College of SciencePhysics
OverviewThe physics curriculum is designed to provide a broad foundation in the physical sciences, as well as specialized training in classical and modern physics, and it may lead to either a B.S. or a B.A. An honors student may also qualify for a five-year program leading to both the B.S. and M.S. Experimental opportunities are available in such fields as fundamental particle physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, laser optics, astronomy, and multimedia teaching demonstrations. Superior students are encouraged to participate with faculty members in undergraduate research projects. Computers are available for use by all physics majors. Liberal emphases in the physics curriculum permit students to give special attention to those aspects of the discipline they prefer and enable them either to pursue a traditional course of study as preparation for joining the technical staffs of industries or government laboratories, or for graduate studies in physics (B.S.); or to pursue an interdisciplinary course of study with a strong background in physics (B.A.). A handbook that includes sample curricula for emphases in astrophysics, chemistry, computer science, education, electrical engineering, finance; geophysics, materials science, and mathematics is available from the department on request. The requirements for the B.S. are, in addition to the college curriculum and the Curriculum for Liberal Education: Phys 2305, 2306, 3304 (or 3455 and 3504), 3314, 3355, 3356, 3405, 3406, 3704, (or 4504 or 4554), 4315, 4316, 4455, 4456; Math 1114, 1205, 1206, 1224, 2214, 2224, 2984 (Linear Algebra-2 cr.), 4564 (or 4425), and Chem 1035, 1036, 1045, 1046. Outstanding students may also elect to complete the requirements for a B.S. "in honors." A description of this honors program in physics is included in the handbook indicated above. The requirements for the B.A. are, in addition to the college curriculum and the Curriculum for Liberal Education: Phys 2305, 2306, 3304, 3314, 3355, 3356 (or 3405), 3655 (or 3656), 3704, 4315; Math 1114, 1205, 1206, 1224, 2214, 2224; 14 specific credits of Astronomy, Biology or Chemistry or Geosciences; and Hist 3705, 3706. The department also offers the M.S. and Ph.D. in physics (see the Graduate Catalog). Transfer students should contact the department early, preferably one full semester prior to entrance. This procedure will allow a thorough evaluation of transfer credits and correct placement. A student may obtain a minor in physics by registering with the department and successfully completing 2305, 2306, (or 2175, 2176, and two physics laboratory credits), 3304, 3355 (or 3405), 3704, plus three more physics credits at or above the 3000 level. A minor in astronomy is also available and may be obtained by registering with the department and successfully completing 1055, 1056, 1155, 1156, 3154, 3655, 3656, and one more course from an approved list (see J. H. Simonetti). The department participates in the Cooperative Education Program in which a student may alternate through two successive years a semester of study with a semester of professional employment in his/her discipline; these two years normally replace the student's sophomore year. Additional information on the program is included in the "Academics" chapter in this catalog and in the handbook indicated above. Satisfactory ProgressUniversity policy requires that students who are making satisfactory progress toward a degree meet minimum criteria toward the Curriculum for Liberal Education (see Academics chapter in this catalog), toward the College of Science Core (see first part of this chapter), and toward the degree in physics. Satisfactory progress toward the degree in physics requires that:
B.S. in Physics
B.A in Physics
Upon having attempted 96 semester credits, students must have an in-major grade point average of 2.0 or above and for the B.S. in Physics must have completed:
Undergraduate Courses (PHYS)1054: A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSEOverview of the universe, evolutionary development of the universe beginning with the Big Bang through structure formation and galaxy formation, star formation and stellar life cycles, planet formation, the planetary system, and life in the universe. Prior credit for Phys 1056 or Phys 2054 precludes credit for 1054. (3H,3C) I,II. 1055,1056: INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY Apparent sky motions, telescopes, properties of the planets, structure and organization of the solar system, stars, star formation, stellar evolution, organization of the Milky Way Galaxy, galaxies, quasars, structure and evolution of the universe, and cosmological models. Prior credit for Phys 2044 precludes credit for 1055. Prior credit for Phys 1054 or Phys 2054 precludes credit for 1056. (3H,3C) I,II. 1155,1156: ASTRONOMY LABORATORY Simulation of apparent sky motions; observations of planets, stars, and nebulae with quantitative analysis; long term observations of sky changes; analysis of images; laboratory experiments of astrophysical relevance. Co: 1055 for 1155; 1056 for 1156. (3L,1C) I,II. 2074: HIGHLIGHTS OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS Conceptual overview of fundamental modern thinking in physics. Presents the key ideas and philosophical/ethical aspects of the most important developments in modern physics, such as quantum mechanics, relativity, particle physics, cosmology, etc., and discusses their impact on our understanding of the universe and our position in it. I (3H,3C) 2205-2206: GENERAL PHYSICS For students in curricula other than physical sciences, mathematics, or engineering, who have not studied calculus. 2205: Mechanics, optics, acoustics. 2206: Electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity, and topics in modern physics. Pre: MATH 1016 or MATH 1016H or MATH 2015 or MATH 1205H or MATH 1525 or MATH 1535 for 2205; 2305 or 2205 for 2206. (3H,3C) I,II. 2215-2216: GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY Lab experiments dealing with basic laws and techniques of physics; designed to illustrate covered in General Physics, 2205-2206. Should be taken concurrently and in phase with lecture sequence, 2205-2206. I Co: 2205 for 2215; 2206 for 2216. (3L,1C) 2305-2306: FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS I First two semesters of the three-semester introductory sequence for students in physical sciences and mathematics. Includes classical mechanics, gravity, and waves (2305); heat, electricity, magnetism and optics (2306); laboratory work. 3304 is the concluding semester of the sequence. Pre: MATH 1205 or MATH 1205H or MATH 1206 or MATH 1206H for 2305; (MATH 1206 or MATH 1206H), PHYS 2305 for 2306. Co: MATH 1206, 2325 for 2305. (3H,3L,4C) I,II. 2325-2326: SEMINAR FOR PHYSICS MAJORS Introduction to the field of physics and to the Physics Department. Overview of modern physics topics such as special relativity, quantum mechanics, condensed matter, nuclear, and particle physics. Presentation of research activities in the department. Also provides more in-depth discussion of and math preparation for topics in 2305-2306. For physics majors. Co: 2305 for 2325; 2306 for 2326. (1H,1C) 2504: MATH METHODS IN PHYSICS Applications of mathematical methods to physics. Topics include spatial coordinate systems, linear algebra techniques in coupled motions, series approximations of solutions to physical systems, extremum problems in physics, differential equations in mechanics, integration in two and three spatial dimensions, probability theory in thermal physics. Pre: 2305. Co: MATH 2214, MATH 2224, 2306. (3H,3C) 2964: FIELD STUDY Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course. 2974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 2974H: INDEPENDENT STUDY Honors section. Variable credit course. 2984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 2994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course. 3154: OBSERVATIONAL ASTROPHYSICS Telescopic observations of the moon, planets, stars, interstellar medium, and galaxies; astrophotography; digital imaging. Telescopes; virtual observing techniques and instruments; photographic and digital imaging systems. Astronomical data reduction and interpretation; digital image processing. Prior credit for Phys 2154 precludes credit for 3154. Pre: 1156. (1H,3L,2C) II. 3314: INTERMEDIATE LABORATORY Characteristics of common instrumentation and basic circuits, methods of producing good practices in data gathering, recording, and analysis. (2H,3L,3C) II. 3324: MODERN PHYSICS Photons and their interactions with matter, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's equation of motion, hydrogenic and multi-electron atoms, Pauli exclusion principle, molecules, solids, nuclei, elementary particles. Includes lab work. MATH 4544 can be substituted for co-requisite MATH 2214. Pre: 2306, 2504, CHEM 1035. Co: MATH 2214. (3H,3L,4C) 3355-3356: INTERMEDIATE MECHANICS Formal aspects of classical mechanics and dynamics. Topics include Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian theory applied to non-relativistic systems in one, two, and three dimensions, relativistic dynamics, linear algebra applied to coupled many-body motion, small oscillations, and rigid body motion. Pre: MATH 1224, MATH 2214, PHYS 2305, PHYS 2306 for 3355; 3355 for 3356. (3H,3C) 3405-3406: INTERMEDIATE ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Electrostatics, multipoles, Laplace's equation, and dielectric media. Magnetostatics, magnetic media, and electromagnetic induction. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic energy, waves, and radiation. Must meet pre-requisites and have a grade of C or better in each of 2305-2306 sequence. Pre: MATH 2214, PHYS 2305, PHYS 2306 for 3405; MATH 2214, PHYS 2305, PHYS 2306, PHYS 3405 for 3406. (3H,3C) I,II. 3655,3656: INTRO ASTROPHYSICS Application of elementary physical laws to determine dimensions, masses, luminosities, structures, and evolution of astronomical objects and the universe as a whole. Emphasis is on quantitative derivation. Pre: 2306. (3H,3C) I,II. 3704: THERMAL PHYSICS Introduction to the concepts, formalism, and applications of classical and quantum statistical mechanics, including thermodynamics. Pre: 2306. Co: MATH 2214, 3455. (3H,3C) II. 4315-4316: MODERN EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS Representative apparatus, techniques, and phenomena of contemporary research. Includes electrical measurements, computers, thermometry, vacuum deposition, machine shop, nuclear spectra, experimentation related to major developments of modern physics. Pre: 3314 for 4315; 3314, 4315 for 4316. (6L,2C) I,II. 4455-4456: INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM MECHANICS Experimental bases; postulates; conservation theorems and symmetry; one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems; angular momentum and problems in three dimensions; matrix mechanics and spin; applications to atomic and molecular physics; perturbation theory; scattering. Pre: 3356, 3406 for 4455; 3356, 3406, 4455 for 4456. (3H,3C) I,II. 4504: INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS Structure and properties of atomic nuclei and elementary particles, theoretical interpretations based on elementary quantum mechanics. Symmetries; various nuclear models; interactions at small distances; classification of elementary articles. Consent required. Co: 4456. (3H,3C) II. 4554: INTRODUCTION TO SOLID STATE PHYSICS Basic concepts of solid state physics including crystal structure, lattice vibrations, electron states, energy bands, semiconductors, metals. Consent required. Co: 4456. (3H,3C) II. 4574: NANOTECHNOLOGY Introduction to methods of controlling matter on the nanometer length scale and the applications thereof. Nanolithography, self-assembly, and scanned probe microscopy; nanomaterials including fullereness, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots; nanoscale and molecular electronics; nanoelectromechanical systems; nanoscale optoelectronics; and nanobiotechnology. Pre: 2205, 2206 or 2305, 2306. (3H,3C) 4614: OPTICS Fundamentals of the ray, wave and quantum models of light, and topics in modern optics with contemporary applications. I Pre: 2306, MATH 2214, MATH 2224. (3H,3C) 4624: OPTICS LABORATORY Laboratory experiments dealing with ray and wave optical phenomena designed to illustrate and complement the principles covered in OPTICS Phys 4614. Physics majors are required to take 4624 concurrently with the lecture course 4614. I Co: 4614. (3L,1C) 4674: INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL RELATIVITY Introduction to methods and applications of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Space and time and gravity in Newtonian physics; special theory of relativity, gravity as geometry of curved space-time; black holes; cosmology; Einstein's gravitational field equations; gravitational waves and relativistic stars. Pre: 2305, 2306, MATH 2214 or MATH 2514. (3H,3C) 4714: INTRODUCTION TO BIOPHYSICS Selected topics from the general area of biomechanics, bioelectricity, radiation biophysics, molecular biophysics, and thermodynamics and transport in biological systems. Emphasis on the physical aspects of biological phenomena and biophysical measurement techniques and instrumentation. I Pre: 2206 or 2306. (3H,3C) 4964: FIELD STUDY Pass/Fail only. Variable credit course. 4974: INDEPENDENT STUDY Variable credit course. 4974H: INDEPENDENT STUDY Honors section. Variable credit course. 4984: SPECIAL STUDY Variable credit course. 4994: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Variable credit course. 4994H: UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Honors section. Variable credit course. College of Science Biochemistry | Biology | Chemistry | Economics | Geosciences | Mathematics | Physics | Psychology | Statistics |