College of Veterinary Medicine
Dean: Gregory Daniel
Associate Dean for Professional Programs: Jennifer L. Hodgson
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies: S. Ansar Ahmed
Assistant Dean for Administration: April G. Hylton
Associate Dean and Chairman: Siba K. Samal
Professors: R. J. Avery, M. Borgarelli, V. A. Buechner-Maxwell, G. B. Daniel, M. F. Ehrich, S. Eubank, D. R. Hodgson, J. L. Hodgson, L. Hungerford, K. D. Inzana, T. J. Inzana, O. I. Lanz, M.L. Larson, M. S. Leib, D. S. Lindsay, X. J. Meng, W. E. Monroe, D. L. Panciera, K. D. Pelzer, J. P. Pickett, F. W. Pierson, K. Redican, J. H. Rossmeisl, G. G. Schurig, S. A. Smith, D. P. Sponenberg, N. Sriranganathan, W. S. Swecker Jr., N. A. White II, X. Zhu, J. R. Wilcke, and A. M. Zajac
Associate Professors: J.A. Abbott, J. Barrett, D. Blodgett, C. Byron, S. G. Clark, L.A. Dahlgren, L. Eng, L. E. Freeman, R. S. Gilley, J. M. Gohlke, D.C. Grant, P. N. Henao Guerrero, I. P. Herring, K. Hosig, W. R. Huckle, B. G. Klein, K. Lahmers, S. M. Lahmers, Y. W. Lee, T. LeRoith, H. C. McKenzie III, D. M. Moore, N. Nanthakumar, T.E. Pancotto, R. S. Pleasant, U. Pal, J. Patton, G. K. Saunders, W. K. Scarratt, B. J. Smith, N. Tablante, S. G. Witonsky, L. Yuan, Y. Zhang, and K. Zimmerman
Associate Professors of Practice: S. W. Marmagas and V. Ragan
Assistant Professors of Practice: T. Burns
Assistant Professors: K. Abbas, I. Allen, S. L. Barry, L.E. Bartl, G. Belov, A. S. Bertke, K. Boes, T. Bolton, R. Carpenter, C. Caswell, J. Cecere, T. Cecere, K. S. Clapp, V. K. Corrigan, N. G. Dervisis, M. Freeman, J.Q. He, S. L. Klahn, X. Luo, S. M. Lahmers, S. McDonald, N. Muro, M. T. Nappier, D. Nelson, J. H. Neves Soares, J. Pelzer, C. Rist, K. Oestreich, N. D. Pavlisko, S.M. DeMonaco, J. D. Ruth, M. Shi, K. Stadler, H. Tham, M.H. Theus, S. Werre, and Z. Sheng
Research Associate Professor: W. Eyestone
Research Assistant Professors: R. Dai, J. M. Green, T. Hrubec, S. Kenney, M. R. Prater, C. Reilly, B. Rzigalinski, K. Shin-Hee, K. Sunil, and X. Yang
Research Scientist: N. Evans and W. Li
Clinical Associate Professors: J. F. Currin and M. Erskine
Clinical Assistant Professors: S. Barrett, S. Bogers, M. Norris Adams, J. A. Brown, J. Cecere, K. Estell, R. A. Funk, S.R. Guynn, S. Hafez, M. Kelleher, D. R. Reeder, M. Shepherd, H. Schramm, and K. E. Wilson
Clinical Instructors: A.U. Arendse; M. Brookhart, R. E. Carpenter, E. MacDonald, F. Rodriguez, and J.D. Wilson
Biomedical Engineering Instructor: T. Gillian
Lecturer: S. Wenzel
Adjunct Faculty: J. Bassaganya-Riera, I. Becvarova, M. J. Bowen, M. Byrnes, M. V. Crisman, J. P. Dubey, M. R. Finkler, M. A. Gomez Jaramillo, R. Gourdie, J. C. Gutierrez Toro, Q. Han, Y. Huang, J. C. Jones, T. M. Kerkering, V. Kok, L. Li, Y. Li, N. M. Lindstrom, R. MacPhail, C. J. McNeill, D.L. McRurer, M. O'Dell, O. A. Peralta Troncoso, S. L. Porter, S. Rao, B. Robert, S. Santamaria, S. Schwartz, J. Sleeman, S. J. Stahl, M. L. Tilghman, L. Tobias, and R. Vemulapalli

Founded by the Virginia General Assembly in 1978, the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine is a regional school for the professional training of veterinarians which has been built upon the strong foundations of two of the nation's leading land-grant universities: Virginia Tech in Blacksburg and the University of Maryland at College Park. The College operates three campuses, including the main campus facilities at Virginia Tech, the Avrum Gudelsky Veterinary Center at College Park, and the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Leesburg.
Graduate Programs
The graduate program leads to the M.S. and Ph.D. in biomedical and veterinary sciences. The goal of this program is to enhance the research capabilities of the graduates so that they can conduct independent research and associated societal endeavors aimed at solving biomedical problems related to veterinary medicine. These individuals will be expected to make scientific contributions in academia, research, and animal health administration.
For additional information, contact the Graduate School via e-mail at
Professional Program
Students desiring admission to the four-year instructional program leading to the D.V.M. degree must show evidence of intellectual ability and achievement, as well as personal preparation for the curriculum and the profession. Because the number of applicants greatly exceeds the number of spaces in entering classes, only those who demonstrate such qualifications to a high degree will be selected. Most entering students will have completed three or more years at an accredited university by the time of matriculation; however, applications will be accepted from students who have completed at least 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of university credit by the end of the spring term of the year for which application is being made, and who have a grade point average of at least 2.8 on a four-point scale. Exceptional students with the minimum university course work are encouraged to apply.
A number of college courses, with laboratory classes, are required for entry into the DVM program including biological sciences, organic chemistry, and physics. An 8-semester-hour or 12-quarter-hour sequence is required for each of these subjects. A one-semester course (3 semester hours) in biochemistry will meet the minimum requirement for entry.
Further courses required include 6 semester hours or 9 quarter hours of college-level courses in English, mathematics, and humanities/social sciences. In addition, many courses contributing to a well-rounded liberal education are of direct value and, although proficiency in the sciences is essential to the understanding of veterinary medicine, concentration on the sciences at the undergraduate level is not essential. Those students who elect to major in disciplines other than the biological sciences, chemistry, or physics may find less difficulty in coping with the basic sciences in veterinary medical school if they have, in addition to the above mentioned required courses, some work in either advanced biology or advanced chemistry. Suggested electives include: medical terminology, biostatistics; cell biology, comparative anatomy, genetics, microbiology, nutrition, physiology, or domestic animal production courses. Since veterinary medicine also is concerned with a variety of social, environmental, and community activities, a broad cultural background is important. Basic computer skills are highly desirable.
Admissions inquiries should be directed to:
Jacque Pelzer, D.V.M.
Director of Admissions and Student Services
Ms. Shelby Jenkins
Admissions Coordinator
Admissions Office
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540) 231-4699
Public Health Program
Virginia Tech's Public Health Program in the Department of Population Health Sciences is administered by the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine in partnership with the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health.
The Master of Public Health professional degree program integrates and expands public health offerings at Virginia Tech and enhances the university's track record of addressing vital public health issues through learning, discovery, and engagement.
The program is grounded in an interdisciplinary "One Health" approach. One Health recognizes the dynamic interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health and encompasses the interdisciplinary efforts of medical, veterinary, environmental health, and public health professionals to protect, promote, and improve health. Students gain the requisite knowledge and skills to examine the human, animal, and environmental factors that contribute to the control and prevention of disease and the promotion, enhancement, and maintenance of health.
For additional information, please contact the Public Health Program at or by phone at (540) 231-3945.
Professional Program Courses
Professional program courses leading to the D.V.M. degree carry the veterinary medicine (VM) prefix. For updated information on the DVM Curriculum, please see our website at:
- 8164: Normal Animal
- 8174: Dealing with Threats
- 8184: Becoming a Professional I
- 8234: Fundamentals Of Nutrition
- 8254 (BMVS 5814): Functional Morphology Birds, Reptiles
- 8264: Small Animal Nutrition
- 8274: Topics In Veterinary Pharmacology
- 8284: Veterinary Musculoskeletal System
- 8304: Veterinary Pathology I
- 8314 (BMVS 5244): Fundamentals Of Veterinary Pharmacology
- 8324 (BMVS 5744): Veterinary Parasitology
- 8334 (BMVS 5754): Veterinary Bacteriology & Mycology
- 8344: Veterinary Opthalmology
- 8354: Veterinary Clinical Techniques
- 8374: Fundamentals of Theriogenology
- 8384: Food Animal Nutrition
- 8394 (BMVS 5844): Equine Nutrition
- 8404: Veterinary Pathology II
- 8414 (BMVS 5734): Clinical Pathology
- 8424 (BMVS 5254): Veterinary Toxicology
- 8434: Veterinary Public Health
- 8444: Veterinary Anesthesiology
- 8454: Veterinary Clinical Nutrition
- 8474: Reproductive Pathology
- 8485-8486-8487: Bovine Reproductive Management
- 8494: Aquatic Medicine/Fish Health
- 8514 (BMVS 6514): Equine Theriogenology
- 8524: Equine Clinical Problem Solving
- 8534 (BMVS 5564): Introduction To Clinical Research
- 8544: Veterinary Radiology
- 8554: General Veterinary Medicine
- 8574: Food Animal Theriogenology
- 8585, 8586, 8587: Small Animal Medicine
- 8594: Wildlife Medicine
- 8614: Veterinary Gastroenterology
- 8615, 8616: Food Animal Medicine And Surgery
- 8624: Veterinary Surgical Principles and Practicals
- 8644: Urology
- 8654: Veterinary Neurology
- 8674: Vet Hemolymphatic System
- 8684 (BMVS 6554): Advanced Epidemiology
- 8694: Advanced Small Animal Techniques
- 8695, 8696: Equine Medicine And Surgery
- 8754 (BMVS 5864): Veterinary Cardiorespiratory System
- 8764: Veterinary Dermatology and Endocrinology
- 8784: Clinical Pharmacology
- 8804: Complementary Medicine
- 8874: Ferret Medicine & Surgery
- 8984: SS-Professional Foundations
- 8984: SS-Professional Foundations II
- 8984: SS-Veterinary Genetics
- 8984: SS-Vets in Global Community
- 8984: SS-Beef Cow-Calf Institute
- 8984: SS-Professional Foundations III
- 8984: SS-Professional Foundations IV
- 8984: SS-Emerging & Exotic Dis of An
- 8984: SS-Veterinarians & Public Policy
- 8984: SS-International Clinical VM
- 8984: SS-Professional Foundations V
- 8984: SS-Public Corp Problem Solving
- 8984: SS-SA Behavorial Medicine
- 8984: SS-Parasitology of Grazing Animals
- 8984: SS-Equine Field Services Clerkship
- 8984: SS-Dairy Herd Mgmt Clerkship
- 8984: SS-Beef Herd Mgmt Clerkship
- 8984: SS-CVM Externship Clerkship
- 8984: SS-Federal/State Government
- 8984: SS-Research/Diagnostics
- 8984: SS-Institutional Applied Clinical Med
- 8984: SS-Corporate/Associate/Admin
- 8984: SS-International Public Corporate
- 8984: SS-Oncology Clerkship
- 8984: SS-Theriogenology Clerkship
- 8984: SS-SA Emergency Medicine
- 8984: SS-Equine Podiatry
- 9004: Avian Medicine And Surgery
- 9034: Advanced Small Animal Surgery
- 9044: Food Animal Clinical Problem Solving
- 9064: Advanced Histopathology
- 9074: Goat And Sheep Medicine
- 9085-9086 (BMVS 5005-5006): Emerging Infectious Diseases
- 9094 (BMVS 6564): Advanced Veterinary Public Health
- 9124: Advanced Equine Theriogenology
- 9134: Advanced Small Animal Surgery Lab
- 9144: Problem Solving In Small Animal Medicine
- 9174: Equine Neonatology & Pediatrics
- 9224: Clinical Applications In Exotic Animal Medicine
- 9254: Small Animal Theriogenology
- 9264: Small Animal Community Practice Clerkship
- 9404: Specialty Medicine Clerkship
- 9424: Avian Medicine Elective Clerkship
- 9434: Small Animal Medicine Clerkship
- 9454: Veterinary Ophthalmology Elective Clerkship
- 9504: Large Animal Clinical Services Clerkship
- 9534: Production Management Medicine Clerkship
- 9544: Equine Medical Center Clerkship
- 9574: Production Mgt Medicine Elective Clerkship
- 9594: Theriogenology Elective Clerkship
- 9604: Sm. Ruminant/Pseudoruminant Elec. Clerkship
- 9614: Small Animal Surgery Clerkship
- 9624: Anesthesiology Clerkship
- 9634: Radiology Clerkship
- 9644: Small Animal Private Practice Clerkship
- 9714: Govt & Corp. Veterinary Medicine Clerkship
- 9724: Laboratory Services Clerkship
- 9744: Morphologic Pathology Elective Clerkship
- 9804: Food Animal Private Practice Clerkship
- 9814: Equine Private Practice Clerkship
- 9824: Mixed Species Private Practice Clerkship
- BMVS 4014: Animal Domestication
- BMVS 4024: Diseases of Poultry
- TBA: Cardiology Clerkship
- TBA: Dermatology Clerkship
- TBA: Neurology Clerkship
Undergraduate Courses (BMSP)
Structure and function of the human body for students preparing for professions in the health fields. 2135: body plan and organization, homeostasis, cell structure and function, histology, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and special senses. 2136: endocrine system, circulatory & cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and immunity, respiratory system, digestive system, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, and development. BMSP 2135-2136 duplicates BIOL 2405-2406; may not receive credit for both. Pre: (BIOL 1005 or BIOL 1006) or (BIOL 1105 or BIOL 1106) or (BIOL 1205H or BIOL 1206H) for 2135; 2135 for 2136. (3H,3C)
Laboratory exercises investigating the structure and function of the human body for students preparing for professions in the health fields. 2145: body plan and organization, homeostasis, cell structure and function, histology, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system and special senses. 2146: endocrine system, circulatory & cardiovascular system, lymphatic system and immunity, respiratory system, digestive system, metabolism, excretion, reproduction, and development. BMSP 2145-2146 duplicates BIOL 2414; may not receive credit for both. Co: 2135 for 2145; 2136 for 2146. (3L,1C)
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Undergraduate Courses (BMVS)
Variable credit course.
Considers the process, history, sociology and geography of animal domestication. Includes behavioral, physiologic and morphological changes incurred by domesticated stocks. Examines genetic variability of domestic species, considers breed groups and uniquely adapted breeds. Considers reasons for erosion of genetic variability and mechanisms to counteract such erosion. International in scope. Pre: senior status or enrollment in veterinary professional curriculum. (1H,1C)
Biology control and prevention of poultry diseases. Taught alternate years. (2H,2C)
Health effects associated with the exposure to chemicals, identifying and managing problems of chemical exposure in the work places and the environment, fundamental principles of biopharmaceutics and toxicokinetics, and risk assessment. Emphasis on conceptual understanding of chemical entry into the body, biotransformation, or degradation multiple chemical sensitivity, and chemically induced diseases. Identification of nutrient interactions with environmentally induced disorders and to understand the mechanisms of such interactions and their influence on human health and welfare. Pre: BIOL 2104 or BIOL 3124, ALS 2304 or BIOL 2406 or BCHM 3114. (3H,3C)
This course involves a study of the principles of laboratory animal science, providing the student with a basic understanding of the laws and regulations governing the care and use of animals, husbandry and surgery of a variety of lab animal species, and variables which can adversely affect animal research. Through formal lectures, discussions, and laboratory sessions, the course is designed to complement graduate studies in biological, biomedical, and life sciences which involve the use of animals in research. (2H,3L,3C)
An introductory course to the principles of medical physiology, designed primarily for -- but not limited to -- undergraduate and graduate students majoring in biomedical engineering, and other related engineering and physical sciences majors with little or no formal background in biological sciences. The focus is on basic principles and concepts of physiology with a special emphasis on the interactions of human systems biology in their entirety rather than individual genes and pathways. Not intended for students expecting to major in biology or planning to enter health professional fields. Pre: Junior standing or permission of the instructor. (3H,3C)
A basic course in the science of pharmacology, intended to provide an understanding of the mechanisms of action and physiological systemic effects of major classes of drugs of biological, agricultural, social, and medical importance. Must have prerequisites or equivalent. Pre: CHEM 2514 or CHEM 2535 or ALS 2304 or BIOL 2406. (3H,3C)
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Honors section Variable credit course.
Undergraduate Courses (PHS)
Fundamental health content and theory to provide students with constructive health information necessary to meet current and future personal health needs. Special emphasis on wellness and health promotion. (3H,3C)
Examination of how public health core disciplines of epidemiology, health policy and administration, health behavior, and environmental health work together in addressing public health problems. Special emphasis on the history of public health, the public health infrastructure and role of health informatics in public health. (3H,3C)
Overview of environmental health, examining local, national, and international frameworks. Environmental factors that affect human health, including major classes of chemical, biological, and physical exposures from different environmental media (air, water, food, and soil). Special emphasis on toxicology and epidemiology methodologies used at the individual (mechanistic) level and at the population level to determine environmental causes of disease. Find the most appropriate prevention or control measure to minimize adverse health outcomes. (3H,3C)
Current topics in public health research, policy and practice, including biostatistics, epidemiology, health policy, environmental health, social and behavioral medicine, infectious diseases, and public health education. Pass/Fail only. Pass/Fail only. (1H,1C)
Interpretation of multidimensional (social, psychological and physiological) scientific data regarding drugs. The major drug categories will be covered with special emphasis on substance misuse and abuse. (3H,3C)
Fundamental of public health program development, implementation and evaluation. Basic processes, approaches and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations. Pre: Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
Evolution and analysis of public health policy in the United States. Public health and care systems. Administrative concepts central to public health such as human resources, strategic planning, controlling, directing, leadership and health law. Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
One Health refers to the dynamic interdependence of human, animal and environmental health and provides an important perspective in examining health problems. Theoretical foundations of One Health, methods for assessing animal- human linkages, policies and practices related to One Health and capacity building and public engagement. Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
Mathematical modeling of infectious diseases; simple epidemic models, risk structure and modeling risk structure, multi-pathogen models, multi-host models, temporal seasonal models, spatial models, stochastic dynamics and modeling for public health policy. Pre: Junior Standing. (3H,3C)
Public health theories and concepts in a work setting; comprehensive, structured experience requires student to demonstrate professional competencies while working closely with a supervisor in a public health practice setting. Pass/Fail Only. Pre: Senior Standing. Pass/Fail only. (3H,3C)
Variable credit course.