College of Liberal Arts and Human SciencesHuman Development
OverviewThe Department of Human Development offers undergraduate study of the family and its relationships and of human development across the lifespan. The department's mission is to understand and improve the lives of people of all ages in relationships, families, organizations, and communities. The Human Services option leading to the B.S. prepares students for a variety of professional careers. The program participates in the University Honors Program. The department also offers a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program (PBCP) in administration of community-based services for older adults. For more information, contact the Center for Gerontology, 237 Wallace Hall, 540/231-7657. The department also offers graduate programs leading to the M.S. in human development (applied masters) and child development at the Blacksburg campus, and adult learning and human resource development, and marriage and family therapy at the Northern Virginia campus, and to the Ph.D. in adult development and aging, adult learning and human resource development, child development, family studies, and marriage and family therapy. (See Graduate Catalog)
Human ServicesCareer Advisors: M. E. Verdu; F. Piercy The field study, which integrates theory, research and practice, is a pivotal experience in students' career development. It increases students' communication and practice skills and helps narrow career interests. Field study placement sites have included Adult Day Services; New River Valley Hospice Program; Headstart; Blacksburg and Christiansburg Middle Schools; Blacksburg and Christiansburg High Schools; New River Valley Community Services Board; Voluntary Action Center; Big Brothers, Big Sisters; YMCA Student Programs; Montgomery County Office on Youth; Department of Social Services (Montgomery, Giles, Radford, and Roanoke); New River Community Sentencing; Women's Resource Center; Virginia Special Olympics; Blacksburg Planned Parenthood; Intercountry Adoption Program; and Carillon Hospital Child Life Program. Careers open to human services graduates include: educational programs, employment and job training services, health and wellness programs, housing services, income programs, mental health services, nutrition and meals programs, protective services, recreation programs, respite services, social services, substance abuse programs, volunteer programs, and child care services. Graduate and professional options that human services graduates may consider include business, community health and public health, law, education, family studies, gerontology, marriage and family therapy, medicine and nursing, psychology and sociology, public administration, rehabilitation, and social work.
Satisfactory ProgressA student will be considered to have made satisfactory progress toward the degree when he/she has successfully completed the Curriculum for Liberal Education (a.k.a. University Core Curriculum) requirements for English, mathematics, and biology, and HD 1004, by the time the student has attempted 72 semester credits. Course Descriptions (HD)Courses (HD)1004: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT I: CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Basic concepts related to normal human development. Emphasis on developmental theories and principles of growth, development, and behavior of children from conception through adolescence. Designed as a general survey course for majors and non-majors. (3H,3C) I,II. 1115-1116: INTRODUCTION TO THE EDUCATION PROFESSION I Orientation to early childhood and elementary education profession. 1115: Issues in development of professional identity and functioning in a university community of learners; historical overview. 1116: Current issues in education. This course is restricted to students in the Early Childhood Education option. (1H,1C) 2004: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT II: ADULTHOOD AND AGING Introduction to adult development and aging (gerontology). Basic concepts, principles, and issues of development across the adult years. Pre: 1004. (3H,3C) 2115-2116: INTRODUCTION TO THE EDUCATION PROFESSION II Continuation of HD 1115-1116. Integration of personal and professional identify status, home-school relations, alternative education models. This course is restricted to students in the Early Childhood Education option. Pre: 1115, 1116 for 2115; 2115 for 2116. (1H,1C) 2304: FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS Overview of basic concepts, principles, theories, and issues of development and change in family relationships. Topics include families in historical and contextual perspective, structural and relational diversity in families, and processes of relational development, maintenance, and dissolution in families. (3H,3C) 2314: HUMAN SEXUALITY Explores the diversity of human sexuality using global perspectives. Biological, historical, developmental, psychological, and sociological approaches frame this interdisciplinary examination of the social constructions of sexuality, the processes of gender stratification, and the development of sexual practices, rituals, mythologies, and belief systems across time and around the world. (3H,3C) 2335-2336: PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN SERVICES Basic concepts, techniques, and structure of the human services profession. Survey of client/family assessment and problem management. Pre: 1004 for 2335; 2335 for 2336. (3H,3C) 2964: FIELD STUDY Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course. 2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. X-grade allowed. 3014: RESEARCH METHODS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Critical thinking and problem-solving involved in applying methods of scientific inquiry to the field of human development. Topics include methods of data collection, basic methods for displaying and analyzing data, and writing reports. Pre: 2004, 2304, STAT 3604. (2H,1L,3C) 3114: ISSUES IN AGING Seminar which investigates selected contemporary issues in adulthood and old age, such as family and friend relationships; work and retirement; political, legal, and economic issues; and women's concerns. (3H,3C) I,II. 3144 (EDCI 3144): EDUCATION OF EXCEPTIONAL LEARNERS Emphasizes legal, ethical, and economic bases, assessment and eligibility requirements, characteristics and educational implications, and practices pertaining to various exceptionalities. (3H,3C) 3204: PRINCIPLES OF WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND PARENTS Principles and techniques of guiding children's behavior will be studied from a developmental perspective. Parent education methods will be explored. Pre: 1004. (2H,3L,3C) I,II. 3214: INFANCY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD Theories, principles, normal patterns of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from conception to the early school years. Micro and macro environmental influences on development are considered as they interact with genetic/biological determinants of development. Pre: 1004. (3H,3C) 3224: MIDDLE CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE Theories, principles, normal patterns of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development from middle childhood to adolescence. Micro and macro environmental influences on development are considered as they interact with genetic/ biological determinants of development. Pre: 1004. (3H,3C) 3234: CHILD/YOUTH COMMUNITY SERVICES Health and human service programs serving children, youth, and families. Overview of child/youth, care issues, methods of determining service eligibility, and procedures for maintaining quality assurance. Pre: 1004, 2304. (3H,3C) 3304: ADVANCED HELPING SKILLS Helping skills used in human services settings. Case management, evaluating crisis situations, and approaches to individual and family assessment. Pre: 2336. (3H,3C) 3334: INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY INTERVENTIONS Focus on intervention approaches used in human services settings. Provides students with an introduction to theories of individual, couple, family, and group intervention. Students will apply course material to case scenarios. Topics include theories of intervention, developmentally appropriate interventions, and methods for addressing diversity. Students will be introduced to intervention strategies used in a variety of human services settings. Pre: 3304. (3H,3C) 3344: SOCIO-HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE FAMILY Description and analysis of the process of change in American family patterns. (3H,3C) I,II. 3464 (AHRM 3464) (EDHL 3464) (GEOG 3464) (HUM 3464) (SOC 3464) (UAP 3464): APPALACHIAN COMMUNITIES The concept of community in Appalachia using a multidisciplinary approach and experiential learning. Interrelationships among geographically, culturally, and socially constituted communities, public policy, and human development. (2H,3L,3C) 4114: COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES FOR OLDER ADULTS Introduces students to the health and human services programs that comprise the community-based long term care system. Topics include an overview of the continuum of community programs and services for older adults, methods to determine service eligibility, and procedures for maintaining quality assurance. Prerequisite or graduate standing is required. Pre: 3004. (3H,3C) 4214: CURRICULUM AND PROGRAM PLANNING IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT Supervised experience in planning and implementing a learning environment conducive to meeting the developmental needs and interests of young children. Emphasis on exploration of means and materials suitable for creative expression. X-grade allowed. Pre: 1004, 3204. (3H,6L,5C) I,II. 4224: ADMINISTRATION OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Addresses issues, functions, and responsibilities involved in developing and implementing child care programs. Included are types of programs, staffing, scheduling, environmental design, equipment, evaluation, and financing. Pre: 3204, 4214. (3H,3C) II. 4235-4236: CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT Basic concepts, principles and issues of curiculum and assessment are explored in the real context of teaching and learning with young children. Supervised experience in observation, reflection, assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating activities and experiences consistent with developmental abilities and interests of children is provided. Pre: 1004. Co: 4964 for 4235. (3H,3C) 4304: HUMAN SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Issues, functions, and responsibilities involved in developing, implementing, and evaluating family and human services programs. Pre: 3234, 4114. (3H,3C) 4324: INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY RISK AND RESILIENCE Investigation of challenges, stresses, and crises experienced by individuals and families; protective factors and resilience; coping strategies; prevention and intervention. Pre: 3304, 3014. (3H,3C) 4334: PERSPECTIVES ON ADDICTION AND FAMILY SYSTEMS Intra-personal and inter-personal dimensions of compulsive- addictive patterns manifested in the context of the family system. Reciprocal interaction between families and other systems. Junior standing required. Pre: 3324 or 4324. (3H,3C) I,II. 4354: FAMILY, LAW, AND PUBLIC POLICY Theoretical and substantive issues that relate to the development and implementation of family policies. Implications of political culture and family legislation for the well-being of children and their families. Pre: 2335, 3324. (3H,3C) I,II. 4364: GENDER AND FAMILY DIVERSITY Examination of the changing character of individual and family diversity, as related to the intersections among gender, race, class, sexuality, age, and ability. Pre: 3324. (3H,3C) I,II. 4374: PARENT EDUCATION AND PRACTICE Students review concepts, principles, program trends, and research related to parent education using a life course approach. Students examine parenting diversity including parents of different social addresses and parents with chronically ill, mentally and physically challenged, or gifted children. Guided observation, implementation, and development of parent education programs. Senior standing required. Pre: 3004, 3324, 4324, 4344. (3H,3C) 4714: SENIOR CAPSTONE SEMINAR Intensive learning experiences in critical thinking and analysis. Opportunities to demonstrate breadth of learning while developing leadership skills and honing professional competencies. Topics include leadership and team development, problem solving, grant writing, program evaluation, and electronic portfolios. Senior standing in Human Services required. (3H,3C) 4964: FIELD STUDY Variable credit course. 4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course. Liberal Arts and Human Sciences Programs of Study Air Force ROTC | Apparel, Housing & Resource Management | Army ROTC | Communication | English Foreign Languages and Literatures | History | Human Development | Interdisciplinary Studies | International Studies Music | Navy ROTC | Philosophy | Political Science | School of Education Science and Technology in Society | Sociology | Theatre Arts |