Engineering Education
Head: J.M. Case
Assistant Head for Undergraduate Programs: H.M. Matusovich
Assistant Head for Graduate Programs: D.B. Knight
Professors: J.M. Case, V.K. Lohani, L.D. McNair, M.C. Paretti, and B.A. Watford
Associate Professors: J.B. Connor, R.M. Goff, D.B. Knight, T.W. Knott, H.M. Matusovich, and K.J. Reid
Assistant Professors: D. Bairaktaroba, J.R. Grohs, W.C. Lee, H. Murzi, and N.P. Pitterson
Assistant Professor of Practice: M.B. James
Associate Professor of Practice: W. M. Butler and N.C.T Van Tyne
Senior Instructor: J.L. Lo and I.L.J. St. Omer
Advanced Instructor: K.J. Hodges and J.L. Lo
Professor Emeritus: O.H. Griffin
Associate Professor Emeritus: T.D.L. Walker and M.H. Gregg
Academic and Career Advisors: J.J. Elmore, M. Greene-Havas, M.B. McGlothlin Lester, D.C. Newcomb, J.N. Newcomer, A. Noble, N.L. Smith, and A.N. Ward

The Department of Engineering Education (ENGE) is home to all first-year and transfer engineering students. The department teaches the interdisciplinary first-year engineering courses, advises General Engineering (GE) students, and offers a graduate certificate and a Ph.D. in engineering education.
At the undergraduate level, the department provides the foundation for students to begin their engineering journey from their first semester until they complete a Bachelor of Science degree in one of the 14 College of Engineering programs. The department helps prepare students as they move into degree-related employment or graduate studies. At the graduate level, the department prepares students to teach engineering and conduct research related to teaching, learning, and assessment in engineering contexts.
Accreditation statements may be found in the listings for individual undergraduate degree programs.
Special Facilities
The department includes several research laboratories that focus on generating cutting-edge research in engineering education and translating that research into practice to enhance undergraduate education. Undergraduate students are welcome to apply for research projects in these labs and centers.
- The Frith First-Year Design Laboratory (Frith Lab) is a space designed to support the retention and development of first-year engineers through hands-on learning, peer mentoring, and authentic problem-solving. Part collaboration and innovation space, part fabrication and prototyping space, and part learning laboratory, the Frith Lab enables first-year engineering students to learn by analyzing, designing, and making engineering products. It features a Tensile/Compression Materials Testing machine, 3-D printers, laser engraver, CNC routers, and drill press, along with various hand tools.
- The VT DEEP Lab (Data Enlightened Educational Practice) strives to find ways to bring educational data into the conversation to guide decision-making processes for students, faculty, administrators, and policy makers. Our team takes a systems perspective of higher education whereby we consider a complex set of interrelated variables in investigating educational outcomes. Current projects include developing educational dashboards to illuminate broad patterns in learning data, investigating transfer students pathways into engineering, exploring shared leadership within student design teams using social network analysis, and exploring curricular, co-curricular, and organizational influences on the development of engineering students' learning outcomes. Team members have conducted research in both the U.S. and Australian higher education contexts.
- ACE(D) Lab - Through real-world engineering applications, the Abilities, Creativity, and Ethics in Design (ACE(D) Lab experiential learning research cross disciplines including engineering, psychology and the learning sciences, as they uncover how individual performance is influenced by abilities, personal interests and direct manipulation of physical and virtual objects.
- (EC)3 Lab - The (EC)3 Lab is a team of students and faculty committed to research, teaching, and outreach within three interconnected areas. The first is Enacting Change - We are motivated by pressing challenges within the education system and broader society and we strive for positive change. The second is Embracing Complexities - We love wicked problems, coupled systems, socio-ethical complexities, and trying to make sense of all sorts of messy data. Our final interconnected area is Engaging Communities - We believe good things can happen when diverse stakeholders come together around shared goals.
- The LabVIEW Enabled Watershed Assessment System (LEWAS) integrates hardware and software components to develop learning modules and opportunities for water sustainability education and research. LEWAS avails real-time water data using wireless technology from the Webb branch of Stroubles creek, an on-campus stream, for use in engineering courses.
- The Virginia Tech Engineering Communication Center integrates the professional and the technical to create a new kind of engineer. VTECC brings faculty, students, and professionals together to explore, design, practice, and teach communication and collaboration in support of engineering work. Our lab provides a creative think space for engineering students and faculty to break through disciplinary molds and collaborate across boundaries to drive innovation.
- The GUIDE Research Group is a unique and collaborative effort between engineering education researchers and student-support practitioners, directly bridging the research-to-practice cycle. Members of GUIDE (1) conduct practice-informed research, focused on identifying areas of opportunity within engineering education to advance inclusion and diversity; and (2) develop and evaluate research-based solutions for making engineering a more inclusive and diverse environment. Our vision of a more inclusive engineering community–locally, nationally, and globally–inspires our quest to answer the following questions: • How might we better support a diverse population of students? • How might we make engineering more inclusive? • How might we broaden participation in engineering? • How might we educate engineering students and faculty about diversity?
- The Studies of Motivation and Identity in Learning Engineering (SMILE) group engages in research on and outreach to all levels of learners from pre-kindergarten through academic and industry workforces. We aim to inform, support, and create learning environments that encourage and enable broad participation in engineering majors and careers. We use motivation-and identity-related theories to examine ways to break down barriers, create opportunities, and engage all stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, co-workers) in thoughtful teaching and learning processes.
- The VTMEC - Motorcycle Eco Challenge Team is a multidisciplinary, vertically integrated team from various disciplines. The team works on designing and building a streamlined motorcycle to compete in the Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Challenges. The overarching purpose of this challenge is to 'Live Better on Less'. The idea is to build a transportation vehicle which has the least cost per mile to operate while being able to carry four large bags of groceries, be comfortable to operate, and be the first choice of vehicles in the garage.
- subgroup that Engineering Education is collaborating with works on the impact of serious games has on the teaching of wireless communication and the development and assessment of tutorials aimed to assist in the teaching and learning of spectrum sharing cognitive radios as well as hosing a Spectrum Sharing Competition each year. The work is facilitated by the CORNET radio network that is installed in Kelly Hall.
First Year Students and General Engineering
The General Engineering (GE) program of the EngE department serves first-year students in the College of Engineering. Through EngE courses, first-year students participate in problem solving, engineering analysis and design exercises that represent the essence of the engineering profession. The courses emphasize team-based, design-oriented, hands-on experiences to develop students' concepts of engineering and engineering methods, while reinforcing the role of concurrent required courses (e.g. mathematics, English, physics). They also serve as a foundation for subsequent courses in the various engineering curricula. Coverage of engineering ethics instills a sense of the responsibilities of engineers to society. Algorithm development and computer programming develop logical thinking, provide the background for computer use in later courses, and support problem-solving skills. Spatial visualization skills are developed through engineering graphics, a primary engineering tool. Through writing and presentations, students begin to hone their professional communication skills, including audience analysis, visual rhetoric, effective writing styles, issues in collaborative writing, techniques of oral presentation, print and Web-based research, graphics for written and oral presentations, and editing.
All College of Engineering students must own 1) a convertible tablet PC or laptop running Windows 10 meeting current specifications, and 2) stipulated software used to analyze and solve problems in and out of class. Computer requirements for engineering students can be located at
Process for Declaring a Degree-Granting Engineering Major
Entering students are admitted to General Engineering, the first-year program for all engineering curricula. The program introduces students to foundational concepts and practices in engineering, allows time to adjust to the College, and provides opportunities to investigate the College's individual degree programs and select the branch of engineering or computer science best suited to their skills and interests. At the end of the year - after academic advising, contacts with the various departments, and satisfactory progress - students select a degree program and, if academically eligible, are transferred to the appropriate degree-granting department.
Entry into a degree-granting engineering department requires that students successfully complete all required first-year courses. Students must also earn a minimum grade of C- in ENGE 1215 and 1216 required before transferring into a degree-granting engineering department.
Please see the College of Engineering catalog section titled "Required Academic Progress" for details, and visit for application policies and dates.
Typical First Semester | |
CHEM 1035: General Chemistry | (3) |
CHEM 1045: General Chemistry Lab | (1) |
ENGE 1215: Foundations of Engineering (C-) | (2) |
ENGL 1105: First-Year Writing | (3) |
MATH 1225: Calculus of a Single Variable | (4) |
Typical Second Semester | |
ENGE 1216: Foundations of Engineering (C-) | (2) |
ENGL 1106: First-Year Writing | (3) |
MATH 1226: Calculus of a Single Variable | (4) |
PHYS 2305: Foundations of Physics I | (4) |
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (ENGE)
Introduction to opportunities and resources available to College of Engineering students during their undergraduate career at VT. Practice in information gathering skills critical for engineering students. Practice in oral, written, and visual communication. Preperation of an academic plan. Credit earned for this course may not be used to satisfy degree requirements. Co: 1215. (1H,1C)
Builds on the principles and practice of engineering design introduced in 1024 and introduces various discipline-specific engineering tools. Basic computer organization and Boolean algebra. Signal and information coding and representation. Introduction to networking. For students who have successfully completed 1114 and are now planning to major in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering. Grade of C- or better required of all students attempting entry into College of Engineering programs. Attempts to achieve grade of C- or better limited to two attempts, including attempts utilizing the W grade option. Partially duplicates 1104. Prerequisite requires a grade of C- or better. Pre: 1114. (1H,1C)
Builds on the principles and practice of engineering design introduced in 1024 and introduces various discipline-specific engineering tools. Topics covered include computer assisted design and analysis and the graphics language. For students who have successfully completed 1104 and are currently planning to major in Aerospace Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining and Minerals Engineering, and Ocean Engineering. Grade of C- or better required of all students attempting entry into College of Engineering programs. Attempts to achieve grade of C- or better limited to two attempts, including attempts utilizing the W grade option. Partially duplicates 1114. Prerequisite requires grade of C- or better. Pre: 1104. (1H,1C)
A first-year sequence to introduce general engineering students to the profession. 1215 (2 credit) data collection and analysis, engineering problem-solving, mathematical modeling, contemporary software tools, professional practices and expectations (e.g. effective communication, working in teams, ethics), and the diversity of fields and majors within engineering. 1216 (2 credits): data collection and analysis, engineering problem-solving, mathematical modeling, design, contemporary software tools, professional practices and expectations (e.g. communication, teamwork, ethics). All engineering majors require a grade of C- or better in 1215 and 1216 for transfer into the major. Each course can only be attempted twice, including attempts utilizing the W grade option. Design Lab/Studio (3L,2C)
Introduction to spatial visualization. Training to improve three-dimensional visualization skills. Does not count towards College of Engineering graduation credit. (1H,1C)
Introduction to engineering profession for transfer General Engineering students including engineering problem solving and design, contemporary software tools, and professional practices and expectations (e.g., communication, teamwork, ethics). All engineering majors require a grade of C- or better in 1414 for chance of major into the degree granting major. Duplicates 1215-16. Design Lab/Studio. (6L,4C)
Develop global competencies in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) contexts and understand how problems and viable solutions vary across contexts and how intercultural communication and global leadership are important in an interconnected global workforce. Integrates semester-long on-campus module with international module following semester exams ("Rising Sophomore Abroad Program"). International module engages students in local culture during visits with STEM businesses and universities. Participation in both modules required. Enrollment by application. (3H,3C)
Apply problem solving framing strategies as part of problem solving design processes. Consider cultural, economic, social, and other perspectives in customer discovery and design processes in order to ensure problem/solution fit. Ideate possible solutions or approaches to address open- ended problems using a variety of methods. Engage in iterative critiques of strategies, solutions and prototypes using methods drawn from industrial design, engineering and the arts. Collaborate in interdisciplinary and diverse project teams. Communicate deliverables in multiple formats and for different audiences. Identify and address impacts of designed services and products through global perspectives, such as patterns of inclusion and exclusion and effects on localized ecosystems. (3H,3C)
Algorithmic problem solving techniques for engineering problems for various fields; flowcharting, pseudocode, object-oriented program development, editing, compiling, and debugging using the C++ programming language. For Engineering students only. Must have a C- or better in ENGE 1104 and/or ENGE 1114. Pre: (1104 or 1114), (MATH 1114 or MATH 2114), (MATH 1206 or MATH 1226). (1H,2L,2C)
Introduction to computer-aided drafting concepts, primarily in two dimensions. Creation of two-dimensional system views utilizing lines, polygons, polylines, construction lines; creating drawing views principally applied to facilities design and layout. Must have C- or better in ENGE 1114. Pre: 1114 or 1104 or 1434. (1H,1C)
Introduces engineering computation and control using the LabVIEW graphical programming language and the text/ matrix-based (and MATLAB compatible) MathScript programming language. Topics include algorithm development, flowcharts, pseudocode, programming control structures, structured programming, object oriented programming (OOP), data-flow programming, data acquisition, analysis and device control. Partially duplicates ENGE 2314. (1H,2L,2C)
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Work in interdisciplinary teams in an experiential environment replicating modern innovation environments. Engage in real world innovation commercialization opportunities. Individual experiences and projects involving actual inventions, innovations, technologies, intellectual property (e.g. patents) and market opportunities. Integrate design thinking, scientists, entrepreneurs, advisors and other potential collaborators. Create a representation of a plan for a minimum viable product for an innovative product or service based on customer and market feedback. (3H,3C)
Work in interdisciplinary teams to scope and plan an open-ended design project focused on technology commercialization that addresses a need or problem. Model systems and products computationally and quantitatively to address issues of technical and market feasibility and to predict performance under uncertain conditions. Engage in iterative design process that combines computational and quantitative processes with user-centered design and market analysis. Produce viable design that includes technical specifications, market evaluation, and customer discovery results. Communicate with wide range of audiences. Analyze ethical and intercultural and global impacts of innovation. Pre: 3 credits of foundational quantitative and computational thinking. Pre: STS 2254, ENGE 2094, (MGT 4094 or ENGE 4094 or IDS 4094). (3H,3C)
Variable credit course. X-grade allowed.
Variable credit course. X-grade allowed.
Variable credit course. X-grade allowed.
Variable credit course. X-grade allowed.
Variable credit course. X-grade allowed.