School of Public and International Affairs
J. Randolph, Director
Executive Committee: L.S. Dudley; T.W. Luke; J. Randolph; M.O. Stephenson, Jr.
- The School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) provides students interested in public issues with opportunities to gain perspectives and skills from several related disciplines. SPIA is a school within the College of Architecture and Urban Studies and is made up of the Center for Public Administration and Policy, the Government and International Affairs Program, and the Urban Affairs and Planning Program. Undergraduate degrees are offered by Urban Affairs and Planning B.S. in Environmental Policy and Planning and B.A. in Public and Urban Affairs (see Urban Affairs and Planning in this catalog). In addition, SPIA-affiliated departments in other colleges (Geography in Natural Resources; Political Science, International Studies, and Science and Technology in Society in Liberal Arts and Human Sciences; Agricultural and Applied Economics in Agriculture and Life Sciences) offer selected SPIA undergraduate concentrations in urbanization: planning and policy, global development, environmental affairs, public and nonprofit management, and public policy.
- SPIA also sponsors the Washington Semester program, a ten-week, twelve-credit-hour summer program, that allows undergraduate students to combine Washington-area internships with course work for academic credit. For more information about undergraduate degree programs, students should contact Urban Affairs and Planning; for information on the various concentrations, students should contact the main office of any of the affiliated departments. Information on graduate programs may be obtained from the Center for Public Administration and Policy, Government and International Affairs, and Urban Affairs and Planning.
Undergraduate Course (SPIA)
Introduction to world and American ethnic and indigenous cultures and to social constructions of human and group identity, nationalism and extreme ethno-nationalism. Music, dance, film, art, ceremonial rituals and other multimedia forms of creative or symbolic expression supplement readings and lectures. Multidisciplinary exploration of collective conceptions of cultural differences. (3H,3C).
Use of computer technology to enhance research skills, analysis, and communication in the social sciences and planning. Use of the Internet in research. Incorporation of Geographic Information Systems in projects. Experience in word processing, spreadsheets, databases, web-site development, and presentation software to communicate effectively. (3H,3C) II.