College of Natural ResourcesForestry
Forest Resource ManagementThe Forest Resource Management option emphasizes the biology, policy, and management skills needed to ensure the sustainability of the many renewable forest resources on which society depends. Graduates manage the forested landscape to provide society a renewable supply of wood and paper products along with clean water, recreation opportunity, wildlife habitat, and environmental quality. Industrial Forestry OperationsIndustrial Forestry Operations graduates are well prepared for careers in private industry emphasizing harvesting and reforestation operations. Industrial Forestry Operations specializes beyond the Forest Resource Management option by emphasizing the operations side of forestry along with landowner assistance and management skills for people and business. Environmental Resource ManagementThe Environmental Resource Management option develops professionals who tackle a variety of environmental issues in the forested landscape. The foundation of this area of study is the same as the Forest Resource Management option with additional emphasis placed on water resources, forest soils, environmental policy, and wildlife management. Urban ForestryThe Urban Forestry option produces graduates who can deal with the ecological and biological characteristics of the forest in an urban environment, as well as the managerial and political context within which forest management takes place. Special education, training, and experience are necessary to address the many and complex biological, social, economic, and political issues that are part of the urban forest setting. Natural Resource RecreationNatural Resource Recreation blends natural sciences, resource management, and social sciences disciplines and topics. Graduates provide high quality recreation experiences to ever increasing numbers of recreationists while protecting the natural environment on which these experiences depend. Emphasis is on the human dimensions of natural resource management. Natural Resources Education (K-6) and Natural Resources Science (6-12)Natural Resources Education prepares students to teach in elementary schools, while Natural Resources Science prepares students to teach Earth Science, Life Science or Agricultural Education at middle and high schools. Both options are intended as feeders into the Masters in Education at Virginia Tech, which provides necessary licensure. With proper planning, the Masters degree can be completed in one year. Undergraduate Courses (FOR)2154: INTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTING IN FORESTRYOperating systems, data management, BASIC programming, statistical analysis, and simulation with applications in forestry. (3L,1C) II. 2214: INTRODUCTION TO LAND AND FOREST MEASUREMENTS Measurement of forest land and vegetation attributes including geographic position, land distance, direction and area, tree size and forest overstory and understory vegetation attributes. Use and development of maps used in natural resources inventories. Use of global positioning systems and geographic information systems in the acquisition and management of land and forest measurements. Assessment of tree and forest attributes with sample plots. Use of computer software to manage and analyze data and present results. Pre: MATH 1016. Co: 2324. (2H,3L,3C) 2314: FOREST BIOLOGY AND DENDROLOGY Introduction to the botany, physiology, genetics and silvics of important forest trees of North America. Pre: BIOL 1006 or BIOL 1106. Co: 2324. (2H,2C) I. 2324: DENDROLOGY LABORATORY Field identification of trees of North America with particular emphasis on trees native to the Eastern United States. (3L,1C) I. 2514: WILDLAND FIRE: ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Provide students with basic knowledge on how: fire has an impact on forest environments; the environment and weather influence fire behavior; wildland fires are suppressed; and fire is used as a land and vegetation management tool. The course will also provide students with the knowledge and training to qualify as a basic wildland firefighter (FFT2-Red Card). Extended laboratory sessions will provide practice in fire behavior prediction, prescribed burning techniques, and fire control methodology. Pre: BIOL 1105 or BIOL 1106, CHEM 1035. (2H,3L,3C) 2554 (LAR 2554): NATURE AND AMERICAN VALUES Introduces students to the evolving relationship between nature and American society; emphasizing the ethics and values which underlie forest, park, and wildlife management. Students are introduced to contemporary land use issues and learn to articulate, defend, and critique the ethical positions surrounding these issues (i.e., wilderness, sustainability, biodiversity, hunting, old growth, suburban sprawl, environmental activism). (3H,3C) I,II. 2714: INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL FORESTRY OPERATIONS The forest management operations carried out by the forest industry such as harvesting, site preparation, regeneration, silvicultural treatments, and stand maintenance. (1H,1C) I. 2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 3215-3216: FOREST MEASUREMENTS Principles and practices of forest land and resource measurements. 3215: Measurement of distance and direction, size and content of felled and standing trees, elements of forest inventory, and sampling. 3216: Derivation of volume and weight equations for standing trees, equal and unequal probability sampling in timber inventory, site quality, stand density, forest growth, and yield modeling. Pre: 2214. (3H,3C) I,II. 3224: FOREST MEASUREMENTS FIELD LABORATORY Field practice in forest measurements, forest inventory, and forest growth estimation. Co: 3216. (3L,1C) II. 3314: FOREST ECOLOGY AND SILVICS Environmental factors affecting the establishment, growth, and development of forests; silvical characteristics of trees; forest community structure and function; forest ecosystem analysis. Pre: 2314, (CSES 3114 or CSES 3134). (2H,4L,3C) I. 3324: SILVICULTURE PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS Theory and practices involved in controlling forest establishment, composition, and growth are developed in a regional context. Formulation of silvicultural systems and the study of reproduction methods, site preparation, intermediate stand manipulations, and reforestation operations. Pre: 3314. (3H,4L,4C) II. 3334: SILVICULTURE FIELD LAB Practice and observation of various silvicultural procedures, including stand and site evaluation, intermediate cuttings, site preparation, vegetation control, harvesting, and regeneration. Co: 3324. (4L,1C) II. 3344: FOREST FIELD STUDIES Field observations and discussion of current forestry operations and practices. Junior standing required. Pass/Fail only. (3L,1C) 3354 (HORT 3354): URBAN FORESTRY AND ARBORICULTURE A study of the uses, biology, ecology and silviculture of trees and forested green space in urban and urban-rural interface environments. Planning, planting, establishment, growth and development of urban trees, site assessment, individual tree condition assessment, and tree maintenance; special emphasis on energy relationships, soil physical and chemical properties, soil stabilization, and insect and disease problems that are related to existing and planned trees and forested areas. Lab provided practical experience in arboriculture and tree care practices. Pre: (2314, 2324) or (HORT 3326). (2H,3L,3C) 3364: SURVEY OF FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT Survey of the forest, its environment, and its management including forest community structure and function, properties and management of forest soils, and basic silviculture. Partially duplicates 3314. Pre: 2324. (2H,4L,3C) I. 3414: SMALL WOODLAND MANAGEMENT Forestry principles and practices applied to private nonindustrial woodlands. Consideration of biological, managerial, marketing, harvesting, and multiple use issues affecting the landowner. Not for professional forestry options. (2H,3L,3C) II. 3424: FOREST RESOURCE ECONOMICS Application of economic principles to problems in forestry such as multiple use of forest lands, including wildlife, recreation, watershed, timber production and consumption. Pre: ECON 2005 or AAEC 1005. (3H,3C) I. 3434: FOREST MANAGEMENT FIELD LAB Field instruction and practice in forest management techniques, including tract and boundary location; tract and timber valuation; delineation of forested wetlands; pre-harvest planning; and writing sustainable forest management plans using financial, biological, and operational considerations. Pre: 3216, 3324, 3424. (3L,1C) 3524: ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION Interpretation theory and techniques; program planning and evaluation; role of interpretation in enhancing visitor experiences and protecting park resources. Pre: 2554. (2H,3L,3C) II. 3534: OUTDOOR RECREATION FIELD STUDIES Field instruction and practice in measuring amount and type of recreational use, and resource impacts from recreational use. Field inspection and review of federal, state, local, and private recreation areas and management in Virginia and elsewhere. Pre: 2554. Co: 3544. (1H,9L,4C) II. 3544: OUTDOOR RECREATION MANAGEMENT Outdoor recreation management objectives; land acquisition; use measurement; impact assessment; facility operation and maintenance; role of private sector. Pre: 2554. (3H,3C) II. 3554 (FIW 3554): OUTDOOR RECREATION POLICY Policy process for outdoor recreation, with emphasis on the federal level; major federal policies for outdoor recreation; role of the professional in the policy process; public involvement in planning and management; analysis of current policy issues. Pre: 2554. (3H,3C) II. 3564: OUTDOOR RECREATION PLANNING Techniques of planning for resource-based outdoor recreation, including: estimation of recreation demand; wildland recreation classification and resource inventory; methods of public involvement; social impact analysis; state comprehensive planning; site design; and values questions associated with these techniques. Pre: 2554. (3H,3C) II. 3714: FOREST HARVESTING Principles and application of forest harvesting. Terminology, phases, function, and the interrelationships of people, money, machines, and environment. Pre: 2214. (2H,3L,3C) I. 3724: FOREST BOUNDARIES AND ROADS Application of basic land surveying and forest measurement techniques to the location, establishment, and maintenance of forest boundaries and roads. Consideration of stream crossings, best management practices, and costs. Pre: 2214. (2H,3L,3C) 3734: TIMBER PROCUREMENT Analysis of the U. S. forest industry raw material supply process with emphasis on the evolution and dynamics of timber procurement systems and strategies. Pre: 3215. (2H,2C) II. 3784 (WOOD 3784): WORLD FORESTS AND FOREST PRODUCTS This course uses a socio-economic approach to examine the management and use of the world's forests, enhance knowledge of global forest resources and products, and understand the roles and relationships of key stakeholders. (3H,3C) 3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course. 3964: INTERNSHIP THROUGH DIRECTED FIELD STUDY Variable credit course. 4114: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT An introduction to computer information systems used in natural resources management. Course will introduce students to the theory and applications of database management systems (DBMS) and geographic information systems (GIS). Uses, challenges, and limitations of these technologies in natural resource management applications will be discussed. Students will receive extensive hand-on instruction in the use of current software packages for DBMS and GIS. Pre: 2154, (3216 or STAT 3005). (2H,3L,3C) 4214: FOREST PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND SPATIAL DATA PROCESSING Films, filters and camera photogeometry; scale; measurement estimation; image processing; flight planning and photo acquisition; geographic information systems; spatial data analysis techniques and applications. Senior standing required. (2H,3L,3C) I. 4334 (CSES 4334): PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF AGROFORESTRY Biological, social, economic, and technical aspects of agroforestry, training and technology transfer techniques, and application of forestry and agriculture principles. Roles of animals and fish, trees, and agricultural crops in agroforestry systems. Community involvement in planning and implementation of agroforestry projects. (3H,3C) I. 4354: FOREST SOILS AND HYDROLOGY Principles of forest soils and hydrology and applications to forest management. Forest soil development, relationships of soil and hydrologic properties to tree growth, and the management of soil and soil water to enhance fiber production. Pre: 3314. (2H,3L,3C) I. 4364: ADVANCED SILVICULTURE AND FOREST VEGETATION MANAGEMENT Advanced topics in silviculture with an emphasis on species silvical differences; forest vegetation management and control, herbicides used in forestry, their chemistry, toxicology, application technology; environmental considerations; tree improvement, individual tree growth, and stand dynamics as affected by intermediate silvicultural operations; implications of atmospheric deposition. Pre: 3324. (3H,3C) II. 4374: FORESTED WETLANDS Classifications, jurisdictional delineation, and management options of forested wetlands. Relationship of hydrology, soils, and vegetation to ecosystem processes, societal values, and management with regard to environmental and legal considerations and best management practices. Emphasis is on forested wetlands in the southern U.S., but national and international wetlands are included. Pre: CSES 3114 or CSES 3134. (3H,3C) II. 4424: FOREST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Examines classical and current forest decision-making principles and methods under various owner objectives. Explores the implications of managing forest resources in a multiple-resource setting. Pre: 3216, 3314, 3424. (2H,3L,3C) I. 4434: FOREST RESOURCE POLICY Historical development of U.S. forest resource policy. Key issues in each of the major forest uses. Policy determination at the federal, state, and private levels. Policy conflict resolution. Senior standing required. (3H,3C) II. 4444: INTEGRATED FOREST MANAGEMENT PRACTICUM Student teams apply accumulated discipline-oriented knowledge and techniques to a real forest resource management problem. A practicum in forest resource management and planning, applying multiple use concepts to solve a forest management problem. Senior standing required. Must be Forestry major. (1H,8L,3C) II. 4454: URBAN FOREST MANAGEMENT AND POLICY Focuses on the planning, administration, financing and management of trees, forests and green space associated with urban areas and the urban/rural interface. It will include a study of the social needs and values of urban situations; urban tree/forest resource inventories; tree and vegetation ordinances; the development, financing, and management of tree maintenance programs; and community involvement, public relations, and urban forestry education programs. Senior standing. Pre: 3354. (2H,3L,3C) II. 4474: THE CONSULTING FORESTRY BUSINESS Objectives of private timberland owners and forest industry from the perspective of professional consultants. Organization of a successful consulting firm. Stresses service to landowners such as appraisal, marketing, taxation, exconomic analysis, and ethics. Co: 4424. (2H,3L,3C) II. 4514: FOREST PROTECTION Fire management, insect and disease control concepts. Forest fire behavior and fire weather; life histories of forest insects and biological and chemical control procedures; disease development in forest tree species, strategies of control. Pre: 3324. (2H,3L,3C) I. 4524 (ENT 4524) (PPWS 4524): PEST AND STRESS MANAGEMENT OF TREES Ecology of biotic and abiotic influences on forest and landscape tree health. Emphasis will be placed on developing a theoretical and practical understanding for managing pests and stresses of trees in both the forest and landscape setting. Insects and diseases of trees will be reviewed. Pre: (3324 or PPWS 3104), (FOR 3354). (2H,3L,3C) II. 4534: NATURAL RESOURCE BASED TOURISM Components of the tourism industry and its relationship to natural resources planning, management, and the provision of tourist services on public lands. Pre: 2554. (3H,3C) I. 4544: SEMINAR IN OUTDOOR RECREATION Practitioner-oriented capstone laboratory exercise in outdoor recreation planning and management. Senior standing in Outdoor Recreation Option required. (1H,3L,2C) II. 4614: ECONOMICS OF FOREST PRODUCTS MARKETING Economics of marketing forest products. Pricing, marketing channels and institutions, marketing research, product policy and planning, forecasting. Pre: 3424. (3H,3C) II. 4714: HARVESTING SYSTEMS EVALUATION Principles and techniques for evaluating harvesting machines and systems design, application, productivity, and financial performance. Pre: 3216, 3424, 3714, 3734. (3H,3C) II. 4964: FIELD STUDY Variable credit course. 4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course. College of Natural Resources Programs of Study Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences | Forestry | Geography | Wood Science and Forest Products |