College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
- Overview
- General Requirements for Graduation
- General Education - Curriculum for Liberal Education (CLE)
- Honors College
- Dean's List
- Scholarships
- Undergraduate Research
- Internships, Field Study, Co-op Opportunities, and Study Abroad
- Career Advising
- Pre-Professional Advising
- Graduate Programs
- Undergraduate Course Descriptions (LAHS)
Course Descriptions & Programs of Study
- Air Force ROTC
- Apparel, Housing, & Resource Management
- Army ROTC
- Center for 21st Century Studies
- Communication
- English
- Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
- History
- Human Development
- International Studies
- Music
- Naval ROTC
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Religion and Culture
- School of Education
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Sociology
- Theatre and Cinema
Interim Dean: Rosemary Blieszner
Associate Dean for Academic Policies and Procedures: Debra Stoudt
Associate Dean for Administration and Finance: Brian Shabanowitz
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research: Thomas Ewing
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs: Robert Stephens
Director of Academic Support: Karen Watson
Director of the Undergraduate Research Institute: Daniel Thorp
Assistant Dean, Office for VT Shaped Student: Monica Kimbrell
The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences offers baccalaureate degrees encompassing the humanities, performing arts, and human and social sciences. The College emphasizes the importance of mastering the intellectual skills a liberal arts education develops as well as job skills by encouraging students to apply knowledge from one field to another and to think creatively.
Outstanding faculty members conduct research and teach courses in 11 departments and 2 schools leading to baccalaureate and advanced degrees. Coursework from the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences also provides a foundation of knowledge in a number of fundamental subjects for students in all colleges through the General Education (Curriculum for Liberal Education).
The college offers minors in many of the departments listed. Students are encouraged to include a minor in their program and should consult an advisor for help in choosing one that will advance their career goals.
General Requirements for Graduation
A student in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences must complete at least 120 hours for an undergraduate degree as well as satisfy the following requirements:
- achieve a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 for all hours attempted (some majors may require a higher GPA)
- achieve a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 for all hours attempted in all work applied to the major (some majors may require a higher GPA)
- complete all other requirements established for their degree by the major department
- complete all college and university Curriculum for Liberal Education requirements
- complete the language study requirement either through high school enrollment or prior to receipt of the undergraduate degree. The minimum requirement may be met in high school by completing 2 units of a single foreign or classical language or American Sign Language. Some majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences may require 3 units of a single foreign or classical language or American Sign Language.
No course required for graduation or in the major/minor may be taken on a pass/fail basis (i.e., pass/fail may be used for free electives only). This excludes courses that are offered pass/fail only.
General Education - Curriculum for Liberal Education (CLE)
A description of the General Education - Curriculum for Liberal Education (CLE) may be found in the Academics section of this catalog. For requirements specific to departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, please contact the individual department.
Honors College
The University Honors Program is available to students in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. This program provides an enriched environment for qualified students who are highly motivated and possess outstanding scholastic ability. Specific requirements for honors degrees are available from the University Honors Program, participating departments, and the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs.
Dean's List
A student enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences for 12 hours or more (excluding P/F and repeat courses) who earns a GPA of 3.4 or higher during the fall or spring semester can request from the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office a Dean's List certificate.
A number of scholarships are available for outstanding students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. Descriptions and deadlines are available on the college website. Students who are interested in applying for merit-based financial aid should contact the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate research is a commitment of the college. The Undergraduate Research Institute aims to expose undergraduates to investigation, inquiry, and creative expression in the liberal arts and human and social sciences, enhancing the opportunities for advanced research initiatives, elevating the visibility of that research, and providing access to a variety of resources for student development and faculty mentorship. Departments within the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences provide a variety of research opportunities in which students may choose to participate. Students interested in undergraduate research should contact the department in which they wish to conduct research.
Internships, Field Study, Co-op Opportunities, and Study Abroad
Students are encouraged to participate in internship, field study, and co-op opportunities to gain relevant work experience prior to graduation. Departmental internship coordinators and career advisors can help students identify opportunities. In some cases students can receive credit for qualifying work experience. Study abroad experiences are highly encouraged for students in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and students should meet with their academic advisor or contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs for information.
Career Advising
Career advising is available from a number of sources. The university offers centralized career services and on-campus interviewing. The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences works with employers interested in hiring students with degrees from the college and organizes employer panels and information sessions specifically tailored to majors in the college. Students are encouraged to go to all career fairs that are offered on campus. The college offers a 1-credit course, LAHS 3004, Professional Seminar designed specifically for liberal arts and human sciences majors as they prepare for careers and/or graduate and professional school. Additionally, every major has a departmental career advisor who specializes in guiding students from that major toward career success.
Pre-Professional Advising
The University provides pre-professional career advisors for all disciplines and the college provides career advisors in areas related to the College.
- Pre-law advisors are based in the College but advise students from any discipline. In addition they advise a pre-law student organization that any Virginia Tech student interested in the law can join. In addition, several majors in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences offer pre-law concentrations which students may take if they are interested in pursuing a graduate program in law.
- A health professions advisor is located in Career Services and provides advising on entering professional programs such as medical, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing and dental school to all students
- Pre-Education Advising – The College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences provides Pre-Education Advising through a coordinator, based in the School of Education, who assists Virginia Tech undergraduate students interested in pursuing careers in PK-12 education. Because teacher licensure in Virginia is generally a graduate program, the Coordinator is instrumental in providing resources and information for students to plan their undergraduate courses to best position themselves for successful admission to and completion of a graduate degree in Education (including teacher licensure).
Graduate Programs
Many of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences departments offer graduate degrees at the Master's and Ph.D. levels. Complete information on these programs, including descriptions of graduate courses, can be found in the Graduate Catalog.
Undergraduate Course Descriptions (LAHS)
Introduces first-year Liberal Arts and Human Sciences majors
to the university's research mission and the scope and
nature of research within the disciplines in the college.
Prepares students to participate in the university's
research mission through undergraduate research. Focuses on
building problem-solving, inquiry, and integration skills as
foundational to academic success. Topics include an
introduction to academic support resources, academic
planning, career exploration, and e-portfolio.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Designed specifically for liberal arts and human sciences
majors, this course prepares students for careers and/or
graduate school. Interviewing, resume writing, the graduate
school application process, writing personal statements,
electronic job searching, and diversity issues in the
workplace are examples of topics covered. Pre: Junior or
Senior standing. Major within the College of Liberal Arts
and Human Sciences, Junior standing preferred.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.
Variable credit course.