, 1973; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1977. OISHI, Karen K. Adjunct Prof. of Plant Physiology. B.S., Univ. of California, Irvine, 1977; Ph.D., Univ. of California, Irvine, 1983. OLIVER, Kevin M. (1999), Instructional Designer Educational Technologies. B.S., Univ. of Tennessee, 1990; M.Ed., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Georgia, 1999. OLLENDICK, Thomas H. (1980), Univ. Distinguished Prof. of Psychology. B.A., Loras College, 1967; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1971. OLSEN, Deborah (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Education. B.A., Swarthmore College, 1984; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1986. OLSEN, Michael D. (1975), Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.A., Michigan State, 1967; M.B.A., Michigan State, 1973; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1980. OLSON, Thomas E. (2001), Asst. Dean for Administration and Finance, College of Natural Resources. B.S., West Virginia, 1979; B.A., West Virginia, 1979; Masters of International Business Studies (MIBS) South Carolina, 1981. ONUFRIEV, Alexey (2003), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 1992; Ph.D., Brown Univ., 1997. OPELL, Brent D. (1978), Prof. of Zoology. B.A., Butler, 1971; M.A., So. Illinois, 1974; Ph.D., Harvard, 1978. OPENGART, Kenneth N. (1993), Adjunct Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Richmond, 1983; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1985; D.V.M., Virginia Tech, 1989; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1991. ORDEN, David (1984), Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Cornell, 1971; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1977; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1983. ORTH, Donald J. (1980), Prof. of Fisheries, and Department Head of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. B.S., Eastern Illinois, 1975; M.S., Oklahoma State, 1977; Ph.D., Oklahoma State, 1980. OTT, Walter (2005), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Philosophy. B.A., Alfred, 1994; M.A., Virginia, 1997; Ph.D., Virginia, 2000. OVTCHINNIKOV, Alexei (2004), Asst. Prof. of Finance. B.A., Univ. of California, Santa Barbara, 1998; M.B.A., Univ. of California, Riverside, 2000; Ph.D., Purdue, 2004. OYAMA, Ted (1993), Fred W. Bull Prof. of Chemical. B.S., Yale, 1976; M.S., Stanford, 1977; Ph.D., Stanford, 1981. OZANNE, Julie M. (1984), Assoc. Prof. of Marketing. B.A., Florida State Univ., 1980; Ph.D. Univ. of North Carolina, 1984. PADDOCK, Mary M. (2005), Asst. Prof. of German. B.S.L.A., Georgetown Univ, 1991; M.A., Yale Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Yale Univ., 2001. PADILLA-FALTO, Olga I. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Spanish. B.S., Georgetown Univ., 1990, M.S., Georgetown Univ., 1992, Ph.D., Georgetown Univ., 1996. PALMER, Wallace L. (1999), Clinical Assoc. Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Georgia Tech, 1980; D.V.M., Tennessee, 1992; Diplomate, A.B.V.P. PANCIERA, David L. (1998), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Oklahoma State, 1982; M.S., Wisconsin (Madison), 1987; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M. PANFORD, Moses E. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Spanish. B.A., U. of Ghana, Accra, 1984; M.A., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1988; Ph.D., Temple, 1993. PANNETON, Robin, (1989), Assoc. Professor of Psychology. B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1978; M.A., UNC-Greensboro, 1982; Ph.D., UNC-Greensboro, 1985. PAPILLION, Carol (1997), Instructor of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Valparaiso, 1977; M.S., North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1982. PAPILLON, Terry L. (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Ancient Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies. B.A., St. Olaf College, 1980; Ph.D., North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1986.2,4,10 PARETTI, Marie C. (2003), Director of Communicans Program in Materials Science and Engineering, and Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S.ChE, Virginia Tech, 1986; M.S., English, Virginia Tech, 1990; Ph.D., English, Univ. of Wisconsin, 1997. PARK, Jung-Min (2003), Asst. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Yonsei Univ., 1995; M.S., Yonsei Univ., 1997; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 2003. PARK, Kyungwha (2005), Asst. Prof. of Physics, B.S., Korea University, 1991; M.S., Korea Univ., 1993; Ph.D., Princeton, 2000. PARKER, Andrew (2000), Asst. Prof. of Marketing, M.S., Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1997; Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1999. PARKHURST, James A. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Wildlife, and Extension Specialist. B.S., Massachusetts, 1974; M.S., Rhode Island, 1977; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State, 1989. PARKS, David J. (1971), Prof. of Education. B.S., SUNY at Potsdam, 1960; M.S., SUNY at Plattsburg, 1964; Ph.D., Syracuse, 1970. PARRISH, David J. (1977), Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., E. Tennessee, 1967; M.A., Wake Forest, 1970; Ph.D., Cornell, 1976.1 PARROTT, Kathleen R. (1988), Prof. of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management. B.S., Cornell Univ., 1972; M.A., Cornell Univ., 1979; Ph.D., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1985. PARRY, Charles J. (1971), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., SUNY at Oswego, 1966; M.S., Mich. State, 1967; Ph.D., Mich. State, 1970. PASUPATHY, Raghu (2005), Asst. Prof. of Industrial and Systems Engineering. B.T., Indian Institute of Technology (India), 1995; M.S., Univ. of Connecticut, 1998; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 2005. PATIL, Mayuresh J. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. B.T., Indian Institute of Technology, 1994; M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1996; Ph. D., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999. PATTERSON, Cameron D. (2003), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Manitoba, 1980; M.S., Manitoba, 1983; Ph.D., Calgary, 1992. PATTERSON, Douglas M. (1980), Prof. of Finance. B.S., Wisconsin, 1968; M.B.A., Wisconsin, 1972; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1978. PATTON, H. Randy (1992), Instructor of English. B.A., Virginia Tech, 1990; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1992. PATTY, C. Wayne (1967), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Georgia, 1954; M.A., Georgia, 1958; Ph.D., Georgia, 1960. PAUL, Mark R. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B.S. California-Los Angeles, 1993; M.S., California-Los Angeles, 1994; Ph.D., California-Los Angeles, 2000. PAULETTE, Dwight M. (1988), Research Assoc. and College Farm Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1971; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Mississippi State Univ., 1983. PAULSON, Sally L. (1995), Assoc. Prof. of Entomology. B.A., Miami Univ., 1976; M.S., Miami Univ., 1981; Ph.D., Univ. Notre Dame, 1987. PEARSON, Ronald E. (1979), Prof. of Dairy Science. B.S., Massachusetts, 1966; M.S., Iowa State, 1970; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1971. PEASE, James W. (1988), Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Iowa State, 1971; M.A., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1980; Ph.D., Mich. State, 1986. PELT, Ranson J. (1986), Director of Fiscal Operations for Information Technology. B.B.A., Augusta College, 1973; MBA, Augusta College, 1978. PELZER, Kevin D. (1987), Assoc. Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Kentucky, 1979; D.V.M., Tuskegee, 1980; M.P.V.M., California (Davis), 1984; Diplomate, A.C.V.P.M. PENCEK, Bruce (2001), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.A., Dickinson College, 1977; M.A., Cornell Univ., 1982; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 1988; M.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. PENDLETON, Leslie (1999). Instructor and Director of Undergraduate Student Affairs, Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1988; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997.1 PENVEN, James (1998), Assoc. Director of Residence Life, B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College, 1994; M.A., Marshall Univ., 1996. PERDUE, Richard R. (2005), Prof. of Hospitality and Tourism Management. B.S., Univ. of Wyoming, 1975; M.S., Univ. of Wyoming, 1977; Ph.D., Texas A&M Univ., 1981. PEREZ-QUINONES, Manuel A. (2000), Asst. Prof. of Computer Science. B.A., Ball State Univ., 1983; M.S., Ball State Univ., 1987; D.Sc., The George Washington Univ., 1996. PERINI, Laura (2001), Asst. Prof. of Philosophy. B.S., Biology, UCLA, 1988; M.A., Biology, UCLA, 1990; M.A., Philosophy, Univ. of California, San Diego, 1998; Ph.D., Philosophy, Univ. of California, San Diego, 2001. PERSAUD, Naraine (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Agricultural Institute (Allahabad), 1968; M.S., Florida, 1976; Ph.D., Florida, 1978. PETER, K. Kris (1991), Asst. Director, Continuing and Professional Education, B.S., Radford, 1989; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1995. PETERS, Leroy A. (2001), Instructor of Mathematics. B.S. Univ. of Charleston, WV, 1970. M.A. in EDCI, Virginia Tech, 1995. PETERSON, Everett B. (1989), Assoc. Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Iowa State, 1971, 1981; M.S., Iowa State, 1983; Ph.D., Purdue, 1989. PFEIFFER, Carl J. (1982), Prof. Emeritus of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.A., Duke, 1959; M.A., Southern Illinois, 1961; Ph.D., Southern Illinois, 1964; M.S., Harvard, 1967. PFEIFFER, Douglas G. (1981), Prof. of Entomology. B.S., Massachusetts, 1976; M.S., N.C. State, 1978; Ph.D., Washington State, 1981. PHADKE, Arrun G. (1982), Univ. Distinguished Prof. Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.T., IIT (India), 1959; M.S., ITT, 1960; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1964. PHELEY, Alfred M. (2005), Adjunct Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.A., Indiana, 1982; M.S., North Dakota State, 1984; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1990. PHILLIPS, H. Lawrence (1988), Adjunct Prof. of Physics. B.S., Rutgers, 1961; M.S., Stevens Inst. Tech., 1966; Ph.D., Stevens Inst. Tech., 1971. PHILLIPS, John (2000), Prof. of Biology. B.A., Swarthmore College, 1976; Ph.D., Cornell, 1984. PHILLIPS, Richard L. (2003), Visiting Assistant Professor of Ancient Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies. B.A., Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), 1990; M.A., Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), 1993; Ph.D., Illinois (Champaign-Urbana), 2002. PHILLIPS, Steven B. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Cameron, 1993; M.S., Oklahoma State, 1995; Ph.D., Oklahoma State, 1999. (Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center). PHIPPS, Patrick M. (1978), Prof. of Plant Pathology. B.S. Fairmont State, 1970; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1973; Ph.D., West Virginia Univ., 1974 (Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Suffolk, VA). PICKETT, J. Phillip (1988), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Louisiana State, 1980; Diplomate, A.C.V.O. PICKRELL, Gary R. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Ohio State Univ., 1985; M.S., Ohio State Univ., 1987; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994. PIEDMONT-PALLADINO, Susan (1991), Assoc. Prof. of Architecture. B.A., William & Mary, 1980; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1984. PIERCY, Fred P. (2000), Prof. Department Head of Human Development. B.A., Wake Forest, 1969; M.Ed., Univ. of South Carolina, 1970; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida, 1975. PIERSOL, Richard M. (1996), Instructor of English. A.B., Ohio Univ., 1969; M.A., Ohio Univ., 1971; D.Phil., Univ. of York (United Kingdom), 1979. PIERSON, F. William (1990), Assoc. Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Delaware, 1978; M.S., Purdue, 1980; D.V.M., Virginia Tech, 1984; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1993; Diplomate, A.B.P.V. PIERSON, Merle D. (1970). Prof., Food Science and Technology. B.S. Iowa State Univ., 1964; M.S. Univ. of Illinois, 1969; Ph.D. Univ. of Illinois, 1970.2 PIILONEN, Leo E. (1987), Prof. of Physics. B.S., Univ. of Ontario, 1978; M.A., Princeton, 1980; Ph.D., Princeton, 1985. PINKERTON, John M. (1977), SunTrust Prof. of Banking. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1971; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1972; Ph.D., Florida, 1979. PITT, Joseph C. (1971), Department Head and Prof. of Philosophy. A.B., William & Mary, 1966; M.A., Univ. of Western Ontario, 1970; Ph.D., Univ. of Western Ontario, 1972. PITT, Mark L. (1997). Assoc. Prof. of Physics. B.S., Cal. Tech., 1985; M.A. Princeton, 1987; Ph.D., Princeton, 1992. PITTS, Vanessa. (2005), Asst. Prof. of Education. B.S., South Carolina State Univ., 1993; M.A.T., Bowling Green State Univ., 1996; Ed.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh, 2003. PITTMAN, V. Hunter (1993), Chair, Professional Program in Architecture; Assoc. Prof. of Architecture. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1986; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1995. PLASSMANN, Paul (2004), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Physics, Reed College, 1979; M.S., Mathematical Physics, UT Austin, 1980; M.S., Applied Mathematics, Cornell, 1988; Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Cornell, 1990. PLAUT, Linda B. (1983), Instructor of Humanities. B.A., The Univ. of Iowa, 1962; M.M., Indiana Univ., 1963. PLAUT, Raymond H. (1975), Dan H. Pletta Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; ESM Affiliate Faculty. B.S., Cal Tech 1963; M.S., California (Berkeley), 1964; Ph.D., California (Berkeley), 1967. PLEASANT, R. Scott (1991), Assoc. Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980; D.V.M., Virginia Tech, 1984; M.S., Illinois, 1992; Diplomate, A.C.V.S. POIRIER-BURES, Simone T. (1982), Instructor of English. B.A., Newton College, 1965; M.A., Univ. of New Brunswick, 1970. POKORSKI, Dale M. (2001), Director of Computing, Pamplin College of Business. B.A., Smith College, 1985; M.B.A, Auburn Univ., 1988. POLANAH, Paulo (2005), Assistant Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies, B.A., University of Southern Utah, 1991; M.A., University of Nevada, 1994; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004. POMAJAMBO, Shane, (1999), Adjunct Faculty in Architecture. B.S., Catholic Univ., 1998; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1999. POOLE, J. Scott (1986), Prof. of Architecture; Director, School of Architecture and Design. B.A., Temple Univ., 1973; M.Arch., Univ. of Texas, Austin, 1983; A.I.A. POON, Ting-Chung (1983), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Iowa, 1977; M.S., Iowa, 1979; Ph.D., Iowa, 1982. POPHAM, David L. (1997), Assoc. Prof. of Microbiology. B.S., Washington Univ., 1983; Ph.D., California (Davis), 1989. POPPO, Laura (1996), Assoc. Prof. of Management. B.A., Darmouth College, 1984; M.A., Pennsylvania, 1989; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1991. PORTER, Duncan M. (1975), Prof. of Botany. A.B., Stanford, 1959; A.M., Stanford, 1961; Ph.D., Harvard, 1967. PORTER, S. L. (1991), Adjunct Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Washington and Lee, 1970; V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 1974. POTTER, Ken (1997), Instructor. B.S., Univ. of Wyoming, 1968; M.S., Univ. of Wyoming, 1970; Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia, 1998. POTTS, Ann (2001), Asst. Prof. of Education. C.Ed., Ripon College, Univ. of Leeds, England; M.A., Florida State Univ., 1982; M.A., Virginia Tech, 1989; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1996. POTTS, Malcolm (1985), Prof. of Biochemistry. B.S., Durham, 1973; Ph.D., Durham, 1977. POWERS, Linda E. (1993), Instructor of Mathematics. B.S., Westhampton College, 1969; M.S., College of William and Mary, 1971. PRATHER, Carl L. (1977), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Trinity, 1972; M.A., Northwestern, 1973; Ph.D., Northwestern, 1977. PRATT, Timothy (1981), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.Sc., Birmingham (England), 1965; Ph.D., Birmingham, 1968.3 PRECODA, KARL (2000), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Humanities. B.A., UCLA, 1986; M.A., Humbolt State, 1990; Ph.D., Virginia, 1996. PRESTON, Marlene M. (1993), Asst. Prof. of Communication. B.S., Bowling Green State Univ., 1970; M.A., Bowling Green State Univ., 1971; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1997. PRICE, William T., Jr. (1982), Assoc. Prof. of Education. A.A., Bluefield, 1972; B.S., Virginia Tech, 1974; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; Ph.D., Univ. of Nebraska, 1981. PRINCE, Stephen R. (1989), Prof. of Communication. B.A., Univ. of Maryland, 1977; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, 1980; M.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1985; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1987. PRINS, Samantha C. (2001), Asst. Prof. of Statistics. B.S., Univ. of Auckland, New Zealand, 1996; M.S., Univ. of Washington, 1998; Ph.D., Univ. of Washington, 2001. PRISLEY, Stephen P. (1999), Prof. of GIS and Forest Inventory. B.S., Virginia Tech; M.S., Virginia Tech; 1982; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1989. PUCKETT, Anita M. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Humanities; Coordinator of Appalachian Studies. B.A., Univ. of Kentucky, 1971; M.A., Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1973; M.A., Univ. of Kentucky, 1980; Ph.D., Texas, 1993. PURI, Ishwar (2004), Prof. and Department Head of Engineering Science and Mechanics. B.S., Univ. of Delhi, 1982; M.S., Univ. of California, San Diego, 1984; Ph.D., Univ. of California, San Diego, 1987. PURSWELL, Beverly J. (1985), Interim Dept. Head and Prof. of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M., Georgia, 1977; M.S., Georgia, 1981; Ph.D., Georgia, 1985; Diplomate, A.C.T. PYLE, R. Lee (1981), Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.S., Penn State, 1962; V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 1965; M.S., Pennsylvania, 1972; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M. QUEK, Francis (2004), Professor of Computer Science. B.S.E., University of Michigan, 1984; M.S.E., University of Michigan, 1984; Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1990. QUESENBERRY, Brandi A. (2003), Instructor of Communication, B.S., Radford Univ., 2000; M.S., Radford Univ., 2002. QUINN, Frank S. (1977), Prof. of Mathematics. B.A., U.Va., 1966; M.A., Virginia, 1967; Ph.D., Princeton, 1969.6,9 QUISENBERRY, Sharron (2003), Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. B.S., Truman State Univ., 1966; M.A., Hood College, 1975; M.S., Univ. of Missouri at Columbia, 1977; Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri at Columbia, 1980. RADCLIFFE, David H. (1987), Prof. of English. B.S., UVa., 1977; M.A., UVa., 1982; Ph.D., UVa., 1987. RADTKE, Philip J. (1999), Asst. Prof. of Forest Biometrics. B.S., Minnesota, 1994; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1996; M.S., Minnesota, 1998; Ph.D., Minnesota, 1999. RAGAB, Saad A. (1984), Prof. of Engineering Science and Mechanics B.S., Cairo, 1970; M.S., Cairo, 1974; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1979. RAGHAVAN, Ramaswamy S. (2004), Prof. of Physics, M.A., Univ. of Madras, 1957; M.Sc., Univ. of Madras, 1958; Ph.D., Purdue Univ., 1965. RAGSDALE, Cliff T. (1990), Bank of America Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.A., Central Florida, 1980; M.B.A., Central Florida, 1983; Ph.D., Georgia, 1989. RAHMAN, Saifur (1979), Joseph R. Loring Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.Sc., Bangladesh, 1973; M.S., SUNY, 1975; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1980. RAINEY, Katy Martin (2005), Asst. Prof. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Georgia, 1998; Ph.D., Cornell, 2005. RAKES, Terry R. (1986), Houchins Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1971; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1976; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1980.2,3,8 RAKHA, Hesham A. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S., Cairo Univ., 1989; M.S., Queen's Univ., 1990; Ph.D., Queen's Univ., 1993. RAMAKRISHNAN, Narendran (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science. M.S., Anna Univ., Madras, India, 1993; Ph.D., Purdue, 1997. RAMAN, Sanjay (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987; M.S., Univ. of Michigan, 1993; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan, 1997. RAMU, Krishnan (1985), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.E., Madras, 1969; M.E., Madras, 1972; Ph.D., Concordia, 1982. RANDOLPH, John (1979), Director, School of Public and International Affairs and Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning. B.M.E., Minnesota, 1969; M.S., Stanford, 1972; Ph.D., Stanford, 1976. RANKIN, Janet W. (1982), Prof. of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise. B.S., Duke, 1977; Ph.D., California (Davis), 1982. RASMUSSEN, Lane D. (1977), Asst. Prof.; Library. B.A., Brigham Young, 1966; M.A., Indiana, 1969; M.L.S., Indiana, 1971. RATCLIFFE, Evelyn, D. (2005), University Bursar. B.S., Radford Univ., 1968. RATHORE, Dharmendar (2003, Research Asst. Prof.. B.Sc., Univ. of Delhi, 1990; M.Sc., Hindu Univ., 1992; Ph.D., National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi, 1997. RAUN, Patricia (1986), Assoc. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.F.A., Nebraska, 1982; M.F.A., Penn State, 1986. RAVINDRAN, Binoy (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.Tech., Univ. of Kerala, India, 1991; M.S., New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1994; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas at Arlington, 1998. RAWLINGS, Kelly M. (2001), Asst. Director of Undergraduate Admissions. B.A., The College of William and Mary, 1997. RAWLINGS, Roger E. (2005), Assistant Professor of Communication, B.A., Hunter College, CUNY, 1992; M.A., New York University, 1994; Graduate Program in Film Production, Columbia University, 1997; Ph.D., The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 2004. READ, J. Frederick (1973), Prof. of Geology. B.S., Western Australia, 1966; Ph.D., Western Australia, 1971. REAVES, Dixie W. (1993), Assoc. Prof. of Agricultural and Applied Economics. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1986; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1989; Ph.D., Duke Univ., 1993.2,7 REDICAN, Kerry J. (1981), Prof. of Education. Cal. State Univ. (Long Beach), 1971; M.S.P.H., UCLA, 1972; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1975; M.P.H., Univ. of North Carolina, 1986. REECE, Charles E. (2004), Adjunct Prof. of Physics, B.S., Baylor Univ., 1978; M.A., Univ. of Rochester, 1980; Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester, 1983. REED, Craig. A., (2001), Administrator, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S.D.A. D.V.M., Michigan State Univ., 1972. REED, T. David (1993), Research Scientist, Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1987; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1990. (Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center). REED, Elizabeth D. (1996), Director of Real Estate Management. B.A., Averett College, 1993. REED, Jeffrey H. (1992), Willis G. Worcester Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering.. B.S., UC-Davis, 1980; M.S., UC-Davis, 1983; Ph.D., UC-Davis, 1987. REES, Joseph V. (1994), Assoc. Prof. of Public Administration and Policy and Director of the Institute for Policy Outreach. B.A., UCLA, 1975; M.A., UCLA, 1977; M.A., Univ. of California at Berkley, 1980; Ph.D., UCLA, 1986. REES, Loren P. (1980), Andersen Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.E.E., Ga. Tech, 1970; M.S.E.E., Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn, 1972; Ph.D., Ga. Tech, 1980. 2,3 REEVES, Barbara (1993), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Humanities and of Science and Technology in Society; Adjunct Asst. Prof. of History. A.B., Smith College, 1966; M.A.T., Harvard Graduate School of Education, 1967; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1969; Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 1980. REID, Gerald F. (1997), Instructor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E.E., Virginia Military Institute, 1964; M.S.E.E., Virginia Tech, 1971; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1973. REINHOLTZ, Charles F. (1983), Alumni Distinguished Prof., B.S., Florida, 1976; M.E., Florida, 1980; Ph.D., Florida, 1983. REISINGER, Suzanne B. (1989), Instructor of English. B.A., Georgetown College, 1968; M.A., Western Kentucky Univ., 1970. REMMERS, Barbara (2001), Asst. Prof. of Finance. B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988; Ph.D., New York Univ., 2001. RENARDY, Michael (1986), Prof. of Mathematics. Dipl. Math. Stuttgart, 1977; Dipl. Phys., Stuttgart, 1978; Dr. rer. nat., Stuttgart, 1980.6 RENARDY, Yuriko (1986), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Australian National, 1977; Ph.D., Western Australia, 1981. RESLER, Lynn M. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Geography. B.A., Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1997; M.L.I.S., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2000; Ph.D., Texas State Univ.-San Marcos, 2004. REUTER, Robert (2001), Adjunct Prof. in Architecture. B.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1975. REYNOLDS, Marion R., Jr. (1972), Prof. of Statistics and Forestry. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1968; M.S., Stanford, 1971; Ph.D., Stanford, 1972. REYNOLDS, William T. (1988), Prof. of Materials Science and Engineering. B.S., Carnegie Mellon Univ., (1981); M.S., Carnegie Mellon Univ., (1982); Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon Univ., (1988). RIAD, Sedki M. (1979), Prof. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. B.S.E.E., Cairo, 1966; M.S.E.E., Cairo, 1972; Ph.D., Toledo, 1976. RIBBENS, Calvin J. (1987), Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science. B.S., Calvin College, 1981; M.S., Purdue, 1984; Ph.D., Purdue, 1986. RICH, Miriam S. (2000), Special Asst. to the Director of OIRED for Communications and Publications; Communications Coordinator for IPM CRSP. B.A., Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, 1980; M.A. in Teaching, Univ. of Chicago, 1983; M.B.A. in International Management, The American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), 1989. RICH, Richard C. (1976), Prof. of Political Science and Government and International Affairs. B.S., Stephen F. Austin, 1969; M.A., Indiana State, 1971; Ph.D., Indiana U, 1976. RICHARDSON, Bonham C. (1977), Prof. Emeritus of Geography. B.A., Arizona, 1961; M.S. Wisconsin, 1968; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1970. RICHARDSON, David (1998), Director of Sponsored Programs, B.S., Oklahoma State Univ., 1987; M.S., Univ. of Missouri, 1990. RICHARDSON, Frederick M. (1980), Prof. of Accounting and Information Systems. B.S., Missouri, 1961; M.B.A., East Carolina, 1976; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, 1980. RICHARDSON, Jesse J. (1998), Assoc. Prof. of Urban Affairs and Planning. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1996; J.D., Virginia, 1987. RIDDELL, James E. (1977), State Program Leader, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Extension. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1977; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2003. RIDENOUR, Minnis E. (1974), Senior Fellow for Resource Development. B.S., Tennessee, 1969; M.S., Tennessee, 1972. RIDGWELL, Diana (2003), Instructor of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and Director of Student Development. B.S, Ferrum College, 1994; M.A. Liberal Studies, Hollins College, 1996; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2002. RIELEY, Don (1993), Director, Undergraduate Programs, B.S., Virginia Tech, 1980, M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1991. RIESS, R. Dean (1967), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Iowa State, 1963; M.S., Iowa State, 1965; Ph.D., Iowa State, 1967.1 RIFFLE, Judy S. (1988), Prof. of Chemistry. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1973; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1981. RILEY, Sam G. (1981), Prof. of Communication. B.A., Davidson College, 1961; M.B.A., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1962; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1970. RIMSTIDT, J. Donald (1980), Department Chair and Prof. of Geochemistry. B.S., Purdue Univ., 1969; A.M., Indiana Univ., 1973; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1979. RINEHART, Susanna C. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Theatre Arts. B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill, 1986; M.F.A., UNC-Chapel Hill, 1989. RISTIC, Zorana (1999), Clinical Instructor of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. D.V.M. Giessen (Germany), 1996. RITTER, Alfred L. (1976), Assoc. Prof. of Physics. B.A. Rice, 1966; Ph.D. Pennsylvania, 1972. ROAN, Michael J. (2005), Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering. B.S., Penn State, 1990; M.S. Penn State, 1993; Ph.D., Penn State, 1999. ROBERTO, Karen (1996), Director, Center for Gerontology, and Prof. of Human Development. B.A., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1977; M.S., Texas Tech, 1981; Ph.D., Texas Tech, 1984. ROBERTS, C. Janene (1986), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Humanities. B.A., Florida State Univ., 1973; M.A., Univ. of Texas, 1981; Ph.D., Univ. of Texas, 1986. ROBERTS, Daniel P. (1996), Adjunct Prof. of Plant Pathology. B.S., Univ. of Delaware, 1981; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1985 (USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD). ROBERTSHAW, Harry H. (1970), Prof. of Mechanical Engineering and Asst. Department Head for Graduate Programs and Research. B.M.E., UVA, 1964; M.M.E., UVA, 1967; Ph.D., UVA, 1972. ROBERTSON, James I., Jr. (1967), Distinguished Prof. of History. A.B., Randolph-Macon, 1955; M.A., Emory, 1956; Ph.D., Emory, 1959.2, 3, 9 ROBERTSON, John L. (1989), Prof. of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology. B.S., SUNY, 1969; M.S., Pennsylvania, 1973; V.M.D., Pennsylvania, 1976; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1977. ROBERTS-WOLLMANN, C.L. (1999), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S., Univ. of Nebraska, 1983. ROBINSON, Barbara L. (1985), Lecturer Admin CY Test Scoring Services. B.S., Florida, 1968. ROBINSON, Hans D. (2005). Asst. Prof. of Physics. License, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 1993; Maîtrise, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 1994; Ph.D., Boston Univ., 2000. RODRIGUEZ-CAMILLONI, Humberto L. (1983), Prof. of Architecture. B.A., Yale, 1967; M.Arch., Yale, 1971; M.Phil., Yale, 1973; Ph.D., Yale, 1981. ROGERS, Robert C. (1988), Prof. of Mathematics. B.S., Washington and Lee Univ., 1979; M.A., Univ. of Maryland, 1982; Ph.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1984. ROGGENBUCK, Joseph W. (1977), Prof. of Natural Resources Recreation. B.S., Michigan, 1968; M.S., Michigan, 1969; Ph.D., Utah State, 1975. ROGIER, Francesca, (2005), Visiting Asst. Prof. of Architecture. B.Sc., Univ. of Michigan, 1981; M.Arch., Columbia Univ., 1985. ROHR, John A. (1979), Prof. of Public Administration and Policy. A.B., Loyola, 1957; Ph.L., Loyola, 1959; M.A., Georgetown, 1964; S.T.L., Woodstock, 1966; Ph.D., Chicago, 1970. ROJIANI, Kamal B. (1978), Assoc. Prof. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. B.S., Karachi, 1971; M.S., Illinois, 1973; Ph.D., Illinois, 1977; P.E. ROMAN, Maren G. (2004), Asst. Prof. of Wood Science and Forest Products. M.S., Clausthal Univ. of Technology (Germany), 1996; Ph.D., SUNY-ESF, 2002. ROSEN, Karen H. (1992), Assoc. Prof. of Human Development. B.S., Radford, 1968; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1984; Ed.D., Virginia Tech, 1992. (Northern Virginia Center) ROSENTHAL, Joy K. (2001), Instructor of Art. B.A., Saint Edward's Univ., 1993; M.F.A., Pratt Institute, 1995. ROSENZWEIG, Michael S. (1996), Director, Museum of Natural History & Adjunct Asst. Prof. of Biology. B.A., Clark Univ., 1985; M.S., Virginia Tech, 1990; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994. ROSS, Nancy L. (2000), Prof. of Geochemistry and Assoc. Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Outreach, College of Science. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1979; M.S., Univ. of British Columbia, 1981; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ., 1985. ROSSI, John F. (1983), Prof. of Mathematics and Department Head. B.A., Queens, 1972; M.A., Hawaii, 1978; Ph.D., Hawaii, 1980. ROSSMEISL, John H. (2003), Asst. Prof. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. B.A., Univ. of New Hampshire, 1993; D.V.M., Auburn Univ., 1997; M.S., Virginia Tech, 2001; Diplomate, A.C.V.I.M. ROTHSCHILD, Joyce (1991), Prof. of Government and International Affairs. B.A., Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, 1970; M.A., California, Santa Barbara, 1972; Ph.D., California, Santa Barbara, 1977. ROTT, Hans C. (1977), Prof. of Architecture. B.Arch., Rice, 1968; M.Arch., Virginia Tech, 1978. ROWLEY, Chishamiso (2003). Asst. Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies. B.A., Pennsylvania State Univ., 1991; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1995; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1999. ROY, Lucinda H. (1985), Department Chair and Alumni Distinguished Prof. of English. B.A., King's College (London Univ.), 1977; M.F.A., Univ. of Arkansas, 1985.2, 7 RUBENSTEIN, Thomas G. (2004), Prof. of Naval Science, Captain, U.S. Navy. B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1978; M.S., Strayer College, 1995. RUDD, John C. (1990), Director of Internal Audit. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1986; M.B.A., Virginia Tech, 1996. RUDE, Carolyn D. (2003), Prof. of English. A.B., Grove City College, 1967; A.M., Univ. of Illinois, 1969; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois, 1975. RUGGIERO, Cheryl W. (1980), Asst. Department Chair and Instructor of English. B.A., Univ. of Northern Arizona, 1966; M.A., Ohio Univ., 1971. RUSSELL TILLAR, Roberta S. (1983), Prof. of Business Information Technology. B.S., Virginia Tech, 1975; M.B.A., ODU, 1977; Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1983. RUSSELL, David L. (1988), Prof. of Mathematics. B.A., Andrews Univ., 1964; Ph.D. Univ. of Minnesota, 1964. RUTHERFORD, Charles L. (1972), Prof. of Molecular and Cellular Biology. B.A., William Jewell, 1961; M.A., W&M, 1963; Ph.D., Miami, 1968. RYAN, Jennifer (2005), Asst. Prof. of Mathematics. B.A., Rutgers Univ., 1996; M.S., State Univ. of N.Y., 1999; Ph.D., Brown Univ., 2003. RYAN, John (2001), Prof. of Sociology, B.A., West Virginia, 1971; M.A., West Virginia, 1978; Ph.D. Vanderbilt, 1982. |