College of Architecture & Urban StudiesSchool of Architecture + Design: Landscape Architecture
OverviewLandscape Architecture encompasses the design, analysis, planning, management, and stewardship of sustainable environments. Landscape architects design and engage the landscape across a wide range of project scales including garden, community, urban, metropolitan, and regional, as well as at the scale of watersheds and natural systems. The profession is grounded in the natural and social sciences, draws its inspiration from nature and the arts, and is implemented through site engineering, construction, and land management technologies. The professional curriculum is designed to encourage exploration, creativity and collaboration. Students are educated to be independent thinkers in a program where theoretical and applied approaches to landscape architectural design are emphasized. Students often work with communities addressing real issues on actual sites. The studio sequence culminates in a year-long capstone project developed with a faculty advisor. Students entering the field should have an inquiring mind, a creative bent, and be willing to learn by doing. The core of the academic program is a rigorous set of design studios that allow students to explore a broad range of landscape architectural issues and project types. Studios are accompanied by a series of lecture, laboratory, discussion, and reading courses that provide systematic and comprehensive coverage of technical information related to landscape architecture, as well as the emerging body of knowledge related to design theory, landscape ecology, and human/environment interaction. Off-campus options include a Europe summer travel studio, study at the Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, approved semester abroad opportunities and professional internships. The program in landscape architecture (B.L.A.) is a five year first professional degree program that is fully accredited by the Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Graduates can look forward to a wide range of employment and professional opportunities including work in private practice, mutlidisciplinary firms and public agencies and municipalities, as well as non-government organizations and non-profits.
Satisfactory ProgressAll students must achieve a minimum 2.00 GPA by the end of the semester in which the 50th credit hour has been attempted. All students must achieve a C- or higher grade in all required landscape architecture design labs and technology courses. Graduation RequirementsUpon successful completion of program requirements and with completion of 157 credit hours of study, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree is awarded. Undergraduate Courses (LAR)1015-1016: DESIGN FOUNDATION LABORATORYLaboratory and seminars in which students and faculty explore the nature of problems with which landscape architecture and the built environment are concerned. Students experimentally develop design methods for structuring concepts and forms that respond to identified issues. Restricted to landscape architecture majors or by consent of instructor. (1H,12L,6C) 1144: INTRODUCTION TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Overview of the profession of landscape architecture. Emphasis on the relation of people to the natural and built environment with particular attention to scale, forms, and space. (1H,1C) I,II. 1254: ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL SYSTEMS Introduction to the environment and natural systems with emphasis on their relationship to planning and design. Topics include natural elements, structures, patterns, natural systems, ecology, landscape ecology, and sustainability. Application of relevant theories and methods related to the environment and natural systems in planning and design. (3H,3C) 1264: UNDERSTAND REPRESENT LANDSCAPE This course explores and compares the potentials and limitations of various approaches to, and techniques for seeing, understanding and representing salient characteristics of landscapes. Directed to landscape architecture majors and interested individuals in related disciplines. (3H,3C) 2015-2016: LAR DESIGN STUDIO PLACE & PROCES Basic theory, principles, and methods of landscape design and site planning. 2015: Design theory involving two and three dimensional compositions. Mass/space relationships, principles of spatial design and techniques used to create landscape space. 2016: Design theory relating to landscape design and site planning. Design of small scale spaces in which the analysis of site, context and the requirements of human use are brought together in a creative synthesis. I (1H,11L,6C) 2164: LANDFORM FUNCTION & AESTHETICS Design principles and technology related to the creation of landforms for functional, aesthetic and environmentally sustainable purposes related to landscape design and construction process. Pre-requisite: LAR 1264 or consent of instructor Pre: 1264. (2H,4L,4C) 2254: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LANDSCAPES Introduction to experiential and cultural content of designed landscapes. Physiological, functional, and psychological factors that affect experience of the landscape. Study of cultural values, attitudes, and philosophies that have shaped historic and contemporary landscapes. (3H,3C) 2554 (FOR 2554): NATURE AND AMERICAN VALUES Introduces students to the evolving relationship between nature and American society; emphasizing the ethics and values which underlie forest, park, and wildlife management. Students are introduced to contemporary land use issues and learn to articulate, defend, and critique the ethical positions surrounding these issues (i.e., wilderness, sustainability, biodiversity, hunting, old growth, suburban sprawl, environmental activism). (3H,3C) I,II. 2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 3015-3016: INTERMEDIATE LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Development of intermediate site planning and design knowledge skills. 3015 focuses on site/project scale planning and design with emphasis on Greenfield development sites and models of conversation oriented design/development. Pre: 2016 for 3015; 3015 for 3016. (1H,11L,6C) 3044: LAND ANALYSIS AND SITE PLANNING Introduction to the concepts and methods of ecological resource survey and analysis at regional and site scales. Approaches to environmental problem solving with an emphasis on data collection, evaluation, and synthesis using applicable technologies such as geographic information systems. Interpretation of landscape resource data for the purpose of physical planning and design. Pre: 1004. (2H,2L,3C) II. 3154: WATERSHED SENS DESIGN & CONSTR Examines soil and water resource issues related to landscape architectural site planning and design. Key topics include watershed sensitive site design, estimation and management of storm water runoff, rainwater conservation, design of open channel conveyances for site planning applications, and erosion and sedimentation control. Pre-requisite: LAR 2164 or consent of instructor Pre: 2164. (2H,4L,4C) 3164: MATERIALS STRUCTURES DETAILS Landscape construction theories and practices involving the selection of materials, design and placement of structures in the landscape and details critical to the creation of space and form. Addresses health, safety and welfare; sustainable materials and construction processes; and environmental performance. Pre-requisite: LAR 3154 or consent of instructor Pre: 3154. (3H,3L,4C) 3264: PEOPLE, COMMUNITY AND PLACE An advanced course focusing on landscape/behavior interactions and implications for the design of outdoor environments. Study of factors that affect social interaction in community and public spaces; perceptions and needs particular to various sub-populations; ecological, social, and cultural approaches to theories of place and place attachment. Pre-requisite: LAR 2254 or instructors permission Pre: 2254. (3H,3C) 3524 (HORT 3524): HISTORY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE A study of the design-form and structure of landscape architectural works from the Bronze Age to the present, including the influence of physical, climatological, and social context, and of the individual designers. Junior standing required. I (3H,3C) 3954: STUDY ABROAD Variable credit course. X-grade allowed. 3984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 4004: HISTORY AND THEORY OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE II This course studies theoretical and practical developments in landscape architecture and related arts through investigation and analysis of design theory and philosophy, and built form. Pre: 2004 or permission of instructor. I Pre: 2004. (3H,3C) 4014: LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Links landscape architectural design and construction documents through integrating site design from schematic design through design development to construction documentation drawings and technical specifications. Landscape design and technology covered in preceding design and technology courses is combined with construction principles and practices in preparation of site design and set of construction documents. Pre-requisites may be waived with permission of instructor. Pre: 3016, 3164. (1H,11L,6C) 4034: EVOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN LANDSCAPE An examination of physical change in the rural and urban landscape of America as reflected by changes in needs during the country's history. Some of the factors influencing the character, form, and use of American space that will be studied are economic growth, changing philosophies on conservation and exploitation of natural resources and the resulting legislation, technological advancement, and social reform. (3H,3C) II. 4084: LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND PLANNING STUDIO This course is an advanced studio that enables students to address landscape architectural design and planning issues in various contexts and at a range of scales. Pre: 3016 or permission of instructor. Landscape Architecture majors must take minimum of 6 credits. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credit hours. Pre: 3016. (1H,11L,6C) I,II. 4094: SENIOR PROJECT A capstone of a five-year design studio sequence, the senior project is a comprehensive landscape architecture design project selected and completed by the student under the direction of a faculty advisor. Senior projects are reviewed and evaluated by the program faculty. Repeatable with a maximum of 12 credits. Variable credit course. X-grade allowed. I,II. 4124 (ARCH 4044): PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Introduction to scope and diversity of the building enterprise, addressing private and public macroeconomic, industrial, technical, professional, and regulatory institutions. Analysis of historic evaluation of professional roles and practices; emergence of new modes of practice, including innovative facilities procurement methods. (3H,3C) 4234: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF URBAN DESIGN This course examines historic and contemporary trends in urban design theory and practice; methods of analyzing urban form; social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of urban design. (3H,3C) II. 4254: LANDSCAPE ARCH THEORIES Critical examination of theories relevant to landscape architectural design and the inter-relationship between theory and practice. Evolution of theory with respect to built works. Overview of concurrent design theories and philosophies in the related arts. Pre-requisite: Senior standing or instructor's permission. (3H,3C) 4304: TOPICS IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Topics in landscape architecture history, theory and design methods is an advanced course focusing upon issues facing the professional practice of landscape architecture today. Special emphasis on methods of analysis and interpretation including application of creative techniques, analogous thinking, computer-aided procedures and information handling in landscape architecture design and practice. Pre: 3015 and 3016 or permission of instructor. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of 12 credits. Pre: (3015, 3016). (3H,3C) 4324: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE TECHNOLOGY III-CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS This course provides the link between landscape architectural design and construction documentation. Landscape technology covered in preceding technology courses is combined with information on construction principles and practices in the preparation of landscape architectural construction drawings and technical specifications. Pre: 4244. (2H,4L,4C) II. 4444: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT An examination of the issues, policies and methods related to environmental impact assessment (EIA) as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. Topics studied include NEPA requirements, historic evolution of legislation and regulations, and methods used to assess ecological, visual, social, and economic impacts. (3H,3C) 4705-4706: LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND PLANNING Theories, methods, techniques, and tools relating to the planning and design of sites, communities, and regional landscapes. 4705: Emphasis on the development of design ability through the study of: two- and three-dimensional design, principles and elements of spatial composition, and theories and techniques for planning and design of small sites. 4706: Emphasis on the evaluation of land resources and the allocation of land uses within large complex sites and regional landscapes. Theories and techniques of site planning and community design are explored. (1H,8L,5C) I,II. 4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course. College of Architecture and Urban Studies Programs of Study Art and Art History | Architecture | Building Construction | Industrial Design | Interior Design Landscape Architecture | School of Public and International Affairs |